What Makes a Wargamer Tick?

L.J. Watts

by Donald Featherstone

After working for two years to build up the Hansergh Club, the powers that be have posted me to what is, as far as I can see, a wargamerless wilderness. On top of this, my present work takes up too much of my time to allow me to recruit and run a club on a "one man band" basis as I did last time. This is perhaps a good thing, because it took me at least six weeks to ensure that my last club was in good hands, and even then I feel that "The Carabinier" (our club newsletter) has seen its last issue. I will just have to hope that some keen organiser settles within walking distance of Larkhill.

Mind you, being in England has meant that I can catch up with my reading of publications I could not find in Germany. Unfortunately, reading Harris's "How to go Collecting Model Soldiers" and Selby's "The Thin Red Line" has inspired in me a determination to build a British Crimean Army, to the detriment of my planned Austrian Napoleonics. I feel that the Benjowsky Regiment will sit in solitary spendour for some time, at least until I get Campbell's Highlanders and Scarlett's Heavies out of my system.

Incidentally, if you receive any queries from wargamers in the British Forces in Germany looking for opponents, could you put them in touch with Sgt. Redfoxd, 40 Regt. R.A., Mansergh Bks, B.F.P.O. 47, who is grimly keeping my old Club going.

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© Copyright 1972 by Donald Featherstone.
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