Make Your Own Army

British Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry

by Mike Lockyear

Source of figures: Airfix Cuirassier (Waterloo)

The epaulettes, cuirass straps, jackboot tops and coat tail details are removed with either a razor b1ade or a hot knife. After this surgery we decide whether we want Parade or Service dress--mine are in Service dress so I will detail that.

Dragoons and Dragoon Guards, the helmet is left with the streamer intact; Life and Horse Guards the streamer is cut off and a plasticine crest is substituted the rest of the conversion is the same for all units.

A haversack and water bottle are added to the left side also a carbine, (mine came from a cut down A.C.W. musket) is added to the right hip, barrel pointing down at an angle of about 45 degrees, a sabre is made from either a pin or wire and is stuck down from the left hip and a sabertache is made from paper and stuck about halfway down the sabre straps fore; the sabertache can be made from thin slivers of paper.

A rolled up cloak over the saddle bow is made from plasticine and scored with a a pin to represent straps and a valise is made from the same material. The fancy French shabraques and sheepskin coversare first removed, the British Heavy Cavalry man of this period was very practical, except for his striped girdle.

Source of Information: R.F.Money-Barnes and W.Y.Carmen.

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