by Don Featherstone
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AIRFIX MAGAZINE November 1971. In addition to a vast display of almost magnetic adverts, it contains excellent and well illustrated articles on aircraft and warships plus, of direct interest to wargamers, the following articles - Scorpion Family, Britain's new range of light tracked AFVs; Medieval Guns and Cannons; a conversion from the Airfix Pz IV Kit of the Geschuetzwagen III/IV 'Hummell; conversions in by Roy Dilley; German parachute troops plus book, kit and figure reviews. THE GRENADIER October/November 1971. This Bulletin of the Cheltenham Jarcam,. Camb is now edited by Chris Gregg who, no less than Chris Beaumont its previous _'ditor, has always displayed the same enthusiasm so that this pleasant little newssheet contains its usual colourful and interesting battle reports. THE GUIDON The Miniature Figure Collectors of America - No. 1, 1971. Nicely produced even if it does come ten months late! Contains illustrated articles on . Uniforrms of the French Army in the 18th Century; London Scottish 1914; Russian Regiments in the 18th Century; Casualties during the age of Gunpowder 1850-18?0; plus book, plate, figure reviews etc. MILITARY MODELLIN November 1971. A most attractive coloured cover showing a 300mm French Grenadier, an Armoured Personnel Carrier and a section of the London Wargamers Battle of Barnet diorama. Packed with valuable adverts, this well illustrated i contains articles on Mediaeval Heraldry; The Napoleonic wargame; Self-Propelled Artillery; The Dress of Marlborough's Army; a figure review; Churchill flame thrower tanks; illustrated article and plan of a Russian Cruiser 1917; Modern Swedish AFVs; plus reviews of kits, models, etc. MODEL BOATS November 1971. Has an article and plans for the Japanese Heavy Cruisem Kako and Aoba. PANZERFAUST September 1971. This is the first of these magazines I have seen and I find it impressive with a mixture of miniature and boardgame articles. It contains articles on Strategy in the 18th Century; Newsletter contributor Gary Gygax on liar are in Miniature; plus three or four articles on boardgames. It can be obtained from Donald Greenwood, 124 Warren, Sayre, Pa. 18840, U.S.A. AN SAIGHDIUIRIN The Journal of the Irish Model Soldier Society - Vol. 1. no. 1 This new publication is edited by the well known Shamus C.D.Wade and has many features that reflect his colourful character. It contains some very good articles on why I Collect; The Ulster Volunteer Force; The Frazer Collection - Amsterdam; Soldiers on Stamps; an Irish Force in Franco-Prussian War; an interesting article A Wargames Controversy; Franco-Prussian Wargames etc. If it keeps up this standard then it will be very worthwhile. SCALE MODELS November 1971. Not much for the wargamer but full of very good items on Warplanes of World War I; modelling cars, ships, aircraft, AFVs, etc. SOLDIER October 1971. As always of the greatest interest to the contemporary collector and contains well illustrated articles on kits and uniforms of the modern soldier with the new combat dress; The Royal Review in Long Valley; plus book, record reviews and other items. STRATEGY AND TACTICS No.28. This magazine has incredibly improved recently and each issue is better than the last so that I am almost inclined to think it is a must for all wargamers who wish to be well informed. This one has a very long and most informative article on the Dark Ages - Military Systems Profile 500-1200 plus Soviet and German Weapons and Tactics in the East, 1941-45 together with silhouettes and performance charts of every armoured vehicle plus reviews of games books, etc. Also includes a complete wargame "Lost Battles" combat in Russian in 1942-44. SLINGSHOT Official Journal of the Society of Ancients - September 1971. Another magazine that is essential to all those who wargam e in the Ancient period. It always contains articles by experts (although they may be amateurs) and this one has The Elephants of Arbela; Wargames Adaptations of Roman Army Organisation; Naval Wargames; A Battle Report; The Persian Clibanarius; plus far too many other interesting features to be innumerated here. THE VEDETTE The Journal of the National Capital Military Collectors - August 1971. Well illustrated articles on a Napoleonic Invasion in Ireland; plates and pictures of Napoleonic troops; notes on painting; The youngest V.C.; plus Wargamers Corner, figure, book reviews etc. FIX BAYONETS I have received some copies of the South Australian Historical Wargames Society Newsletter "FIX BAYONETS!" and I am so impressed that I am suggesting that it is an interesting and worthwhile publication for all wargamers to obtain. Costing 25 cents Australian it is published from 7 Keelara Street, South Brighton, 3-A. 5048 Australia. Resembling Wargamer's Newsletter in its diversity of topics written in an understandable and easy manner, the copies of "Fix Bayonets!" that 1 have seen cover a very wide range of wargaming in all periods and naval activities. There are also reviews of figures, books, hints on painting, converting, modelling and just about everything else the wargamer can need. Club magazines have an unfortunate habit of going up like a rocket and coming down like a stick let us hope that this very worthwhile enthusiastic project has a long and healthy life. BROADSHEET The Newcastle Wargamer's Broadsheet is still going strong and I have in front of me number 9 for August 1971 and I notice that the Editorship is changing hands. I hope this does not mean that the magazine will cease publication. Like its Australian counterpart, it is full of easy to read news of wargames, battles, figures, equipment, etc. BATTLEFLEET Official Organ of the Naval Wargames Society - Volume 5, No. 2. An interesting issue containing articles on the Confederate Ironclads; Hexagons for mapmoving; American Civil War Warship Models; Rules for World War I Naval Campaigns; and information about H.M.S. Belfast on show in London. SLINGSHOT November 1971. Full of items of interest to the Ancient wargamer including a report on a recent mini-convention in Southampton; The Axe in Ancient Warfare; Iron in the Ancient World; The Armies of Ancient Egypt (well illustrated); Heraldry for the Beginner; and Egyptian Conversions by Stan Colby. Back to Table of Contents -- Wargamer's Newsletter # 117 To Wargamer's Newsletter List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1971 by Donald Featherstone. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |