Battle Report of the Month

Napoleonic Wargame

by John Schuster

The British took the initiative and the 2nd Foot Artillery volleyed at the Neuchatel gun but killed only one crewman. All the troops started their movement to pressure the French from the village and ford. French retreated back as fast as they could.

The British won the initiative and the 6th Foot Artillery fires at the retreating Neuchatel gun and destroys it with a lucky shot. The Light Infantry (95thy,.and the Cavalry with their speed are going to attempt to cut off the French from their Southern escape route and force them to take the Western road.

The French right after losing the Neuchatel gun are quite worried that they will not be able to hold the Southern route free. The hope is that the Chasseurs of the Guard coming up in column will be able to balance the situation. Meanwhile over at the village area the 13th Foot-Artillery and the 33rd Voltigeurs are retreating fast towards the Western bridge and the 33rd Grenadiers are going down the road towards the Southern bridge. The 33rd Grenadiers are worried however because they are so exposed to such power as the British guns across the river, and they are moving in column as fast as possible. The mission of the Chasseurs-a-Cheval is to try to hit the leading British Regiment in the flank so as to take full advantage of the "shock power". The Chasseurs swing around the house number 4 to prepare to charge full tilt, their sabres are drawn and national enthusiasm is high.

The French won the initiative and allowed the 13th Foot Artillery and 33rd Voltigeurs to proceed to cross the Western bridge. The Chasseurs-a-Cheval swing around house number 4 and hit the Guard Regiment full tilt in the flank, their sabres working overtime and they hack, kill, stomp and spit until the Guards were wiped out.

The melee is a complete success, as it gives the French a moment to collect itself and gain a move on the British who are now stopped cold. The Seaforth Highlanders however are now completely aware that the Chasseurs in front of them have "blown" horses (though high in morale) and fully intend to revenge the Guards.

The 2nd Foot Artillery gun of the British firesinto the Cuirassiers and a great many of them which forces them to retreat West to re-group. This leaves the French right no alternative but to retreat down towards the Western road as the Chasseurs of the Guard are still too far to help. The Surrey and Norfolk regiments have swung round to the right and are now on the West side of the village. The Seaforths attack the now stationary Chasseurs-a-Cheval and inflict terrific loss on them and force them to turn tail and retreat down the West road following up the 33rd Voltigeurs.

The British won the initiative and the 6th Foot Artillery fire on the fast columning 33rd Grenadiers and kill 5 Grenadiers. The British Hussars go into a a:t flank attack against the Irish Fusiliers and their shock, plus follow through sabering kill the Irish while trying to keep the entire command clear enough to contine the turning movement. It is now hoped that the British can pin the Legere Light Infantry and the Chasseurs of the Guard to the river and thus have them boxed in so the guns plus all the regiments volley against them. The Irish took a terrific toll of the British Hussars before going down. They are a weak regiment indeed and now have blown horses.

The Legere of the French pull back meeting the Chasseurs of the Guard on the Western side of the Southern escape road. The 33rd Grenadiers are almost with them.

The 13th Foot Artillery has now crossed the bridge as has 33rd Voltigeurs. The Chasseurs-a-Cheval are with the gun and are now re-grouping.

The French won the initiative and all moved to get underway to attempt to unite into a powerful force to wipe out the now British left. As the French are all now on the Southern side of the river. Things look pretty good thus far.

The 2nd Foot artillery fire on the 33rd Grenadiers to attempt to force them to break the powerful line of Guards and Legere. The gun sighting was faulty however and the shot went clean over the heads of the French. Needless to say, the 6th Foot Artillery crewmen really "razzed" the 2nd for poor shooting! Norfolk Regiment split off from the column and is going to force the West bridge if possible or at least worry that part of the French army. The Seaforths and the Surrey Regiments are columning down the South road. The village is in British hands now, that's for sure!

The British won the initiative and the 6th Foot Artillery fire on the French Cuirassiers and wiped them completely out after they had retreated along with the rest of the French Line. The British left (Cavalry and 95th Rifles) are still attempting to force the French Line in if possible to "box" them against the river. The Surrey Regiment columned off the road and swung into line to attempt to fire on the Guards across the river. The Seaforth Highlanders swing along the road to the qaick step march "Barren Rocks" - they are truly in their element after a fine scrap against the Chasseurs-a-Cheval and are now getting closer to more fighting. The Seaforths will cross the river and join the British left. Norfolk is columning towards the-Western bridge and are in high hopes to catch the French off guard from that end and help the "boxing movement."

The French 13th Foot artillery spots the unrushing Norfolk and turn thei r around, fires into the Norfolk regiment and kills a few soldiers, but does not op Norfolk. The 33rd Voltigeurs have no other choice but to swing back from the original plan of joining the rest of the Army to cover the bridge approach. The loss of the Cuirassiers only mean that the now weak Chasseurs-a-Cheval must take over protection of the French right flank.

The French won the initiative and retired the gun down the Western road. The entire French Line now starts a complete column movement towards the Western Road which is now their only escape route. The Chasseurs-a-Cheval and the Legere are off table and have escaped. The 33rd Grenadiers and the Chasseurs of the Guard are getting closer to freedom and safety at each step. The 33rd Voltigeurs volley the Norfolk Regiment (who cannot answer the volley because they are in column) and kill a few men.

The British won the initiative and the 2nd Foot artillery fired into the Chasseurs of the Guard killing many Guardsmen. The Norfolk Regiment in column hit the 33rd Voltigeurs who were in line and the shock power plus fighting ability of the Norfolk men create havoc among the Voltigeurs and after much hand-to-hand fighting force the 33rd into a fast retreat down the West road. The guns of the British do not dare fire on the two remaining French regiments because the Highlanders are in the line of fire so they feel that they have done their job, now it is up to the remaining regiments to win the day.

The Heavy Dragoons let loose their powerful horses and hit the 33rd Grenadiers full tilt and wipe them out to a man. The 95th volley against the Chasseurs of the Guards and come out quite badly cut up. The French Chasseurs of the Guards cut their way through all the powerful British surrounding them and like true Guardsmen of Napoleon, win their freedom by being brave soldiers. They leave however many brave comrades behind, not only of their own regiment but of the various regiments that were quartered with them at the village. They feel that the British have the worse for it however, because they have cleaned out all the drinking wines that was in the tavern in a fine drinking bout this last week. The tavern (house number 4) is truly in shambles. Too bad matey -- we had a ball! Now you can stay if you want.

Propose to fight out this next game later. Will use skirmishers for the first time (41st Voltigeurs) mounted four to a stand. They collectively will fire as regiment (15 men or 4 trays) until there is only two trays left, then they will have no firepower but simply their speed movement, melee and absorption power for volleys against them. This plan if you notice will differ from the British attack, and I feel is almost a cinch to win and the cutting off of the escape route is assureed. The only hope for the British is to stop it at the river if possible or to keep the French on the Eastern side.

1 Vendre Guards1. Somerset Regiment
2: Vendre Light Infantry2. Perthshire Regiment
3. 41st Grenadiers3. 2nd Foot Guards
4. 41st Fusiliers4. 60th Light Infantry
5. 41st Voltigeurs (skirmishers)5. Black Watch Highlanders
6. Hussars6. The Black Horse Light Dragoons
7. Cuirassiers7. Life Guards
8. Neuchatel gun8. 16th Foot Artillery
9. Vendre 3rd Artillery9. 12th Foot Artillery

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