Make Your Own Army

Airfix Conversions: Zouaves

by Mike Lockyer

Source of figure: U.S. Marines.

Maybe the trousers are not really baggy enough but I have made a regiment of them and they look pretty good.

Trim all belt details away; trim coat to waist level, trim helmet to same diameter as head. Trim open neck level, with tunic. Add pack, blankets, haversack, canteens, "chechia" on cap all from plasticine hardened with clear nail varnish. Lengthen barrel of carbine by cutting original barrel off and substituting a pin.

If painted correctly the resultant figure comes up very well.

Marching Zouave

Again almost any period.

Source of figure - Foreign Legion.

Trim cap and neck curtain away, cut rifle away. Bend left arm down and by touching top of arm with A hot knife it will stay in new position.

Stick rifle cut from lying French and stick on to right shoulder, blankets and canteen from plasticine also haversack from plasticine.

Painted up this figure makes a very good marching Zouave. Cap (chechia) from plasticine covered in clear nail varnish.

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