Looking Around

New Magazines 1971

by Don Featherstone

Volume 2: No. 8. Rumoured defunct but now revived in a well laid out style. Contains illustrated articles Flags of the American Civil 4ar; Ancient Naval Battle Report; Scratch Building Italian Armoured Vehicles; American Revolution; Surprise System in wargaming; French infantry in the Mid-18th Century; Cavalry in World War II; plus reviews and other features.

June 1971. In addition to reviews on new kits, books, etc., contains some good illustrated articles for wargamers such as Mediaeval siege rtillery; Conversions in 54mm scale; Constructing Military Transport of 1914-18; American HalfTracks; Miodelling the Prussian 1815 Army etc.

Journal of the Naval viargames Society U.K. Nos. 9 and 10. Both of them are more or less given over completely to the Society's World .;ar II campaign with Volume 10 giving rules suitable for any World War II Naval jargame together with illustrated article on the Confederate States Ironclads of the American Civil Jar.

of The British Model Soldier Society - April 1971. Contains many reviews of books, figures, plates, etc., plus articles on modelling the German machine gun team; Waterloo figures with other items concerning the Black Prince; Collecting in America; Model Soldiers in Japan; Making Colours; Model Soldier Museum near Vienna and two pages of illustrations of British Cavalry swords.

Bulletin of the New England Wargamers Association - Vol. III: No. 3. Contains articles on the Roster System Tactical Game; 20th Century Wargaming; Solo Wargaming; an Ancient battle report; construction of field fortifications; American troops in the War with Mexico 1846-43; The Ashanti Wars 1874-1901; plus reviews of new figures, books, etc.

The Magazine of The Scottish Military Collectors Society - No-5.5. As always full of details of the latest figures, books, plates, records, etc., for the military collector. Also contains articles The 91st Highlanders and Mounted Infantry in the Zulu War; A Table of Rifles of 1885 and 1905; two full-page military plates with colouring instructions plus details of French Light Infantry.

The Castle and Crusade Society's Official Newsletter. New to me, this is a lively American style magazine dealing with Ancient and Mediaeval warfare. It contains articles on The Varangian Guard; The Byzantine Navy; The Mongols in Europe; The Battle of Manzikert; plus some rather esoteric Mediaeval ranks alloted to Members.

The Bulletin of the Cheltenham Wargames Club - April/Nay 1971. Six foolscap pages packed with battle reports of games fought by this stimulating group. This issue covers 18th Century Austrian Succession; Napoleonic and World War II.

Published by the American International Federation of Wargaming - March 1971. Contains a very good article on Ancient Warships and another on the Strategy and Tactics of Armour Miniatures plus features on boardgames and a short history of the peoples of Atlantis. April 1971 - articles on Battle of Shiloh; Part 3 The Strategy and Tactics of Armour Miniatures; Anzio Beachhead; the Incas; features on Diplomacy and other boardgames. May 1971 - Strategic Napoleonic Warfare, the Incas; Naval Warfare and Wargames and details of boardgames. June 1971 - Napoleonic Wargames Rules; Napoleonic Grand Tactics; Command Structure for a Napoleonic Wargame; Air Wargames; Rules for American Civil War Wargaming; The Strategy and Tactics of Armour Miniatures Part 3; plus articles on board wargaming etc. I see I am given as a Consulting Editor to this magazine - and I knew nothing about it!

June 1971. Contains article with plans of U.S.S. Alabama plus the story of the sinking of H.M.S. Captain.

May/June 1971. Among other features contains the story of the Battle of Austerlitz fought as a wargame.

June 1971. Among other items dealing with modelling, contains an interesting article on constructing the new Airfix Chieftain and Panzer Ntank kits worth reading if you want to do the job properly.

May 1971. Features a whole page of humourous cartoons concerned with wargaming plus beautifully illustrated articles on various aspects of modern warfare together with reviews of books, models, records, etc. June 1971 - Well illustrated articles on the Army of Today plus reviews of records, books, etc.

THE SQUADRON House magazine of The Squadron Shop, Michigan, U.S.A. No,3, Contains illustrated features on air modelling construction; half-tracks; Cossacks of the German Army of World War II; Modelling a Panzer 1918; painting figures plus numerous illustrated details of the latest books, models and figures in America.

TRADITION Number 54. Plushy from its beautifully coloured cover showing a French Napoleonic cavalryman, contains well illustrated articles such as Mercer's Journal of the Waterloo Campaign; The Czechoslovak Corps on the Italian Front in the First World War; Swiss Infantry Regiments 1816-1817; Mounted Rifle and Light Horse Volunteers; Royal Sappers and Miners 1813-1823; The Janissary Corps of Turkey; French Cavalry Uniforms 1860; plus book reviews and six full page colour plates of the Imperial Austro-Hungarian Army 1914, the Imperial German Cavalry 1892 and two of the British Army Uniforms in 1750 and 1792 by R. Simkin plus an accompanying article supplementing the plates by Lt.Col. J.B.R. Nicholson and the back page colour pictures of figures of the Janissary Corps of Turkey are invaluable sources of information of this colourful period.

THE VEDETTE April 1971 - The Journal of the National Capital Military Collectors. Contains illustrated articles on the Battle for Buenos Aires 1806-7; A Visit to Russia by D.G.Chandler; Notes on British Cavalry; A Wargamer's Corner; plus book and figure reviews etc.

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© Copyright 1971 by Donald Featherstone.
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