
Firing into the Brown

by Donald Featherstone

The army led against England's foes By Edward, was composed of those Stout footmen, archers all, Who taught, ere long, the foreign lords, An English cloth-yard shaft accords Short shrift in skilful hands.

The lesson's old, that steady drill And marksmanship most surely will Give final victory. The first, or fighting line, was led By Edward's son, who claimed the head To be as Prince of dales.

Two thousand archers stood in front, Who in these battles bore the brunt, And gained the chief success. And then eight hundred men- at-arms, All well inured to war's alarms, And last, one thousand foot.

The second line, the same in force, Save fewer archers, Lord de Roe And Earl Northampton led. The third division in reserve, Was posted on a hill, to serve As escort to the King.

"The bowmen let fly among them at large, and did not lose a single shaft, for every arrow told on horse or man .... So the knights ... fell, slain or sore-stricken, almost without seeing the men who slew them."

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© Copyright 1970 by Donald Featherstone.
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