The Italian Campaign 1859

Firing into the Brown
What do You Know About...

by Donald Featherstone

The campaign of 1859 was another step forward in liberation of Italy. The French and Piedmontese defeated the Austrians at Magenta (4 June) and Solferino (24 June), but casualties were heavy, cholera had made its appearance and French administrative arrangements were very defective. Moreover, the Austrians still held their famous stronghold, the Quadrilateral of fortresses. To the fury of the Italians Napoleon III lost no time in concluding peace with the young Emperor, Franz Joseph. He obtained Lombardy for Piedmont, but left the Austrians in control of Venetia. For his part he obtained Nice and Savoy. The horrors of Magenta led to the foundation in 1864 of the International Red Cross.

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