by Don Featherstone
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AIRFIX MAGAZINE - August 1970. Contains details of cavalry conversions for the "Seven Week War"; illustrated article "Conversions in 54mm scale" by Roy Dilley; Part I of an illustrated series on "The Stalin Tank"; conversion of an Airfix Matador kit to the Dorchester Command Vehicle; "Militar Modelling" by Chris Ellis (the Sd Kfz 231 and 234/3) Plus a number of articles on aircraft and the usual correspondence columns, book and kit reviews. AMERICAN HISTORY ILLUSTRATED - June 1969. Contains excellent articles on D-Day; The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga and four most valuable pages of illustrations of Artillery of the American Revolution plus book reviews and other features. BATTLEFLEET (Journal of the Naval Wargames Society U.K.) - May 1970. Includes articles on Pre-Dreadnought battleships; some early American Aircraft Carriers plus reviews etc. THE BULLETIN OF THE MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY May 1970. Amid articles on mounted bands, buttons, and badges, there is an interesting account of the Charge of the Light Brigade by one who rode in it. CANADIAN WARGAMER - Nr.15- Contains articles on Logistics of the North African campaigns; Modern uses of Wargames; a review of the Avalon Hill game Anzio and a battle report of a D-Day action together with book reviews and other features. CIVIL WAR TIMES ILLUSTRATED - June 1970. Has a very fine illustrated cover of a Confederate Cavalry Charge at the first Battle of Bull Run and contains an excellent article on The Horsemen in Gray; another contribution deals with the Confederate surrender at Appomattox and another is a eye-witness account of the Battle of Gettysburg. THE COURIER - No.4. Realising it is not easy putting out frequent and regular issues of a magazine, Courier has changed to 8 issues per annum plus increased size. This issue contains rules for Musket period, Colonial and cavalry in American Revolution plus articles on 18th century sieges; 7 Years War; Confederate Navy; Scouts; Dahomian Army 1892; Wellington's Order of Battle 1813 and Jeff Perren's article on Rorkes Drift which has already appeared in June 1970 issue of Wargamer's Newsletter. MILIHISTRIOT - Spring 1970. Interesting cover picture of a Russian musketeer during the Great Northern War 1700-1721. Contains articles on Uniforms and Insignia of the German Armed Forces 1956-1959 and another on the British in North America plus a short and informative piece on the Brown Bess musket. MODEL BOATS - August 1970. Includes an article with pians of The Dutch Cruisers Sumatra and Tromp. PHOTO-WAR. This is a new practically all photograph magazine now in its fourth issue and put out "by collectors for collectors". It costs 3s.6d. and can be obtained from and is published by Roger M. Jay, 38 Pebble Hill Caravan Park, Radley, Nr. Abingdon, Berks. It seems to deal mainly with militaria such as weapons, vehicles, aircraft, uniforms, insignia etc., of World War II. Many of the photographs of the vehicles will be of the greatest use to wargamers and a good deal of them are new to me and must be an expensive item from the point of view of copyright fees. A worthwhile effort that is worthy of encouragement and support. SCALE MODELS - July 1970. In addition to many articles on aircraft, ships etc., contains a miniature figure review of a well-known maker; an excellent illustrated supplement on the British Model Soldier Society National Championships and some painting details which will be of value together with an article on the military insignia of the American Forces in World War II plus reviews of new kits, figures, books etc. SOLDIER MAGAZINE - June 1970. Beautifully illustrated as usual and amongst many other items of interest contains a very fine article - the Gurkhas. TANKETTE - Miniature Armoured Fighting Vehicle Association Magazine - June/July 1970. Packed with information about armoured vehicles and includes articles on Vehicle Markings of the French Army in World War II; details of the armoured car "Boarhound" and the German Armoured car "Puma" and German soft vehicles of World War II plus many other items of interest to the Modernist wargamer. TRADITION - Number 44. Thick and glossy as ever, contains beautifully illustrated articles on Austro-Hungarian Infantry 1809; the paintings of Harry Payne; Russian Colours and Standards in the Crimean War; French Infantry Bandsmen, 1828; British Infantry officers 1680-1690; Polish Cavalry World War I; Part II of the article on German Colonial Troops 1889-1914; Part II of Napoleon's Italian Army; British Campaign Medals - The Egypt medal 1882; The Prussian Army Hussar 1741; book reviews and other items not the least of which is six full page coloured uniform plates. THE VEDETTE Back to Table of Contents -- Wargamer's Newsletter # 102 To Wargamer's Newsletter List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1970 by Donald Featherstone. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |