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Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997
I didn't know that you were planning a new edition of Napoleon at Leipzig. I read your comment to the review in the Canadian Wargamers Journal. So I'm very interested in what changes the new edition will bring. Hopefully it is not necessary to buy a complete new game.
By the way. I am very happy that there are still some people who produce such great games. I'm constantly wondering whether you can make any profit at all when producing such elaborate design. But for me this is a good way to introduce people to boardgaming. A lot of people play computer games nowadays because they have such an astonishing graphics. But when people look at the maps and the counters of games like Napoleon at Leipzig or L'armee du Nord they get interested in boardgames. They give the players the feeling of the Napoleonic era.
So in my opinion the best way to keep boardgaming alive is to keep on producing these high quality games that can compete with every computer game on the market. I will always prefer
standing at a table and staring at a map where I can see the full scene than looking at a monitor.
I think you may have the new edition already! You must have since the set-up information you mentioned is not missing from earlier editions. I agree that computer screens will never replace books--the screen is "hot" and costs much in eye strain; the book has the advantage of being an object, one can touch it, carry it around & no need to turn it on & boot up!
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 1997 12:54:04 -0400
I noticed the message over on Kranz's VWHQ that you are getting ready to publish a reprint of NAB. I've been an admirer of that system since it's inception, and was even a subscriber to it way back in the olden days. We spoke briefly at Origins 95 in Philly when you were kind enough to answer some 1807 questions I had.
I know originally you had several other games planned for the series, but I've heard that you think 1806 is too short and 1812 may be too big. So, are you still planning any other games using the system?
To: Dick Vohlers Re: 1812, I have a design prototype based on a strategic/operational interface, with strategic hexes 20 miles across and rules for deploying from the strategic to the operational maps; the latter covering the alley between Smolensk and Moscow only. Altogether three and one-half maps, but still a monster for these times, with lots of rules and counters. This game also has rules for complex characterizations of generals, diplomats, and other high officials who sometimes had their own agendas; treated like "non-player characters" in some role-playing games. But the wargame could be played without using these characters. The main problem would be figuring out the market for such a product.
Other games in the works: two campaign-specific QuadriGames, one each on the battles of 1805 and 1809; and a Game tentatively titled La Guerre de l'Empereur which is like a 19th-century Axis & Allies.
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 1997 20:04:10 -0400
Re: 1806, what with Ed's Jena, who would you get to publish it? Even though I have Jena, I think it needs some fixes so I'd buy a NAB system game on the same subject. I much prefer the NAB system over your NLB/NAL system. I haven't played or even seen 6DoG yet, though I've read some reviews.
I agree, 1805, IMHO, is about the only campaign left that the system will bear without major changes. I'd be interested in a Spanish version, but then you're talking 6 years rather than 6 weeks or even 6 months, which might require some changes. Ever consider related eras, such as the Frederickan?
From: DStarry@aol.com
Imagine my surprise when I got home from work today and found the issue of Wargame Design in my mail box. What a blast from the past! I have been wargaming for 23 years and am a big fan of your Napoleonic Operational Series. I have all of the series except for Bonaparte in Italy (will this ever be reprinted?) and Hundred Days Battles (which I never got around to purchasing). Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a line to voice my support and let you know that I will be purchasing the new edition to Napoleon at Bay and look forward to many more issues of Wargame Design.
Thank you, Dave Starry.
Got your flyer today about the return of OSG from the dead. Sounds too good to be true. Is NAB available at this time? Is it boxed or ziplock? Does this mean we can look forward to other reissues (Bonaparte In Italy, perhaps?).
Thanks, Bill Krasner
To: Rensark@webtv.net
NAB is available and boxed. The box cover looks like the cover of Wargame Design Magazine. Would love to do new edition of BiI, 1809, and also someday tackle 1812. But next on agenda is Nap at Leipzig-system game.
From: "Carl (Davout) Paradis" Me and my gaming group (Mario Vallee, Francois Bernier and Paul Gagnon) each bought a copy of your new edition of NAB, SUPER NEW EDITION! even if I still do not like the pursuit rules; and plan to start and PBEM game in one month, we already did 3 such games, but with the new rules (I love the vedettes!!!) the game will be far more realist and interesting. Are the
attrtion rates the same as in the other games? If not I will have to re-do the Attrition-computing program I posted on the VIRTUAL WARGAMER site...
The attrition rates are very close, there may be a difference of a point here and there.
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997
I am fan of your NAB system and picked up the new OSG version of NAB at Origins. Is there any chance that you will be reissuing Bonaparte in Italy too? It's the only one in the series that I do not have. In any event keep up the good work.