by Captain Moyers S. Shore II, USMC
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Explanatory Note: Unless otherwise noted the material in this monograph is derived from Admiral Ulysses S. G. Sharp, USN, and General William C. Westmoreland, USA, Report On The War In Vietnam, hereafter Sharp and Westmoreland, Report On The War; Maj John J. Cahill, USMC, and Jack Shulimson, "History of U. S. Marine Corps Operations in Vietnam, Jan-Jun65"; FMv1FPac, Operations of U. S. Marine Forces Vietnam, Mar67-Apr68, hereafter FMFPac Marine Opns in Vietnam; FMFPac, U. S. Marine Corps Forces in Vietnam Mar65-Sep67 Historical Summary, Volume I: Narrative, hereafter FMFPac HistSum; III MAF Command Chronologies Apr67Apr68, hereafter III MAF CmdChron; 3d Marine Division Command Chronologies, Apr67-Apr68, hereafter 3d MarDiv CmdChron; 1st Marine Aircraft Wing Command Chronologies, Apr67-Apr68, hereafter 1st MAW_ CmdChron; 26th Marines Command Chronologies, Apr67-Apr68, hereafter 26th Marines CmdChron; 1/26 Command Chronologies, Apr67-Apr68, hereafter 1/,26 CmdChron; 2/26 Command Chronologies, Jan68-Apr68, hereafter 2/26 CmdChron; 3/26 Command Chronologies, Jun57-Apr68, hereafter 3/26 CmdChron; 3d Marines Khe Sanh Operations After Action Report, 9Jun67, hereafter 3d Marines Khe Sanh AAR; VMGR-152 Command Chronologies Jan68-Apr68, hereafter VMGR-152 CmdChron; Marine Corps Command Center, Status of Forces, Apr68, hereafter MCCC Status of Forces_; Defense Intelligence Bulletins Dec67-Apr68, hereafter DIA IntBul; Six Month Evaluation Report, prepared by HQ, MACV 31May68; Presentation of Lt. Gen Robert E. Cushman, Jr., USMO, in 1968 General Officers Symposium Book, HQMC, dtd 15Jul68; CG, FMFPac msg to CMC dtd 200327Z Mar68; Combat Operations After Action Report, Operation PEGASUS (C), hereafter PEGASUS AAR; Gen William C. Westmoreland ltr to CMC dtd 14Dec68, Subj: Review of the draft manuscript "The Battle of Khe Sanh Apr67-Apr68," hereafter Westmoreland Comments; LtGen Lewis W. Walt Interviews with HistBr dtd 17Dec67 and 14Jan69; LtGen Robert E. Cushman, Jr., USMC, ltr to Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, HQMC, dtd 26Dec68, Subj : "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68," hereafter Cushman Comments; LtGen Herman Nickerson, USMC, memo to Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, HQMC, dtd Dec68, Subj: Review of draft manuscript, "The Battle of Khe Sanh Apr67-Apr68," hereafter Nickerson Comments.; LtGen William B. Rosson, USA, ltr to CMC dtd 18Dec68, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68," hereafter Rosson Comments; LtGen John J. Tolson, III, USA, ltr to CMC dtd 21Jan69, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh," hereafter Tolson Comments; MajGen Norman J. Anderson, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 2Jan69, Subj: Khe Sanh Historical Monograph, here after Anderson Comments_; MajGen Louis Metzger, USMC, memo to Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, HQMC, dtd 23Dec68, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68," hereafter Metzger Comments; MajGen John R. Chaisson comments on draft manuscript, "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68," hereafter Chaisson Comments,; Interview with MajGen Rathvon McC. Tompkins, USMC, dtd 26Aug68 No. 3088 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQfIC), hereafter Tompkins Interview; Deputy Chief of Staff (Air) comments on draft manuscript, "The Battle of Khe Sanh," dtd 9Dec68, hereafter DCS/Air Comments; BGen Robert P. Keller, USMC, ltr to Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 17Dec68, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh," hereafter Keller Comments; BGen Harry C. Olson, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 13Jan69, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh," hereafter Olson Comments; BGen Carl W. Hoffman, USMC, ltr to CMC (Code A03D) dtd 22Dec68, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh," hereafter Hoffman Comments; Chief, USAF Historical Division Liaison Office ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 18Dec68, Subj: Review of Historical Study, "The Battle of Khe Sanh"; Chief, Historical Studies Branch, USAF Historical Division ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 22Jan69, Subj: Review of Historical Study, "The Battle of Khe Sanh"; Chief, Project CORONA HARVEST ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 15Jan69, Subj: Review of Draft Manuscript, "The Battle of Khe Sanh," hereafter Air Force Historical Comments; Interview with Col David E. Lownds, USMC, dtd Ju168, No. 801 674/4 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC), hereafter Lownds Jul Interview; Col David E. Lownds, USMC, Interview with HistBr dtd 13Sep68, hereafter Lownds Sep Interview; Col Frank E. Wilson, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 6Jan69, Subj: Review of "The Battle of Khe Sanh," hereafter Wilson Comments,; Col Bruce F. Meyers, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 16Dec68, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh" hereafter Meyers Comments,; Interview with Col Franklin N. Pippin, USMC, dtd 24Jun68, No. 2907 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); Interview with Col Johnnie C. Vance, Jr., USMC, dtd 20Jun68, No. 2909 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); Col Robert D. Brown, USAF, ltr to HQMC (AD3D) dtd 8Jan69, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh" hereafter Brown Comments; Col Robert E. Brofft, USAF, ltr to HQMC (AO3D) dtd 8Jan69, Subj: Monograph, "The Battle of Khe Sanh," hereafter Brofft Comments; LtCol John F. Mitchell, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 31Jan69, Subj: Comments on "The Battle of Khe Sanh," hereafter Mitchell Comments; LtCol Harry L. Alderman, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh" hereafter Alderman Comments.; LtCol James B. Wilkinson, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd Dec68, Subj: Response to HQMC ltr A03D-rem S807 373 of 6Dec68, "The Battle of Khe Sanh," hereafter Wilkinson Comments; LtCol John A. Hennelly, USMC, couuuents on draft manuscript, "The Battle of Khe Sanh" of 15Feb69, hereafter Hennelll Comments; Interview with LtCol Edward J. A. Castagna, USMC, dtd Mar68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); LtCol Francis J. Heath, Jr., USMC, comments on draft manuscript, "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67Apr68," hereafter Heath Comments; LtCol Frederick J. McEwan, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 30Dec68, Subj: Comments on "The Battle of Khe Sanh Apr67-Apr68," hereafter McEwan_ Comments; LtCol Johnny 0. Gregerson, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3, HQMC dtd 3Jan69, Subj: Review of a draft copy of the historical monograph: "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68," hereafter Gregerson Comments; LtCol John C. Studt, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3, HQMC dtd 24Dec68, Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh" manuscript, hereafter Studt Comments; Interview with LtCol Harry T. Hagaman, USMC, dtd 2M.ar68, No. 2548 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); LtCol William J. White, USMC, comments on draft manuscript, "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68", hereafter White Comments; Interview with Maj William J. Sullivan, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); Maj John A. Shep herd,USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, dtd 2Jan69, Subj : "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68" hereafter Shepherd Comments; Taped comments of Maj Matthew P. Caulfield, USMC, on the draft manuscript, "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68" dtd 2Jan69, hereafter Coulfield_ Comments; Interview with Maj Matthew P. Caulfield, USMC, dtd 10Feb68, No. 2535 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); Maj Wayne M. Wills, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3, HQMC, dtd 2Jan69, Subj: Historical Monograph, "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68," hereafter Wills Comments; Maj Harper L. Bohr, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3, HQMC, dtd 18Dec68, Subj: Comments concerning "The Battle of Khe Sanh", hereafter Bohr Comments; Maj Jerry E. Hudson, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3, HQMMC, dtd 2Jan69, Subj: Review of Historical Monograph of Khe Sanh, hereafter Hudson Comments; Maj Mirza M. Baig, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC dtd 23Dec68, Subj: Comments on draft manuscript, "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68" hereafter Baig Comments; Maj William H. Dabney, USMC, comments on draft manuscript nd, "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68" hereafter Dabney Comments; Maj William H. Dabney, USMC, Interview with HistBr dtd 10Jan69; Maj Earl G. Breeding, USMC, comments on draft manuscript dtd 22Dec68, "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68," hereafter Breeding Comments,; Interview with Capt Earl G. Breeding, dtd Ju168, No. 2121 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); Maj Kenneth W. Pipes, USMC ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, n.d., Subj : Khe Sanh Manuscript, hereafter Pines Comments; Interview with Capt Kenneth W. Pipes, USMC, dtd Mar68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); 1stLt James M. Alexander, USMC, ltr to HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC, n.d., Subj: "The Battle of Khe Sanh, Apr67-Apr68" hereafter Alexander Comments; Interview with 1stLt James M. Alexander, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); Interview with 1stLt William L, Everhart, USMC, dtd 10Feb68, No. 2535 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); Interview with Sgt Timothy B. Keady, USMC, dtd Mar68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); Interview with HM3 Frank V. Calzia, USN, dtd Mar68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC); LCpl Michael A. Barry, USMC, Interview with HistBr dtd 17Feb69; Cornelius D. Sullivan, et al., The Vietnam War: Its Conduct and Higher Direction (Washington, D. C.: The Center For Strategic Studies, Georgetown University, 1968) (U), hereafter Sullivan, et al., The Vietnam War; Bernard B. Fall, The Two Viet-Nams (New York: Frederick A.rPraeger, 1965 ed.) (U); Colonel Robert D. Heinl, Jr., USMC, Soldiers of the Sea (Annapolis: United States Naval Institute 1962 ed.) (U); Capt Ken Kashiwahara, USAF, "Lifeline to Khe Sanh," The Airman, v. XII, no. 7 (Ju168) (U), hereafter Kashiwahara, "Lifeline to Khe Sanh"; Washington Star., 25May68, p. 13 (Early Bird) (U); Washington Star, 9Jun68, p. 1-E (Early Bird); Baltimore Sun, 25May68, p. 2 (Early Bird) (U). All documentary material cited is located in the HistBr, G-3 Division, HQMC and, unless otherwise noted, carries an overall classification of Secret. Footnotes(1) Major John J. Cahill, USMC and Jack Shulimson, "History of U. S. Marine Corps Operations in Vietnam, Jan-Jun65," pp. 67, 68, 126 (S). (2) FMFPac, Marine Opns in Vietnam, Jun67, pp. 5-12 (S). (3) Ibid. (4) 3d MarDiv CmdChron, Oct68, p. 11 (S). (5) FMFPac, Marine Opns in Vietnam, Mar67, p. 15 (S). (6) 3d Marines Khe Sane AAR, p. 7 (S); Bernard B. Fall, The Two Viet-Nams (New York: Frederick A. P raeger 1965 ed.), p. 3. (7) Westmoreland Comments. (8) 3d Marines,, Khe Sanh AAR, p. 12 (S). (9) Lieutenant General Lewis W. Walt Interview with Historical Branch Ad 17Dec68 and 14Jan69 (S). (10) 3d Marines Khe Sanh AAR, pp. 7-30 (S). (11) Ibid (12) Ibid., pp. 32-33 (S). (13) FMFPac Marine Opns in Vietnam, May67, p. 11 (S). (14) Ibid., pp. 7-10, 19 (S). (15) FMFPac HistSum, pp. 7-17 (S). (16) FMFPac, Marine. ins in Vietnam, M67, pp. 9-13 (S). (17) Ibid. (18) FMFPac. Marine_ O2ns in Vietnam Sep67, pp. 52-73 (S) ; 3d MarDiv ComdChron, Sep67, p. 25 (S); Chaisson Comments; Personal observations of the author. (19) Westmoreland Comments,; Metzger Comments. (20) FMFPac, Marine Opns in Vietnam, Oct67, pp. 24-36 (S). (21) Metzger Comments. (22) 26th Marines CmdChron, May67, p. 4 (S). (23) Ibid. (24) 26th Marines. CmdChron, Jun67, p. 4 (S). (25) Ibid., Ju167, p. 4 (S). (26) Col Lownds tape No. 801 674/4 (S); 26th Marines CmdChron, Aug67, p. 4 (S) ; Metzger Comments. (27) Wilkinson Comments. (28) Col Lownds Tape No. 801 674/4 (S); 26th Marines CmdChron, Aug67, p. 4 (S); Brown Comments. (29) 26th Marines, CmdChron, Nov67, p. 4 (S). (30) Cushman Comments; Hoffman Comments. (31) 26th Marines CmdChron, Dec67, p. 4 (S). (32) Alderman Comments. (33) Bohr Comments. (34) Hudson Comments. (35) FMFPac Marine Opns in Vietnam, Jan 68, pp. 8, 9; III_ MAF CmdChro, Jan and Feb68 (S); 26th Marines CmdChron, Feb68, p. 60' (S); Lownds Interview (S). (36) Lownds Sew Interview (S); 3/26 CmdChron, Jan68, p. 10 (S) ; Caulfield Comments,. (37) Lownds Sep Interview (S); 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, p 4 (S ) (38) 3/26 CmdChron, Jan68, p. 3 (S). (39) 2/26 CmdChron, Jan68, p. 2 (S). (40) Ibid. ; Breeding, Comments,; Caulfield, Comments,. (41) 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, pp. 3, 4 (S); Lownds, Snp Interview (S). (42) FMFPac Marine Opns in Vietnam, Jan68, p. 10 (S). (43) 26th Marines CmdChron,, Jan68, pp. 3, 4 (S); 3/26 CmdChron, Jan68, p. 3 (S); Alderman Comments; Dabney_ Comments; Caulfield Comments. (44) Ibid. (45) Dabney Comments. (46) Ibid.; 26th CmdChron, Jan68, pp. 3, 4 (S); 3/26 CmdChron, Jan68, p. 3 (S); Alderman Comments; Dabney, Comments. (47) Ibid. (48) Cushnan Comments; Tompkins, Interview (S); Lownds Sep Interview (S) ; Wilkinson Comments; PiPes Comments; 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, p. 5 (S). (49) Caulfield Comments. (50) Alderman Comments. (51) Caulfield Comments. (52) Ibid. (53) 3/26 CmdChron, Jan 68, p. 3 (S); Caulfield Comments. (54) Lownds Sep Interview (S); Interview with Major Matthew P. Caulfield, USMC dtd 10Feb68, No. 2535 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); Caulfield Comments. (55) Dabney, Comments; Caulfield Comments.. (56) Ibid.; 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, p. 4 (S); Lownds, S p Interview; White Comments.. (57) Pipes, Comments. (58) Wilkinson Comments. (59) 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, p. 4 (S); Hudson Comments. (60) Interview with First Lieutenant William L. Everhart, dtd 10Feb68 No. 2535 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); Hennelly Comments. (61) 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, p. 9 (S); FMFPac Marine Vietnam, Jan68, p. 11 (S); Tompkins, Interview (S); Hudson Comments. (62) Lownds, Sep Interview (S). (63) 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, p. 9 (S). (64) Cushman Comments. (65) Ibid.; Westmoreland Comments. (66) Westmoreland Comments. (67) Ibid.; Sharp and Westmoreland. Report on The War, p. 163. (68) 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, pp. 4, 11 (S); Lownds Sin Interview (S). (69) Lownds Sep Interview (S); Baig Comments. (70) Wilkinson Comments. (71) 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, p. 4 (S); Lownds Sep Interview; Wilkinson Comments. (72) 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan68, pp. 3, 4 (S); III MAF CmdChron, Jan68, pp. 3-10 (S). (73) Sharp and Westmoreland, Report on The War, p. 158. (74) Presentation of Lieutenant General Robert E. Cushman, Jr., USMC, in 1968 General Officers Symposium Book, dtd 15Jul68 (S). (75) Sullivan, et al., The Vietnam War, pp. 101-104. (76) Ibid., Sharp and Westmoreland. Report on The War, p. 235. (77) Ibid. (78) Sullivan, et al., The Vietnam War, p. 99. (79) Ibid. (80) Lownds Jul Interview (S). (81) Ibid. (82) Ibid.; CG FMFPac msg to CMC, dtd 200327Z MKar68 (S). (83) Lownds Jul and Sew Interviews (S). (84) Dabney Comments,. (85) Ibid. (86) Ibid. (87) Ibid.; Caulfield Comments. (88) Dabney Comments. (89) Lownds Jul Interview (S). (90) Mitchell, Comments. (91) Lownds Jul and Sel Interviews (S); Tompkins Interview (S). (92) Ibid.; Mitchell Comments. (93) 26th_ Marines CmdChron, Feb68, p. 8 (S); Interview with Captain Earl G. Breeding, USMC, dtd Jul68, No. 2121 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S): Breeding Comments. (94) Ibid. (95) Ibid. (96) Ibid.; Dabney. Comments. (97) Ibid. (98) White Comments. (99) 26th Marines CmdChron, Feb68, pp. 8-10 (S); Tompkins Interview (S). (100) Ibid.; Lownds, Jul Interview (S); Hennelly Comments. (101) Hennelly Comments.. (102) Hudson Comments. (103) Wilkinson Comments. (104) Lownds Sep Interview; Caul.f.ield Comments. (105) Anderson Comments. (106) Westmoreland Comments; White Comments.; 26th Marines CmdChron,-Feb68, pp. 4-8 (S). (107) DIA IntBul. (108) 26th Marines CmdChron, Feb68, pp. 8, 48 (S); Mitchell, Comments. (109) Ibid. (110) Lance Corporal Michael A. Barry Interview with HistBr, dtd 17Feb69. (111) Ibid. (112) 26th_ Marines, CmdChron, Feb68, pp. 8, 48, 49 (S); Mitchell Comments. (113) 26th Marines, CmdChron, Feb68, p. 49 (S). (114) Ibid., p. 51 (S). (115) Air Force, Historical Comments; 1st MAW CmdChron, Feb68, p. 8 (S). (116) Wilkinson Comments,; White Comments. (117) 26th Marines, CmdChron, Feb68, p. 51 (S); Kashiwahara, "Lifeline to Khe Sanh". (118) Ibid.; Lownds Seep Interview (S). (119) VMGR-152 CmdChron, Feb68, p. 4 (S); Greerson Comments,. (120) Kashiwahara, "Lifeline to Khe Sanh"; Meyers Comments; Brown Comments; Air Force Historical Comments. (121) Ibid.; Lownds Jul Interview (S). (122) Ibid. (123) Information provided by the Marine Corps Command Center on 19Feb68. (124) Ibid. (125) 1st MAW CmdChron, Jan, Feb, Mar68 (S); Wilson Comments. (126) Ibid. (127) Dabney Comments. (128) Ibid. (129) Wilson Comments. (130) DCS/Air Comments. (131) Breeding Comments,. (132) See 1st MAW CmdChron, Jan, Feb, Mar68 (S); CG FMFPac msg to CMC dtd 200327Z Mar68 (S). (133) Wilkinson Comments. (134) CG FMFPac Msg to CMC dtd 200327Z Mar68 (S) ; Lownds Jul Interview (S). (135) See 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan, Feb, and Mar68 (S). (136) Lownds Sep Interview (S). (137) 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan, Feb, and Mar68 (S); Lownds Sep Interview; Interview with Major William J. Sullivan, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); Hennelly Comments,; Gregerson Comments; Air Force Historical Comments. (138) 1st MAW CmdChron, Jan and Feb68 (S). (139) Ibid., Debrief Sheets (S). (140) Dabney Comments. (141) 1st MAW CmdChron, Feb 68, p. 2-2 (S); Pipes Comments. (142) Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Harry T. Hagaman, USMC, dtd 2Mar68, No. 2548 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (C). (143) Information supplied by U. S. Air Force Public Information Office, 160ct68 (U); Chaiss_on_ Comments; Air Force Historical. Comments; Brofft Comments. (144) Tompkins, Interview (S). (145) Ibid.; Lownds Sep Interview (S); Kashiwahara, "Lifeline to Khe Sanh." (146) Air_ Force Historical Comments: 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan, Feb and Mar68 (S); Tompkins' Interview, Baig Comments. (147) Gregerson Comments. (148) Lownds Jul Interview (S); Interview with Major William J. Sullivan, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); Gregerson Comments. (149) Lownds Sep Interview (S); Interview with First Lieutenant James M. Alexander, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S). Hennelly Cornments. (150) Interview with Major William J. Sullivan, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); Interview with First Lieutenant James M. Alexander, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); 26th Marines CmdChron, Jan, Feb and Mar 68 (S); Gregerson, Comments. (151) Ibid. (152) Ibid. (153) Lownds. Interview; Hennelly Comments. (154) Hennelly Comments. (155) Baig Comments. (156) Hennelly Comments. (157) Ibid.; 26th_ Marines CmdChron, Jan, Feb and Mar68 (S); Baig Comments. (158) Ibid. (159) Baig Comments. (160) Ibid. (161) Ibid. (162) Ibid.; Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Edward J. A. Castagna, USMC, dtd Mar68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); Colonel Robert D. Heinl, Jr., USMC, Soldiers of the Sea (Annapolis: United States Naval Institute 1962 ed.) p. 563. (163) Baig Comments,. (164) Six Month Evaluation Report, HQ USMACV, 31May68 (S); Interview with Colonel Franklin N. Pippin, USMC, dtd 24Jun68, No. 2907 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S). (165) 1/26 Cmd_Chron, Jan and Feb68 (S); CG FMFPac msg to CMC dtd 200327Z Mar68 (S); Information provided by Research, Development, and Study Division, HQMC, 8Nov68 (U); Lownds Jul Interview (S). (166) 26th Marines C:ndChron_, Jan and Feb68 (S); Lownds Jul and rSep- Interviews (S). (167) 26th Marines, CmdChron, Jan, Feb and Mar68 (S). (168) Dabney Comments.. (169) Ibid. (170) Lownds Sep Interview (S); Interview with Sergeant Timothy B. Keady, USMC, dtd Mar68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S). (171) Baltimore Sun, 25 May, p. 2 (Early Bird) (U). (172) Interview with First Lieutenant James M, Alexander, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); Interview with Major William J. Sullivan, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); Interview with Colonel Johnnie C. Vance, Jr., USMC, dtd 20Jun68, No. 2909 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S); Interview with Major John A. Shepherd, USMC, dtd 26Apr68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S). (173) Shepherd Comments. (174) Lownds Sep Interview (S). (175) Lownds Jul Interview (S). (176) Ibid.; Tompkins Interview (S). (177) Keller Comments. (178) Wilkinson Comments. (179) 26th Marines. CmdChron, Feb68, Encl 1 (S). (180) Ibid. (181) Lownds Sep Interview (S); Interview with HM3 Class Frank V. Calzia, dtd Mar68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S). (182) Ibid.; Interview with Captain Kenneth W. Pipes, USMC, dtd Mar68, No. 2621 (Oral History Collection, HistBr, HQMC) (S). (183) Ibid. (184) Ibid.; 26th Marines CmdChron,, Feb68, Encl 1 (S). (185) Lownds Jul and Sep Interviews (S). (186) Ibid.; 26th Marines, CmdChron,, Mar68, p. 4 (S); Baig Comments. (187) 26th Marines, CmdChron, Mar68, pp. 3, 4 (S); Wilkinson Comments. (188) Ibid.; Lownds, Sep Interview. (189) 26th Marines CmdChron, Mar68, p. 8 (S). (190) Ibid., pp. 11, 12. (191) Ibid., p. 7. (192) Ibid., pp. 7, 8. (193) Ibid., p. 6. (194) Ibid., p. 10 (S) (195) Ibid.; White Comments. (196) Ibid.; McEwan Comments; PiPes Comments. (197) 26th Marines CmdChron, Mar68, pp. 9, 10, and Encl 1. (198) Ibid.; Bag Comments. (199) MCCC, Status of Forces, Apr 68 (S); Lownds Sep Interview (S) ; PEGASUS AAR, pp. 1-4. (200) PEGASUS AAR, Encl 1 (C); Westmoreland Comments,; Cushman Comments. (201) Ibid. (202) Tolson Comments. (203) Ibid. (204) PEGASUS AAR, Encl 1 (C); Rosson Comments. (205) Ibid. (206) Ibid. (207) Ibid.; Lownds Jul and Sep Interviews (S). (208) PEGASUS AAR, Encl 1 (C) . (209) Ibid. (210) Ibid.; Lownds Jul and Sep Interviews (S); Tolson Comments. (211) PEGASUS AAR, pp. 13, 14 (C). (212) Ibid., Encl 1. (213) Ibid. (214) 3/26 CmdChron, Apr68, p. 4 (S); Studt Comments; Meyers Comments. (215) Ibid.; Caulfield Comments. (216) Ibid.; Dabney Comments. (217) Caulfield Comments. (218) Meyers Comments. (219) 3/26 CmdChron, Apr68, p. 4 (S); Meyers Comments; Studt Comments. (220) Caulfield Comments (221) PEGASUS AAR. (222) Ibid.; 26th Marines CmdChron, Apr68, p. 4 (S); Caulfield Comments. (223) Baltimore, Sun, 25May68, p. 2 (Early Bird) (U); Washington Star., 25May68, p. 13 (Early Bird) (U). (224) Ibid. (225) Olson Comments. (226) Cushman Comments. (227) Alderman Comments,; Caulfield Comments. (228) Baig Comments,. (229) Tompkins, Interview; Lownds Jul and Sep Interviews (S). (230) Westmoreland Comments; Cushman Comments; Rosson Comments. (231) Ibid. (232) Ibid. (233) Washington Star, 9Jun68, p. 1-E (Early Bird) (U). Back to Table of Contents -- US Marines: Khe Sanh Back to Vietnam Military History List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2004 by Coalition Web, Inc. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |