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MOBILIZATION ORDERED 3 June 1815: Concentration of the Army of the North is ordered in the area Maubege-Avesnes-Rocroi-Chimy. This action will be taken under measures of the utmost secrecy. The corps of the English and Prussians remain quiet. Let nothing disturb them until the hammer blow falls! NATIONAL GUARD RELIEVES REGULARS Members of our National Guard have begun to take up places in our frontier posts, in order to free up regular army units for maneuver. The Allies seem not to notice. This is it! So far, all goes well. WORKSHOPS OPENED WORKING AROUND THE CLOCK Many workshops have been opened to manufacture and repair the muskets our brave soldiers will need to reach victory. Others burn candles late at night to sew the grand uniforms. Who can stand against us? DECREE TO THE FAITHFUL All troops who deserted rather than serve the Bourbons in April 1814 may now return to their colors, so they can once again serve His Imperial Majesty! SAILORS LANDED; FOREIGNERS ENROLLED Many naval personnel are now being organized into army regiments. In addition, six foreign regiments are also being raised. Loyalists from the ships and from many lands rally now to our cause! CLASS OF 1815 CALLED TO THE COLORS The Conscript Class of 1815, whose training was interrupted after only a few weeks of training by the so called 'Restored Monarchy,' are now summoned to return to their glorious eagles! VIVE LA FRANCE! Back to Veteran Campaigner #8 Table of Contents Back to Veteran Campaigner List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Pete Panzeri. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |