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Turn Sequence: Players alternate turns.
2. Movement: Any or all of a player's units move. 3. Rally: Any Damiyos adjacent to routed units check morale. 4. Combat: Units adjacent to (touching bases) enemy units may attack. Definitions: There are three types of units: ASHIGARU, RONIN, and SAMURAI (lowest to highest). There are also DAMIYOS and Bannermen. An army is divided into three wings; left, right, and center. The ends of each wing are marked by the Bannerman figures, which serve no other purpose. A unit is a stand of troops, or two or more stands that start the game together (touching stands) and must remain together for the entire game. A unit has a FRONT side 45 degrees either side of directly ahead, a FLANK side from 45 to 90 degrees from the direction facing, and a REAR side from 90 to 180 degrees. Fire Combat: Each wing declares at what enemy unit(s) it's fire (gunner or bow) will attack. After declaring, the attacks are resolved in any order. Target must be in range (musket=8" bow=12"), within 45 degrees of either side of the firing unit's direction of facing, and not have it's line of sight blocked by other units or terrain. Resolve the combat using the procedure under Combat below. Fire units may not fire if an enemy unit is touching its stand. Movement: Some or all of a player's units may move up to the restrictions listed. Units are always facing parallel to, perpendicular to, or at 45 degree angle to the tables edges. Units may make one 45 degree change of facing at either the start or end of movement. Units may move up to the following:
If a unit starts to turn adjacent to an enemy unit(s) it can move away but may not move into contact with a different enemy unit. Damiyos may move in any direction and change facing as desired. Rally: A routed unit with a Damiyo touching its base may make a morale check to try and rally and return to battle. See morale checks. Combat: Each unit touching an enemy unit may attack. Each figure in a unit rolls one D12. A roll of 9 or better kills one enemy figure of the same class. The die roll is adjusted for Damiyos touching either unit, or for any difference in Class between the units. Attacking a higher class unit is harder and attacking a lower class unit is easier (this simulates differences in armor, armament, and training).
A Damiyo will increase the class of the unit(s) it touches by one. Losses are taken immediately. The turn a unit's strength falls to 50% or less of its starting strength it must make a morale check. A unit may only attack to its front. If a unit attacks an enemy flank it's class increases by one for that attack. Attacking on the rear increases by two. Fire combats do not get the flank or rear bonus, or benefit from Damiyos. Bow units (Samurai class) may make hand-to-hand attacks as Ronin class. Gunner units (Ashigaru class) may not attack hand-to-hand. Morale Check: Roll one die. Unit fails morale and turns 180 degrees and moves one full move immediately if it rolls as follows: Ashigaru-9+ Ronin-10+ Samurai-11+. If a unit fails a rally check, it is removed. A unit that has failed it's morale check moves each turn at normal speed away from the closest enemy unit it exits the table or makes and passes a rally check. Damiyos: If a unit starts the game with two stands (will last longer before morale check) it must have a Damiyo adjacent to it at all times until one stand is eliminated. If a unit with a Damiyo takes losses, the Damiyo must roll one D12 and is killed and removed on a 12. Roll once for each affected Damiyo after combat is over. Damiyos are killed in combat only if attacked (and killed by proper die rolls) while not adjacent to a friendly unit. If alone, they attack as one Samurai without Damiyo bonus. Figures are one set from Milton Bradley's Samurai Swords ($30 available at Toy's R' Us) I mounted the figures as follows: Ashigaru spear chuckers 4 x 1, Ashigaru gunners 3 x 1, Ronin 3 x 1, Samurai swordsmen 3 x 1, Samurai bowmen 3 x 1, Bannermen and Damiyos 1 x 1, I painted half the figures with red hats and the other half with black hats, and then divided each side into three approximately equal "wings" (allows six to play). I use the little doughnut shaped bingo markers for casualty markers. Some 12" rulers and D12s and you're in business. Back to Tornado Alert #33 Table of Contents Back to Tornado Alert List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Tornado Alert! This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |