By Mark McCall
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1. Movement Anti-tank gun and artillery movement These may be manhandled with minimum of 2 crew up to 3" maximum. Terrain modifiers apply to the 3", i.e. -D6 inches through woods on a 3-6 it doesn't move! Rotating an emplaced gun more than 90 degrees constitutes movement. Non wheeled anti tank guns cannot therefore rotate more than 90 degrees and fire in the same turn. Reversing vehicles A vehicle can only travel upto 1/2 its movement if it wishes to keep its front facing the enemy. If the vehicle moves more than half its move away from the enemy, any enemy to the vehicle's front at the start of the vehicle's movement can claim a rear shot for challenge fire. Fording Rivers A single figure or vehicle may attempt to ford a river. For each 12" of river, measured from the point of first attempt, roll D6: 1-3 not fordable, 4,5 fordable by foot only, 6 by foot and vehicles. Only one test per 12" allowed in the game. This is subject to scenario modification. 2. Communications Field telephones. At a cost of 15 points, field telephone lines may be laid between a F.O. and its artillery battery. The maximum distance is 48". There is assumed to be interference free communication i.e. no need to roll for contact. However, the route of the cable must be stated to the umpire and must be in straight lines between points/landmarks to the umpire's satisfaction. Any indirect fire from weapons over 80mm calibre which fall within a template square crossing a telephone line may cut the wire. Roll a D6 for each shell landing: a 6 and the line is cut. The line may be repaired by an 'engineer' or member of the HQ group being at the break for one whole turn. A specially equipped man or vehicle may lay a telephone line at 2/3rds its normal speed at the cost of the field telephone plus vehicle cost. Battalion support weapons A battalion support weapon, mortar/I.G., must be within 24" of its HQ in order for the HQ officers to direct its fire, unless the HQ pays an additional 15 points for a radio and such a figure must be placed on table. The radio is treated as a heavy weapon for damage rolls from HE. Alternatively, a F.O. or a field telephone can be purchased. 3. Artillery Off-Board artillery The distance from the table edge Off-board artillery is located must be written down and given to the umpire. If within range of enemy aircraft, the artillery may be subject to an airstrike. Models or a written list of units can be used to assess damage and anti-aircraft fire. 4. Anti-Tank fire Movement modifiers To hit modifiers of '-1 if target moves' and '-1 if firer moves' are cumulative; i.e. if both firer and target have moved then the 'to hit' modifier is -2. Tank flank shots If target tank (vehicle class A-D) is shot at by anti-tank weapon from a position wholly behind an imaginary line extending across the front of the target vehicle, then the target's vehicle class is reduced by one class, i.e. B becomes C. If the target tank is fired on from a position wholly behind an imaginary line extending across the rear of the vehicle, then the '+1 if firing at rear of target' remains a modifier on top of armour class reduction as above, i.e. B becomes C and +1 to hit. This modification does not apply to aircraft attacks as they have their own rules. Vehicle mounted weapons An anti-tank or AA gun mounted onto a truck or other prime mover cannot fire and move in the same turn, unless purpose built such as the USA M16 quad. Destroyed Armoured Personnel Carriers If such a vehicle is destroyed, roll D6 for number of passenger casualties. Survivors must immediately move up to 3" from vehicle but cannot fire that turn. 5. Smoke Use of smoke Smoke can only be laid down to cover units moving away from the enemy and into cover. 6. Aircraft Spotter planes A dedicated aerial observation plane at a cost of 50 pts plus 15 points for a radio/FO, may provide observation for artillery. It can remain on table for up to 10 turns. At the start of each turn it is placed in one terrain tile and every unit within that tile (except infantry in woods) is placed on table. This includes artillery which has not fired that turn as the emplacements or clearings in woods will still be visible from the air. The spotter plane moves up to three tiles a turn. The spotter plane is not affected by small arms fire. A spotter aircraft is automatically driven off by the appearance of any enemy aircraft. On a 6 on D6 it is shot down by the enemy aircraft. The spotter plane can be on table in addition to another friendly aircraft. Back to Those Damn Dice Vol. One No. 1 Table of Contents Back to Those Damn Dice List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by Rolfe Hedges This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |