by Brian Bradford
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In 1584, Date Terumune turned control of the clan over to his son Masamune. Later in 1585, Date was betrayed by his vassal Ouchi Sadatsuna, so Masamune began a campaign of annihilation of his household. In August 1585, Masamune laid siege to Sadatsuna's fortress off Otemori-no quarter was given. The conquest of Otemori heated tensions between lord Hatakeyama and Masamune. Hatakeyama requested peace talks but Masamune would always reject. Finally he approached Terumune and asked for his assistance. On 7 October, Masamune and Hatakeyama finally met in person; both shared a wonderful feast together and talked about their further alliance. The next day Hatakeyama went to visit Terumune and express his gratitude, however, he kidnapped Terumune at knife point and rode off with him. Masamune, who was out practicing falconry, immediately went in pursuit when he returned and found his father missing. He caught up with them near the Abukuma River, which bordered Hatakeyama's province. Terumune cried out for them to "shoot us, do not hesitate," but Masamune would not fire for fear of hitting his father. Finally, Hatakeyama was surrounded, and knowing he was doomed, killed Terumune. Masamune instantly retaliated, putting him and his followers to the sword. All out war was soon waging between the two families. Hatakeyama son, Kunioh-maru, soon received aid from Satake, Ashina, Iwaki, Ishikawa, Nikaido, Soma and Shirakawa. They gathered together at the River Suka and headed north to defeat Masamune. By 16 November they were in the field just south of Masamune's castle at Maedazawa. When Masamune heard about this he gathered his forces, but he was at a distinct numerical disadvantage as he only had 7,000 men to use against 30,000 of the enemy. Motomiya was a key castle of Date's and its fall would signal the downfall of the clan. It was defended by a network of fortresses, Takakura, Tamanoi, Maedazawa, and Setogawa Mansion. The nearby Abukuma River, with its strong current, made a good defensive obstacle. Prepared Defenses Masamune prepared his defenses placing Shiroishi Munezane in Tamanoi Castle; Takakura Oumi, Ito Shigenobu, Koori Munenaga, and Tomizuka Oumi in Takakura Castle; Senoe Kageyasu, Nakajima Sokyu, Sakurada Motochika, and Hamada Kagetaka in Motomiya Castle. Masamune's uncle, Shigezane, was positioned in Nukasawa field. Izumita and Nanamiya took up position just south of Hitodori Bridge. Masamune, Watari Motomune, Moniwa Yoshinao, Rusu Masakage, Kokubun Masashige, Harada Munetoki, and Katakura Kagetsuna remained near Kannondoyama with the main body of 4,000. On the morning of the 17th Masamune advanced his main force and repositioned Shigezane in Setogawa Mansion, and Yoshinao, Munezane, Izu, and Iki Takano between the town of Arai and the Seto River. Meanwhile, the allies began moving to attack Date. On the right moving towards Takakura Castle were Shirakawa Yoshichika, Ishikawa Akimitsu, Nikaido, and Iwaki Tsunetaka. In the middle and heading towards Arai were Ashina Kamewakamaru and Soma Yoshitani. In the rear, traveling up the Aizu Road was the main body of Satake Yoshishige along with Kunioh. Luck was certainly not on the side of Date that day; Aizu and Takakura Castle were overrun and Nanamiya and Izumita were forced to retreat back to the main body. The Date forces moved to intercept the allies at Hitodori Bridge but they were pushed back by the sheer mass of enemy troops. At Setogawa Mansion, Shigezane just managed to escape capture as the defenses were breached. Moniwa Yoshinao was slain by Kobata in a duel. With the Date now in full retreat, and victory certain, the allies pressed across the Seto River and moved towards Motomiya. The allies planned to renew the battle the next morning, however, Satake received news that during his absence Satomi Yoshinori had invaded his lands, so Yoshishige was forced to abandon the allies and head back to defend his territory, taking the bulk of the allied army with him. with little strength left to take Motomiya the allies withdrew. Masamune had avoided his Armageddon. DATEON BOARD:
Takakura Oumi - 1,000 (+1) Rusu Masakage* - 500 (+1) Katakura Kagetsuna* - 500 (+3) Moniwa Yoshinao* - 1,000 (+1) Shiroishi Munezane - 500 (+1) Senoe Kageyasu - 500 (+0) Date Shigezane - 1,000 (+2) * Fought in Date's Corps TROOPS AVAILABLE:
30 MTD SAM w/BOW 675 FT SAM w/LNC 455 FT SAM w/LS 200 FT SAM w/BOW 1595 ASH w/ARQ 560 ASH w/BOW 1100 ASH w/LNC 735 ASH w/LS 1050 ASH w/OTHER 4 x UNATTACHED LDR AlliesON BOARD:
Ashina Kamewakamaru - 10,000 (+1) Soma Yoshitane - 2,000 (+1) Satake Yoshishige - 10,000 (+2) Shirokawa Yoshichika - 2,000 (+0) Ishikawa Akimitsu - 2,000 (+1) Iwaki Tsunetaka -2,000 (+1) TROOPS AVAILABLE:
135 MTD SAM w/BOW 2910 FT SAM w/LNC 1935 FT SAM w/LS 855 FT SAM w/BOW 6840 ASH w/ARQ 2565 ASH w/BOW 4615 ASH w/LNC 3080 ASH w/LS 4500 ASH w/OTHER 15 x UNATTACHED LDR GAME LENGTH:The battle begins approximately 9 a.m. and continues to about 5 p.m. (32 turns) SPECIAL RULES:*Date's forces are set up first, followed by the allies.
B) If the climbers are engaged while climbing the wall only half of the eligible men may defend. C) No arquebus units may fire at units behind a wall. Archers units, however, may fire over walls. The target is considered in heavy cover. Missile units may freely fire from inside the walls, however, to shoot at a climbing target they must be at the base of the wall (so that they appear to be shooting through loopholes). D) No personal challenges may be issued to leaders behind a wall from leaders outside the wall and vice versa. E) The main gate may be forced in by attacking troops. To do this the person forcing in the door rolls 1D6 and modifies the roll +1 for each figure used to force in the gate, the defender likewise rolls 1D6 and adds +1 for each defending figure used to push back against the gate (only the figures which touch the gate and those that follow behind in the second and third ranks may be used). The gate is forced in if the attacker's roll is 5 greater than the defenders. F) If a unit successfully climbs a wall they may move to the gate and open it, expending a card to do so. VICTORY CONDITIONS:This is a battle to the death, therefore, casualties don't matter! Victory is given to the side that has the most victory points at the end of the game. A tied score brings Date victory. Points are as follows: TERRAIN
Control of Mt Kannondo 3 VP Control of Setogawa Mansion 2 VP Town of Arai 1 VP Hitodori Bridge 2 VP OTHER:The following leaders are available for use as unit leaders. None may be used as unattached. DATE
Watari Shigemune +2 (son of Motomune) Harada Munetoki +2 Kokubun Masashige +0 Fought in Yoshinao's Corps
Detached from Masamune's Corps*
. Nanamiya ?? +0 * Troops are assigned from Masamune's main body. Fought in Takakura's Corps
Koori Munenaga +0 Tomizuka Oumi +1 Fought in Shiroishi's Corps
Fought in Senoe's Corps
Tsuda Kageyasu +1 Nakajima Sokyo +0 Sakurada Motochika +1 ALLIES
Fought in Shirokawa's, Iwaki's, or Ishikawa's Corps*
Nikaido ?? +1 * I am not sure, but one of these three NOTES:The information for this battle came from Rekishi Gunzo #19. The map had some terrain details on it, but nothing like trees, so I took this from a painting. Satake and Ashina had 10,000 men apiece, the others did not have any, so the remaining amount was divided equally between the other five Daimyos commanders. For the Date OoB there were many names crowded into the same commands. Rusu and Katakura are Corps commanders but do not have any strength, so I took some from Date Masamune, whose command they served in. What time the battle was fought and concluded was a problem because there was not any information. All it said was "in the morning of the 17th Date advanced…," and "the next day they planned to finish the battle." My times are approximate. This scenario allowed me to write some new rules I have for castles, though they are not all of them. I chose to keep the scenario simple and not include towers and Keeps. Please give me you input on them. I have only tried some of this battle, so I would like your comments about it. ![]() Related Back to Taisho Vol. 1 No. 1 Table of Contents Back to Taisho List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Brian Bradford This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |