by Neville Dickenson
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Well, were back to the pike and shot era with an Englishman's views on how to play the English Civil War or Wars, depending on how you want to look at it. Neville Dickenson, one of the partners in Miniature Figurines has given us permission to print his own ECW rules, which, I might add, are naturally well suited to the Thirty Tears War during which the English often vent abroad to study the art of war on the continent in a private capacity. If the terms "Lobster" and "trooper" confuse you, a "Lobster" is a heavy cavalry soldier fortunate enough to lay his hands on a full suit of armor. King Charles's Life Guards on the Royalist (where else) side, and Massing's Lobsters on the other were reportedly so equipped, but the less fortunate troopers usually had to make do with back and breast, or, sometimes, back, breast, and helm. We hope, in the near future, to run an article explaining the various Wierd types of canon used during this period of animated political discussion. RULES FOR ENGLISH CIVIL WAR
Cavalry can only move from a trot to a Canter or a Canter to a gallop in a move. Stationary Cavalry cannot use a Gallop move. Hedges it takes 4 ins of a Cavalry trot or Canter more to cross a hedge and they cannot use the Gallop move. It takes half an Infantry move to hack down the unit frontage of hedge which is then removed. Walls Low walls will he crossed As hedges by cavalry and infantry will lose half their Trove distances to cross being disordered After crossing until next move. Charge moves will not be used. High walls will not he crossed by Cavalry and will take Infantry A full move to the other side during which they are disordered until next move. RIVERS Rivers are crossable in a half move or full move or not crossable at all. If fords are used the distance will be half that of the characteristic. Units disordered After crossing until next move. WOODS Woods cannot be entered by Cavalry Infantry move at half speed and will be disordered whilst in their except Skirmishers who will lose one sixth of their move. HILLS Cavalry will lose one sixth of their move up hill and one half of their move going down hill. Charges may be made uphill but not downhill. Infantry will lose one third of their move uphill and add one sixth of the their move downhill. ROADS Add one sixth to all move distance on roads. Only column or file of musketeers formation
DEDUCTIONS: Firing by volleys of six men
Firing, Individually Muskets & musketoons.
Pistols Reloading Muskets & Musketoons
Firing Gun Throw two dice, one coloured, one white. The coloured dice gives direction, the white gives range. The range of the target is first estimated and then a tape measure placed over the gun with the estimated distance at the gun muzzle and the tape extending towards target. A wind gauge divided into 5 half inch sections is laid 4 Inches from the muzzle at right angle to tape passing over the 3 and 4 marked section. The tape measure is moved over the coloured dice throw number maintaining the position over the gun. The white dice Indicates range as follows:
At the point of impact a rectangular 'Hit Area' is placed under the tape and casualties caused by throwing the number of dice in the effect table. Size of 'Hit Area'
Saker 1in by 3ins Culverin 1 1/2 ins by 4 1/2 ins GUN ON GUN A hit is obtained by the above method and a further dice thrown as follows:
6: Gun destroyed for remainder of game 5: Wheel damaged. One move to repair 4: 4 Gunners hit Saving Throw: 4,5,6 3: 3 Gunners hit Saving Throw: 4,5,6 2: 2 Gunners hit Saving Throw: 4,5,6 1: 1 Gunner hit Saving Throw: 4,5,6 When gun firing on gun the following table will be used with the above. 1) A Falcon firing at a Saker deduct 1 from the dice
Only recognized Gunners may crew the guns. AMMUNITION Guns will have a limited supply of powder and shot which must be kept close to the gun if the movement factors are not to be effected. Ammunition will be kept within 2 inches and if hit all troops and artillery pieces within 4 inches must be thrown for.
It requires one portion of powder for short range firing
FORMATIONS Pikemen will be in two ranks and charging cavalry must throw for morale first. If good and they charge in, Pikemen will not require a morale throw. Pikemen in three or more ranks cannot be charged. Pikemen in one rank on their own or with a front rank of musketeers must throw for their morale first if being charged by cavalry. If good and they stand cavalry will not require a morale throw. Musketeers in two ranks must throw for their morale if charged by cavalrv and if it is good, they stand. Cavalry will not require a morale throw. Musketeers in one rank must throw if charged by cavalry see forlorn hope rules. MELEE Contacts Attacking units may be fired upon provided the firer was loaded the previous move and the attacker did not move less than half the move to attack. Pikes extended two Inches and Cavalry cannot break through them unless they can make a breach with their pistols. If a breach is made then they will have impetus on the second row of pikemen or musketeers. Gunners and musketeers before firing and pikemen before the impact must throw for morale and will carry out the orders demanded by the morale throw. Cavalry must throw for morale if fired upon whilst charging or if attempting to enter a pikestand, if that morale is had, they will 1). if trotting or cantering turn around from the point where they received the fire and use up the remainder of their move and 2). if galloping swerve left and right of the intended attack continuing their move to the full extent. When Infantry charge Infantry, they may do so without a morale throw regardless of casualties. IMPETUS Cavalry that charge home will have impetus which is calculated by throwing one dice per attacker, each throw of 3,4,5,6 for a lobster, 4,5,6 for a Trooper and 5,6 for a Dragoon causing a casualty who has a normal saving throw. MELEE Two rounds occur each move but only front ranks may fight on the first round.
Pikemen count 1 1/2 points Dragoon count 1 1/2 points Troopers count 2 points Lobster count 2 1/2 points One dice is thrown for each complete 6 points and half the total score is the number of casualties in points value caused with normal saving throws.
MORALE Each unit has a point value. Infantry Regiments
1 point for each 6 musketeers 3 1 point for foot officer 1 2 points for the Standard off. 2 1 point for mounted officer 1 Total: 10 Cavalry Regiment
1 point for officer 1 2 points for standard officer 2 Total: 9 Artillery
1 point for the officer 1 6 points for the gun 6 1 point for ammunition 1 Total: 10 N.B.
ADD 1 if:
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