by Thomas-Durrell Young
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[1] See, Ian Gambles, "Prospects for West European Security Cooperation," Adelphi Papers, No. 244, London: The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1989, p. 47. [2] See, Peter Schmidt, "The Franco-German Defence and Security Council," Aussenpolitik, Volume 40, No. 4,1989, pp. 360-371. [3] Helmut Sonnenfeldt, "The European Pillar: The American View" in, "The Changing Strategic Landscape," Adelphi Papers, No. 235, London: The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1989, p. 103. [4] See, David Yost, "Franco- German Defense Cooperation," Washington Quarterly, Volume 11, No. 2, Spring 1988, pp. 173-195. [5] Christian Millotat et Jean- Claude Philippot, "Le Jumelage Franco-Allemand pour la securite de I'Europe," Defense nationale, octobre 1990, pp. 67-97. [6 See, Stanley Hoffmann, "Reflections on the German Question," Survival, Volume 32, No. 4, July- August 1990, p. 294. [7] See, Frankfurter Allgemeine, July 19,1990. [8] See, Schmidt, pp. 367-369. [9] See, Clay Clements, "Beyond INF: West Germany's Center-Right Party and Arms Control," International Affairs, Volume 65, No. 1, Winter 1988/89, pp. 54-74. [10] See, Francois Heisbourg, "The British and French Nuclear Forces," Survival, Volume 31, No. 4, July- August 1989, pp. 301-320. [11] See, Robbin F. Laird, The Soviet Union, The West and the Nuclear Arms Race, New York: New York University Press, 1986, pp. 85-139. [12] Le Monde (Paris), February 28, 1986. [13] Francois de Rose, European Security and France, Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1983, p. 95. [14] See the speech of French President Francois Mitterrand to the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Defense nationale in Paris, October 11, 1988, reprinted in Europa-Archiv, Volume 43, No. 23, December 1988, D673. [15] This was recently reiterated by foreign ministers Genscher and Dumas at the February EC foreign ministers' meeting. See, Agence France-Presse (Paris), February 4, 1991 in, Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)-91-024, February 5,1991, pp. 5-6. [16] See, Agence France-Presse (Paris), April 14, 1991 in, FB/S-WEU-90-076, April 19,1991, p. 1. [17] See, Le Monde (Paris), September 22, 1990. [18] See DPA (Hamburg), September 13, 1990 in FBIS-WEU-90-179, September 14, 1990, p. 1. [19] See, W. R. Smyser, Restive Partners: Washington and Bonn Diverge, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990, pp. 60-61. [20] Even Oskar Lafontaine stated himself in favor of remaining in NATO and retaining U.S. forces in Germany. See, Frankfurter Rundschau, March 30,1990. This was also reflected in the Security Policy Paper issued in spring 1990. See, DPA (Hamburg), April 25,1990 in, FB/SmWEU-90-082, April 27,1990, p. 17. [21] See, for example, The Washington Post, May 29, 1989 and June 2,1989. [22] See Agence France-Presse (Paris), March 8, 1991 in, FB/S-WEU-91-047, March 9,1991, p. 19. [23] See Philip M. Williams, Crisis and Compromise: Politics in the Fourth Republic, Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1964, pp. 419-420. [24] For reports of the review's progress see, Frankfurter Allgemeine, December 5,1990. [25] See the interview with General Maurice Schmidt, Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces in, Le Figaro, (Paris), February 9-10, 1991. [26] See, Weft am Sonntag (Hamburg), February 10, 1991. [27] For background on multinational corps see, Karl Lowe and Thomas-Durell Young, "Multinational Corps in NATO," Survival, Volume 33, No. 1, January- February 1991, pp. 66-77. [28] Cf., "Quelle securite en Europe a I'aube du XXleme siecle?", Allocution prononcee par Monsieur Francois Mitterrand, President de la Republique a loccasion de la cloture du Forum de PEcole de Guerre, Paris, 11 avril 1991; and, The Washington Post, June 12, 1991. [29] See Chancellor Helmut Kohl's New Year's Eve Address in, Bulletin, Bonn: Federal Press and Information Agency, No. 1, January 2, 1991. [30] See, DPA (Hamburg), April 29, 1991 in, FB/S-WEU-91-083, April 30, 1991, p. 6. [31] See, The Washington Post, January 29, 1991. [32] For a conservative French view of Islamic threats from the South see Michel Debre's polemic in Le Quotidien de Paris, June 26,1990. [33] See, Der Spiegel, January 28, 1991, pp. 16-23. [34] See, The New York Times, July 17, 1990; and ADN (Berlin), September 12, 1990 in, FB/S-WEU-90- 177-U, September 12, 1990, pp. 3-6. [35] See the interview with Defense Minister Gerhard Stoltenberg in, The Financial Times (London), January 31, 1991. [36] See, Die Weft (Hamburg), March 12,1991. [37] See, Douglas Stuart and William Tow, The Limits of Alliance: NATO Out-of-Area Problems since 1949, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990. [38] Cf, The Washington Post, September 16,1990. [39] See, Willem van Eekelen, "WEU and the Gulf Crisis," Survival, Volume 32, No. 6, November-December 1990, pp. 519-532. [40] Note that the deployment of French forces to the Persian Gulf War demonstrated serious shortcomings in their combat, combat support and combat service support structures for these types of missions. See, Le Figaro (Paris), January 31, 1991. [41] See, The New York Times, December 26,1990. [42] See, The Washington Post, May 28,1991. [43] See comments made by the SACEUR, General John Galvin, to the Times Journal Company, September 17, 1990 in, Ace Output, Volume 9, No. 4, November 1990, p. 2. [44] See, Welt am Sonntag (Hamburg), March 3, 199 1. [45] For Norwegian views on this issue, see Aftenposten (Oslo) , October 26,1990 in, FB/S-WEU-90- 221, November 15,1990, p. 36. [46] I argue these points in my piece, The New European Security Caluclus: Implications for the U.S. Army, Carlisle Barracks, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, January 3, 1991, passim. [47] See, Der Spiegel, January 28, 1991, pp. 16-23. [48] See George Melloan's piece in The Wall Street Journal (NewYork), March 4, 1991, which argues that only those countries that contributed forces to the Persian Gulf War should have a say in the peace process. Back to Table of Contents Franco-German Relationship in the TransAtlantic Security Framework Back to SSI List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1993 by US Army War College. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |