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What can I say? Someone [probably Rick Wagoner -ed] handed me a copy of Simulacrum at Origins. I plan to subscribe Friday. Thanks for putting out such an outstanding resource.
I mean, really, what can I say? I had been meaning to write and it kept going out of my head. Then Simulacrum arrived and I was reminded that I have been remiss in not writing. What a wonderful issue and not because you printed my article, which, by the way, looks great. Thank you. I loved your editorial on eBay. I also see that your bride is titled, and holds an honored place on the masthead credits. She must be special to put up with a wargame editor. Speaking of editors, John. You are mistaken. I was not an editor of Strategist (I am flattered though), but I was a very heavy contributor of articles, the game Hell’s Foxes with Jack Jewart, holder of contests (with prizes), and a cartoon or two, I recall. But what a great issue! Many of the reviews are of my lifetime top favorites. I loved the picture of Fresca and yourself attired in your kilt, and herself in a beautiful gown. Congratulations!
(I keep working on him :) I played regularly while living in Spain 1979-83. Most of my opponents were hardcore Marxists, though I had a few Fascists as well, and a few apolitical! Spaniards tend to hate the USA, because there are so many crowded McDonald’s restaurants around! There are scores of Spanish produced wargames. They tend to get worried about what the wife will think if they play much. They were nice guys to play with, but not zealots such as one finds here. During that time perhaps 25 games were published showing me as co-designer, but the only one I really had any input on was the El Pais game. The reason for the others is a long boring story, much like the games themselves! I have them around here somewhere.
Avalon Hell A heads up on some very cool old AH items I received today. While I thought I already had found a copy of the earliest Tactics II edition, it turns out the copy of Tactics II I just received is even earlier than the edition I already had. And both games have an AH catalog I have never seen before. Remember the little AH pamphlet listing four games that you wrote up in Simulacrum? Well, this one lists just three games: Gettysburg, Dispatcher and Tactics II. It is a 4”x6” four-page folder. This appears to be the very first AH product catalog! But wait, there’s more. In the Tactics II box was an ancient envelope with a different AH logo on it! This envelope included a stylish letter announcing the new AH game, Verdict (1959)! The letter states that it includes “answers to common rules questions” for the game the person had registered (in this case, I have the answer sheet for both Gettysburg and Tactics II). Plus, the envelope contained a small order card listing four games, and a business reply envelope. This is one of the first, if not the first, customer mailings from Avalon Hill!
Slump? What slump? I was thinking about you yesterday and recalled that I had not sent you an Origins report, so here it is. The 100 Simulacrums went in ONE DAY! Next year I’ll try to take more. Origins attendance was up, about 7500 per day average. The dealers’ room was awash in new games. It seems the hobby is coming out of it’s slump. Avalanche Press, MiH/Critical Hit, GMT and a host of others are bolstering the hobby in many ways. Eagle Games, a newcomer, should be shipping three games with plastic pieces and big colorful maps. I can’t wait! The Auction That Almost Wasn’t went off without a hitch. All credit goes to Frank Metzger and Ken Fonarow (also known as the Boss) for having the balls and fortitude to make it a reality. But because of the hiccup, the lot numbers were less than previous years, I’d say 2500 or so.
The working is working With the fall of Franco a lot changed in Spain. A new paper sprung up, the Madrid daily, El Pais ... the land, the nation, the country, would be suitable translations. It quickly became the #1 Spanish daily. The Sunday supplement of El Pais, number 219, “ano VI, Segunda Epoca” (year six of the Second Epoch) referring to the period after Franco. The date of 21/6/81 was also given. On page 17 there is an article called “Napoleones en Zapatillas” ... Napoleons in slippers, referring to wargamers. Designers of the game which follows are first myself, then R. Diez and A. Barrera. The subject is Bailen 1808, the antagonists being French, Spanish, and Swiss.
I hope to be able to reproduce it in a future issue. -ed Back to Simulacrum Vol. 4 No. 1 Table of Contents Back to Simulacrum List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by Steambubble Graphics This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |