This is the ninth in a planned series
of 27 articles dealing with all the world’s board wargames ever
published, and some that weren’t published. Each article gives summary
data for all the games whose titles begin with the same letter of the alphabet,
sequentially starting with the numbers. This article includes all games beginning with the letter H.
The data provided here comes from Simulacrum’s database (spreadsheet,
actually, and in Excel 97 format for those who are interested) of games, an ongoing
project with information culled from many sources, primarily old wargame
magazines such as Strategy & Tactics, Fire & Movement, Moves, Campaign,
Panzerfaust and Conflict. Since new data are continually being identified and
existing data confirmed or amended, the database is in a state of constant flux.
The game data in the following table are:
- Title
- Additional Data
- Publisher
- Date of publication
- Designer
- Era
- Data reliability factor
Game titles appear as published, with the following exceptions. English articles
only, i.e., a, an and the, are moved to the end of the title (all non-English titles
containing articles are precisely as they were published). Likewise all English
titles beginning with the word Battle have had Battle and its preposition, i.e., at, of
or for, moved to the end of the title as well.
Additional data may include subtitle, edition number and date, magazine in
which the game appeared, etc. The date of publication is now Y2K
compliant. There are only two games
listed in the database whose publication
date is in the 19th Century, and the exact
date is provided next to the title to avoid
any ambiguity. An n/p entry as a date
suggests that the game was never, or has
not yet been, published.
The dates listed
are, wherever possible, copyright date,
which could precede publication date.
Information given for era is generally not
specifically provided by the publisher, and
so is an extrapolation which could be
debated. Precedent has been established
for just such a debate, ancient precedent,
if I may be so bold.
The data reliability factor is not intrinsic
to the game itself, but simply a scale I’ve
devised to indicate the relative accuracy
of the data. The scale goes from 0 to 9,
with 9 meaning that I’ve actually held the
game in my hands and confirmed the data
with my own eyes, and 2 or 3 meaning
that the game may never have been
published and all data are suspect.
Without further ado, then...
Game Name | Company | Year | Designer |
Era | Data Reliability |
Hacker | Steve Jackson | - | Steve Jackson | Fantasy | 9 |
Hacker II the Dark Side | Steve Jackson | - | Steve Jackson | Fantasy | 9 |
Hakodate 1869 Six Angles 6 | Six Angles | 1998 | Masahiro Yamazaki | Medieval | 4 |
Halocaust | JagdPanther | - | - | - | 4 |
Hamburger Helper | La Vivandiere | - | - | - | 4 |
Hamburger Hill Vietnam 1969 | PM Pubs | 1982 | Perry A Moore | Vietnam | 5 |
Hammer of God the Yom Kippur War, 1973 | SDC | 1976 | F Aker | Arab-Israeli Wars | 3 |
Hammer of Thor Norse mythology | Nova | 1980 | Joe Angiolillo | Fantasy | 8 |
Hammer's Slammers | Mayfair | 1984 | Voss | SF | 6 |
Hanau 1813 Serie Vive l'Empereur | Socomer Editions | 1989 | - | Napoleonic | 5 |
Hannibal A Game of Ancient Warriors | Aker Siegel | 1964 [unattributed] | - | Abstract | 9 |
Hannibal | Poultron Press | 1968 | - | Ancient | 5 |
Hannibal [1ed] 69, [2ed] 72 & [3ed] 73 | Histo Games | 1969 | Laurence Rusiecki | Ancient | 8
Hannibal 2 nd Punic War | Aulic Council | 1983 | Glenn Kidd | Ancient | 8 |
Hannibal Italian Campaign 218-206 BC | SimCan | 1983 | Peter Hollinger | Ancient | 9 |
Hannibal S&T 141 | Decision | 1991 | J Sutcliffe | Ancient | 8 |
Hannibal Rome/Carthage 218-201 BC | AH | 1996 | Mark Simonitch | Ancient | 9 |
Hannibal French version of AH Hannibal | Jeux Descartes | 1998 | - | Ancient | 5 |
Hard Vacuum | Sierra Madre | - | - | SF&F | 5 |
Harpoon | Adventure Games | - | - | WW2 | 3 |
Harpoon | GDW | 1987 | Larry Bond | 20 Century | 7 |
Harpoon [4ed] | Clash of Arms | 1997 | Larry Bond | 20 Century | 7 |
Harpoon II | Adventure Games | - | - | WW2 | 3 |
Harvest of Death S&T 129 | 3W | 1989 | David Martin | American Civil War | 9 |
Hastings 1066 S&T 110 | TSR | 1986 | Richard Berg | Medieval | 9 |
Hastings 1066 Casus Belli 9 | Excelsior Pubs | 1993 | Nicolas Pilartz | Medieval | 5 |
Hatfields and McCoys Competitive Edge 13 | One Small Step | 1998 | - | Guerilla | 9 |
Hedgerow Hell module 2 ASL Deluxe | AH | 1987 | David Martin | WW2 | 7 |
Helios Chronicles, the | Bruce, Adrian | - | Adrian Bruce | SF&F | 5 |
Hell Hath No Fury Wargamer 38 | 3W | 1985 | Thomas Sundell | Ancient | 8 |
Hellfire Pass Wargamer 39 | 3W | 1985 | Vance Von Borries | WW2 | 9 |
Hell's Foxes | SGS | 1991 | Jack Jewart | WW2 | 9 |
Hell's Highway | Victory Games | 1983 | John Butterfield | WW2 | 9 |
Helltank Microgame 19 #3119 | Metagaming | 1981 | Phil Kosnett | SF | 7 |
Helltank Destroyer Microgame 22 #3122 | Metagaming | 1982 | Phil Kosnett | SF | 9
Helm's Deep | SPI | n/p | - | Fantasy | 1 |
Helm's Deep, Battle of | Fact & Fantasy | 1974 | Richard Jordison | Fantasy | 7 | Henderson Field the Guadalcanal Campaign | Quarterdeck | n/p | Richard Spence | WW2 | 2 |
Henry V Agincourt; Patay; Formigny; Castillon | 3W | 1993 | Rob Markham | 100 Years War | 8 |
Heraklios Jeux & Strategie 6 | Excelsior Pubs | 1980 | F Marcela-Froideval | Ancient | 5 |
Here Come The Rebels Antietam 1862 | AH | 1993 | Joe Balkoski | American Civil War | 8 |
Hero Adventure in the catacombs | Yaquinto | 1980 | Michael Matheny | Fantasy | 8 |
Heroes of Olympus | TFG | 1981 | BD Sustare | Fantasy | 6 |
Heroika | REK | - | - | Napoleonic | 2 |
HeroQuest | Milton Bradley | 1989 | - | Fantasy | 9 |
Hetzer Sniper! Expansion set 1 | TSR | 1988 | S Winter | WW2 | 4 |
H-Hour [1ed] & [2ed] | Balboa | 1976 | Bill Comito | WW2 | 8 |
High Colonies | SPI | - | - | SF&F | 4 |
High Crusade, the Ares 16 | SPI | 1983 | David Cook | SF | 7 |
High Ground | Crown Tactics | 1991 | W Drury | 17 Century | 7 |
High Noon | Metagaming | n/p | - | Wild West | 2 |
High Seas | DRSG, Inc. | 1992 | D Setser | Pirates | 6 |
Highest Ground, the | Roberts | - | P Roberts | SF&F | 3 |
High-Tech Edge for Strategic Supremacy expansion | Supremacy Games | 1989 | R Simpson | 20 Century | 7 |
Forces Highway 2000 | Gamescience | - | - | SF&F | 2 |
Highway 2000 | Threshold Games | 1981 | - | SF&F | 4 |
Highway to the Kremlin, 1812 Napoleon's middle campaigns | OSG | n/p | - | Napoleonic | 2 |
Highway to the Reich [1ed] 1976 & [2ed] 1977 | SPI | 1976 | Jay Nelson | WW2 | 8 |
Himalaya | Wilkins & Assoc | - | - | Cards | 2 |
Hispania 320BC - 1200AD [1ed] | Steding, Andreas | 1994 | Andreas Steding | various | 5 |
Hispania 320BC - 1200AD [2ed] | AWE | 1996 | Andreas Steding | various | 8 |
History From beginning to gunpowder | Steinbrecher | 1978 | ER Dickinson | various | 5 |
History of the Second World War I Hitler Turns Against Russia | TFG | 1984 | N Schuessler | WW2 | 9 |
History of the Second World War II | TFG | 1985 | N Schuessler | WW2 | 9 |
History of the World | Ragnor Brothers | 1980 | - | various | 3 |
History of the World | Gibsons Games | 1991 | - | various | 3 |
History of the World | AH | 1993 | Steve Kendall | various | 8 |
Hit the Beach | Milton Bradley | 1963 | - | WW2 | 5 |
Hitler's Bunker | Chicago Wargamers | 1980 | - | WW2 | 4 |
Hitler's Counterstroke in France | TFG | 1986 | James Meldrum | WW2 | 4 |
Hitler's Last Gamble Command Series II-1 | Rand | 1975 | - | WW2 | 6 |
Hitler's Last Gamble Originally the Last Gamble | 3W | 1989 | Danny Parker | WW2 | 8 |
Hitler's War | AH | 1984 | Keith Gross | WW2 | 8 |
Hitler's War Metahistory 1 #5201 | Metagaming | 1981 | Keith Gross | WW2 | 9 |
Hobbit Adventure | ICE | - | - | Fantasy | 4 |
Hobkirk Hill | Markham Designs | 2000 | - | American Revolution | 5 |
Hochkirk Casus Belli 39 | Excelsior Pubs | 1987 | - | - | 5 |
Hof Gap Central Front series Vol. 2 | SPI | 1980 | Charles Kamp | 20 Century | 9 |
Hohenlinden 1800 | Delires SARL | 1995 | L Garbe | Napoleonic | 5 |
Hollow Legions ASL module 7 | AH | 1989 | Bob McNamara | WW2 | 7 |
Hollow Legions ASL module 7 [2ed] | MMP | 2001 | - | WW2 | 5 |
Holowczyn Sweden vs. Russia 1708 | Swedish / Svensk | 1981 | P Englund | 6 |
Holy Roman Empire Wargamer 33 | 3W | 1984 | Mark McLaughlin | Thirty Years War | 9 |
Holy War Microgame 13 #3113 | Metagaming | 1979 | Lynn Willis | Fantasy | 7 |
Holy War: Afghanistan S &T 147 | Decision | 1991 | Joe Miranda | 20 Century | 8 |
Home Before the Leaves Fall Combat 4 | Wellington Wargames | 1977 | - | WW1 | 5 |
Home Before the Leaves Fall | Clash of Arms | 1997 | David Bolt | WW1 | 8 |
Homes and Hovels | FGU | - | - | - | 4 |
Honor of the Samurai | Gamewright Inc. | 1999 | - | Medieval | 4 |
Honour Alone Fall of Hong Kong, 1941 | Pacific Rim | 1991 | Brian Knipple | WW2 | 8 |
Hooker & Lee p /o Blue & Gray 2 quad | SPI | 1976 | Richard Berg | American Civil War | 7 |
Hoorah Command 39 | XTR | 1996 | - | American Civil War | 7 |
Hoplita Alea 4 tac. ancients land system | Ludopress | 1989 | Javier Cebrian | Ancient | 5 |
Hornet Leader | GMT | 1991 | Dan Verssen | 20 Century | 8 |
Horse Clans, the | FGU | - | - | - | 4 |
Horse Soldiers, the S&T 119 | 3W | 1988 | Richard Berg | American Civil War | 9 |
Hot Spot Microgame 15 #3115 | Metagaming | 1979 | W Armintrout | SF | 7 |
Hougoumont: Rock of Waterloo Command 11 | XTR | 1991 | Ralph Braun | Napoleonic | 8 |
House Divided, a [1ed] 1981 & [2ed] 1989 | GDW | 1981 | Frank Chadwick | American Civil War | 8 |
House of Saud | 3W | - | - | Arab Independence | 2 |
Hovertank | Close Sims | 1983 | Wayne Close | SF | 6 |
HoverTank | Winsome Games | 1998 | - | SF | 5 |
How the West Wasn't Won | American Designers | - | - | Wild West | 4 |
HSW | Messerschmitt | - | - | - | 4 |
Hube's Pocket Western Ukraine 1944 | The Gamers | 1996 | D Friedrichs | WW2 | 7 |
Hue | Mayfair | 1983 | John Hill | Vietnam | 7 |
Hue, Battle for w/ Dien Bien Phu in Conflict 6 | SDC | 1973 | John Hill | Vietnam | 9 |
Hull-Down | International Wargamer | 1969 | GA Bradford | 20 Century | 5 |
Hundred Days Battle | AH | 1983 | Kevin Zucker | Napoleonic | 9 |
Hundred Days, Battles of the | OSG | 1979 | Kevin Zucker | Napoleonic | 9 |
Hundred Years War S&T 177 | Decision | 1995 | Joe Miranda | 100 Years War | 8 |
Hunt for Red October, the | TSR | 1988 | Douglas Niles | 20 Century | 6 |
Hunters from the Sky Battle for Maleme Airfield, Crete | The Gamers | 1994 | Wig Graves | WW2 | 7 |
Hurtgen Forest p /o Westwall quad | SPI | 1976 | Howie Barasch | WW2 | 7 |
Hydra | Grenadier | - | - | - | 4 |
Hyper Battle | Future & Fantasy | 1981 | Rich Slabbekoom | SF | 8 |
Hyperspace | Calhamer | 1969 | Alan Calhamer | SF | 4 |
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