by John Kula
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One of the potentially most interesting and useful pieces of information for a game collector/accumulator also happens to be one of the most ephemeral and challenging to locate: the actual number of published units of a particular game title. And even if some information is found, there is likely to be considerable doubt and confusion about its accuracy. Jim Dunnigan of SPI was the only mainstream publisher who freely and openly discussed game production data. For almost all other companies, this kind of information is usually discovered in passing, almost by accident. In an effort to remedy this state of affairs, Simulacrum will periodically publish a list of games for which production figures are known with some degree of accuracy. The information presented here comes from several sources, some presumably more reliable than others. For example, data for Simulations Canada games comes directly from Stephen Newberg and should be absolutely accurate. On the other hand, data for SPI games represents the print run of the S&T magazines in which these games first appeared, and so in cases where separate editions were printed later, clearly understates the actual totals. In the final analysis, the figures listed here are purported to represent the total number of games printed. This is not necessarily the same figure as the total number of games that were sold. Copies might have been given away to reviewers, copies might have been faulty and returned for replacement, and copies might simply have sat in storage until they were finally remaindered or sent to the dump. And yet, despite these failings, the figures presented here do have some worth. If nothing else, they provide an order-of-magnitude sense of the relative scarcity of certain game titles.
SGS Civil Power Strategist 294 1996 125 SGS Shining Path Strategist 306 1997 125 SGS Tupamaro Strategist 287 1996 125 SGS Hell's Foxes 1991 200 Bumpas Tatchanka 1977 200 Cormier Trafalgar 1968 450 SimCan Raketny Kreyser 1977 550 Game Preserve Rommel in the Desert 1982 800 SimCan Battle Stations! 1984 1,000 SimCan Battleship 1987 1,000 SimCan D.A.K. 1982 1,000 SimCan Hannibal 1983 1,000 SimCan I Will Fight No More Forever 1979 1,000 SimCan Inchon 1981 1,000 SimCan La Regia Marina 1983 1,000 SimCan Le Grand Empire 1978 1,000 SimCan Lebensraum! 1984 1,000 SimCan Lee at the Crossroads 1980 1,000 SimCan Line of Battle 1986 1,000 SimCan Man of War 1983 1,000 SimCan Napoleon's Last Triumph 1982 1,000 SimCan Norseman! 1985 1,000 SimCan One World, the 1984 1,000 SimCan Ortona 1983 1,000 SimCan Power and Resolution 1984 1,000 SimCan Quebec Libre 1978 1,000 SimCan Schnellboote 1984 1,000 SimCan Scourge of God 1982 1,000 SimCan Seapower & the State 1982 1,000 SimCan Warring States 1979 1,000 SimCan West Front 1985 1,000 SimCan Wilderness, the 1983 1,000 SimCan With Fire & Sword 1983 1,000 SPI Bastogne / Anzio Beachhead S&T 20 1970 1,200 SPI Renaissance of Infantry S&T 22 1970 1,428 SimCan I.J.N. 1978 1,500 SimCan Jihad! 1981 1,500 SimCan Rockets Red Glare 1981 1,500 SPI T-34 S&T 23 1970 1,522 SimCan Dieppe 1977 1,550 SimCan Peloponnesian War, the 1977 1,550 SPI Moscow, Battle of S&T 24 1970 1,607 SimCan Assault on Tobruk 1980 2,000 SimCan Dark Stars 1980 2,000 SimCan Divine Wind 1981 2,000 SimCan Kriegsmarine 1980 2,000 Discovery Source of the Nile 1978 2,000 SimCan Torpedo! 1979 2,000 SPI Fall of France S&T 27 1971 2,100 SPI Lost Battles S&T 28 1971 2,500 WWW Far Seas, the S&T 125 1989 4,613 Columbia Rommel in the Desert 1984 5,000 WWW Tigers are Burning, the S&T 118 1988 5,571 SPI Combat Command S&T 30 1972 6,000 DG Atlanta Campaign, the S&T 170 1994 6,048 DG Reinforce the Right S&T 180 1996 6,451 TSR Remember the Maine! S&T 108 1986 11,507 TSR 13: Colonies in Revolt S&T 104 1985 13,000 TSR Thunder at Luetzen S&T 99 1985 14,000 TSR Trail of the Fox S&T 97 1984 15,000 SPI Winter War S&T 33 1972 15,000 SPI Armageddon S&T 34 1972 15,100 TSR Soldiers of the Queen S&T 95 1984 16,000 SPI Year of the Rat S&T 35 1972 16,500 TSR Nordkapp S&T 94 1983 17,000 TSR American Civil War S&T 93 1983 18,000 SPI Destruction of A.G. Center S&T 36 1973 21,000 TSR Iwo Jima S&T 92 1983 22,000 SPI Scrimmage S&T 37 1973 24,100 SPI CA S&T 38 1973 24,400 TSR RDF S&T 91 1983 25,000 SPI Fall of Rome S&T 39 1973 25,100 SPI Kampfpanzer S&T 41 1973 26,100 SPI PanzerArmee Afrika S&T 40 1973 26,100 SPI East is Red, the S&T 42 1974 27,200 SPI American Civil War S&T 43 1974 27,600 SPI Combined Arms S&T 46 1974 28,100 SPI Operation Olympic S&T 45 1974 28,100 SPI Tank! S&T 44 1974 28,100 SPI Wolfpack S&T 47 1974 28,100 SPI Sixth Fleet S&T 48 1975 29,900 SPI Frederick the Great S&T 49 1975 30,200 SPI Breitenfeld S&T 55 1976 31,500 SPI Conquistador S&T 58 1976 31,500 SPI Dixie S&T 54 1976 31,500 SPI Germany, Battle for S&T 50 1975 31,500 SPI October War S&T 61 1977 31,500 SPI Oil War S&T 52 1975 31,500 SPI Panzergruppe Guderian S&T 57 1976 31,500 SPI Plot to Assassinate Hitler, the S&T 59 1976 31,500 SPI Punic Wars S&T 53 1975 31,500 SPI Revolt in the East S&T 56 1976 31,500 SPI Road to Richmond S&T 60 1977 31,500 SPI South Africa S&T 62 1977 31,500 SPI World War I S&T 51 1975 31,500 SPI BAOR S&T 88 1981 32,000 SPI S icily S&T 89 1981 32,000 SPI Cobra S&T 65 1977 34,000 SPI Raid! S&T 64 1977 34,000 SPI VeraCruz S&T 63 1977 34,000 SPI Siege of Constantinople, the S&T 66 1978 34,500 SPI Kharkov S&T 68 1978 36,000 SPI Stonewall S&T 67 1978 36,000 SPI Cassino, Battle for S&T 71 1978 36,300 SPI Crusades, the S&T 70 1978 36,300 SPI Armada S&T 72 1979 36,500 SPI Berlin '85 S&T 79 1980 36,500 SPI Cedar Mountain 1981 36,500 SPI China War, the S&T 76 1979 36,500 SPI Desert Fox S&T 87 1981 36,500 SPI Fifth Corps S&T 82 1980 36,500 SPI Fighting Sail S&T 85 1981 36,500 SPI Kaiser's Battle, the S&T 83 1980 36,500 SPI Napoleon's Art of War S&T 75 1979 36,500 SPI Ney vs. Wellington S&T 74 1979 36,500 SPI Operation Grenade S&T 84 1981 36,500 SPI Panzer Battles S&T 73 1979 36,500 SPI Paratroop S&T 77 1979 36,500 SPI Patton's Third Army S&T 78 1980 36,500 SPI Tannenberg II S&T 69 1978 36,500 SPI Tito S&T 81 1980 36,500 SPI Wilson's Creek S&T 80 1980 36,500 Back to Simulacrum Vol. 3 No. 1 Table of Contents Back to Simulacrum List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by Steambubble Graphics This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |