Compiled by John Kula
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8th Army, WWII Desert Campaign, Attactix, 1982 8th Army: Operation Crusader, the Winter Battles for Tobruk 1941, GDW, 1984 88, Yaquinto, 1980 Africa Aflame, World in Flames Expansion Kit, Australian Design Group, 1993 The African Campaign, Jedco, 1973 African Gambit, Ad Technos Afrika, the North African Campaign 1940-42, The Garners, 1993 Afrika Korps, WWII Desert Campaign Game, Avalon Hill, 1965 Afrika Korps II, Panzerfaust, 1971 Air Assault on Crete/Malta, the Epic German Airborne Attack, Avalon Hill, 1977 Assault on Tobruk, SimCan, 1980 The Battle for North Africa, War in the Desert, 1940-42, GMT, 1997 Battles for Tobruk, Balboa, 1975 Beda Fomm, Wavell in the Western Desert 1941, GDW, 1979 Bloody Kasserine, Rommel Hits the Yanks, GDW, 1992 The Campaign for North Africa, the Desert War 1940-43, SPI, 1978. Cauldron, Four Battles for North Africa, SPI, 1976 Crete, S&T 18,1969 Crete, the False Victory, May 1941, S&T 77, 1979 Crete 1941, Excalibre, 1976 Crete, Gibraltar and Malta, Taurus, 1975 Crusader, the Gamers, 1997 Crusader, Four Battles for North Africa, SPI, 1976 DAK, the Campaign in North Africa, 1940-42, the Gamers, 1997 D.A.K., the Axis in North Africa, SimCan, 1982 Decision at Kasserine, Rommel's Last Chance, Wargamer 23, 1983 Descent on Crete, The German Airdrop on Maleme, May 1941, SPI, 1978 Desert Fox, S&T 87,1981 Desert Fox, Afrika Korps II, Cavalier, 1973 Desert Fox, Epoch, 1981 Desert Fox, STR Desert Rats, 3 W, 1978 Desert Steel, Wargamer 2/14, 1989 Desert Steel, World War II Armoured Tactics, West End Games, 1989 Desert War, Adding the French & Italians to 'Up Front, Avalon Hill, 1987 Desert War, Tactical Warfare in North Africa, SPI, 1973 Duel in the Desert, Wargamer 51, 1986 El Alamein, Battles in North Africa, 1942, SPI, 1973 The Fall of Tobruk, Conflict Games, 1975 Fall of Tobruck, GDW, 1975 Fight for Tobruk, SDC, 1976 Four Battles for North Africa, Cauldron; Kasserine; Crusader; Supercharge, (North Africa Quad) SPI, 1976 Gazala 1942, the Clash ofArmor, People's Wargames, 1983 Gazala, Flying Buffalo, 1973 Gladio, (Marita-Merkuys redone), GRD HellFire Pass, Wargamer 39, 1985 Hell's Foxes, WWII, North Africa, 1941, SGS, 1991 Hunters from the Sky, the Gamers, 1994 Kasserine, The Baptism of Fire, February 1943, Fresno Gaming, 1992 Kasserine, Four Battles for North Africa, SPI, 1976 Kasserine Pass, Conflict Games/GDW, 1972 Kasserine Pass, Rommel Hits the Yanks, Conflict Games, 1973 Kasserine Pass, Baptism of Fire: February 1943, Conflict Games, 1977 La Regia Marina, the Naval War in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, SimCan, 1983 The Legend Begins, the Afrika Korps 1941 [ 1st Ed], Rhino Games, 1991 The Legend Begins, North Africa, 1940-42 [3rd Ed], Terran Games, 1994 Malta Under Siege 1940-42, C3 i, 1/3, 1994 Mare Nostrum, IES, 1985 Marita-Merkur, the Campaign in the Balkans, 1940-41, GDW, 1979 MedFront, Columbia Games, 1994 The Mediterranean Campaign, Hobby Japan North Africa, STR Objective: Tunis, S&T 140,1991 Operation Crusader, 8th Army's Forgotten Victory, Fresno Gaming, 1991 Operation Crusader, the British 8th Army's Winter Offensive 1941, GDW, 1978 Operation Mercury, the German Airborne Assault on Crete, 1941, GMT, 1992 O'Connor's Offensive, Wargamer 41, 1985 PanzerArmee Afrika, Rommel in the Desert 1941 to 1942, SPI, 1973 PanzerA rmee Afrika, Rommel in the Desert 1941 to 1942, Avalon Hill, 1981 PanzerArmee Afrika, S&T 40, 1973 Patton Goes to War, S&T 112, 198 7 Race for Tunis, Wargamer 57, 1986 Race for Tunis, Decision in North Africa, GDW, 1992 Rommel, International Team, 1980 Rommel. the Campaign for North Africa, Loren Sperry, 1973 Rommel: the War for North Africa, Rand,1975 Rommel & Tunisia 1943, Last Chance for Glory, OSG, 1978 Rommel at Bay, 3 W, 1985 Rommel at Gazala, Command 34,1995 Rommel's Final Offensive, Tunisia, Mongol # 1, Minnesota Wargaming, 1993 Rommel in North Africa, War in the Desert 1941-42, West End Games, 1986 Rommel in the Desert, Columbia Games, 1984 Rommel in the Desert, Game Preserve, 1982 Rommel's Panzers, Metagaming, 1980 Rommel's War, Quarterdeck, 1985 Ruweisat Ridge, S&T 105, 1985 The Sands of War, Tactical Combat in the Middle East 1941-91, GDW, 1991 Sidi Rezegh 1941, Excalibre, 1977 Sirocco, Desert Raiders Battle Game, TSR, 1985 Streik fur der Suez, Perry Moore, 1980 Supercharge, Battle of El Alamein, Oct. 1942 (Four Battles for North Africa), SPI, 1076 Tank!, Weapon System Survey, S&T 44, 1974 Tobruk, Tank Battles in North Africa 1942, Avalon Hill, 1975 Torch, the Invasion of Northwest Africa 1942-43, GDW, 1985 Trail of the Fox, S&T 97,1984 Triumphant Fox, Gazala Battles May-June 1942, Moments in History, 1994 Tunisia, the Garners, 1995 Tunisia 1943, Mid-February 1943 to May 1943, Excalibre, 1976 Tunisie 1943, Vae Victis 1, 1995 Western Desert, Campaign in Egypt and Libya 1940-43, GDW, 1983 West of Alamein, Advanced Squad Leader, Avalon Hill, 1988 Back to Simulacrum Vol. 1 No. 1 Table of Contents Back to Simulacrum List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by Steambubble Graphics This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. 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