Here We Go -- Again!

Cape Cod U-Boat Hoax

by Harry Cooper

Some years ago, we debunked the story from a guy named Greg Brooks when he claimed to have found a sunken U-Boat in just 45 feet of water off Cape Cod. According to him, this was a secret (weren't they ALL secret?) German U-Boat that was bringing supplies to the German spy base somewhere on shore in that area. He claimed that the Skipper of this boat was trying to contact his HQ - on the US Coast Guard frequency and speaking in English! Anyone who would believe all this would certainly buy a bridge in Brooklyn, but he did get the Boston GLOBE and the Boston HERALD interested. We warned reporters of both newspapers that this story was totally crazy and had no basis in truth at all!

Brooks finally came up with the number of this boat and he was so convincing to the newspapers that the German widows and families of the men lost on the U-Boat he claimed he found were begging him to leave their dead men sleep in peace in their boat. These crewmen were never in danger of being disturbed because there was NO U-Boat there!

The GLOBE had enough sense to run, not walk, away from this scheme but the HERALD didn't have enough sense to realize that a submarine sunk in 45 feet of water would stick out of the water; that Germany did not have a spy base in America - and using the US Coast Guard frequency to contact U-Boat HQ - and speaking in English? But as P. T. Barnum once said, there is a sucker born every minute and the HERALD swallowed the story completely.

They outfitted an `expedition' of sorts to be the first to discover this `secret' German U-Boat but try as they might, they could not find any trace of a sunken U-Boat. DUH! They finally gave up and, without admitting it to anyone, they knew that they had been flim-flammed!

And now someone sent us a clipping that Brooks is trying to raise money to build a "Musarium" for some $30 million, to be built in Portsmouth, Maine. He's now shifted from all the "lost" U-Boats in remote areas like the Great Salt Lake, the Sea of Tranquility and the swamp behind this HQ in Florida and he now has `found" a sunken French merchantman that sank off the Maine coast some 200 years ago or so. He surmises that the cargo aboard is worth between $2 to $5 billion -- but he still hasn't brought up anything. Hmmmmmm -- sounds like that U-Boat in 45 feet of water

Attorney and researcher PAUL LAWTON (4628-1996) has been unraveling these wild tales coming from Brooks and another guy named Michaud. One day I suspect we will have quite a factual expose on these guys from PAUL. Can't wait!

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