My Navy Then...

And the New Navy Now

Sent by James Santos (4896-A/LIFE-1996)

A comparison between the American Military – “Then” and “Now”

Since JIM was in the U.S. Navy, his comparison is on the Navy side, but it can be said for all branches of the American military. “Then” refers to the time of WW II and “Now” well, you know.

THEN – If a sailor smoked, he had an ashtray on his desk.
NOW – If a sailor smokes, he/she is sent outside like a leper.

THEN – Mail took weeks to arrive aboard the ship.
NOW – When the ship nears land, there is a mob topside seeing if their cell phone works.

THEN – If a sailor left the ship, he was in Blues or Whites.
NOW – Only time they wear Blues or Whites is for ceremonies.

THEN – Sailors wore bellbottoms everywhere on the ship.
NOW – Bellbottoms are gone from the Navy – 14 year old girls wear them everywhere.

THEN – Sailors wore a “Dixie cup” all day with every uniform.
NOW – It is not required, and they have a choice of headwear.

THEN – If you said “damn” people knew you were annoyed.
NOW – If you say “damn” you’d better be talking about a hydroelectric power plant.

THEN – The ship’s Yeoman had a typewriter on his desk for his daily reports.
NOW – Everyone has a computer with Internet access – and they wonder why no work gets done.

THEN – We painted pictures of pretty girls on airplanes.
NOW – We put the real thing in the cockpit.

THEN – Your girlfriend was at home, praying you’d return alive.
NOW – She’s on the same ship, praying your condom worked.

THEN – If a sailor got drunk off duty, his buddies would take him back to the ship to sleep it off.
NOW – If a sailor got drunk off duty, they slap him in rehab and ruin his career.

THEN – Canteens were made out of steel and you could heat coffee and hot chocolate in them.
NOW – Canteens are made of plastic; can’t heat them because they’ll melt and everything inside tastes like plastic.

THEN – The top officers were professional sailors first. They commanded respect.
NOW – The top officers are politicians first. They beg not to be given a “wedgie”.

THEN – Enemy intelligence was collected and analyzed.
NOW – The crew’s urine is collected and analyzed.

THEN – The crew slept in a barracks, like a soldier.
NOW – They sleep in co-ed dormitories, like college kids.

THEN – If a sailor didn’t act correctly and follow the rules, he’d be put on extra duty until he squared away.
NOW – They start a paper trail that follows him forever.

THEN – Medals were awarded to heroes who saved lives at the risk of their own.
NOW – Medals are given to people who show up for work most of the time.

THEN – Sailors ate in a mess hall. The food was free and they could generally eat their fill.
NOW – They dine in a Dining Facility. Every item, even a slice of Bread, pat of butter costs; they can have only one serving.

THEN – We defeated really powerful enemies like Germany and Japan… the same time!
NOW – We don’t even try to beat Iraq.

THEN – If a sailor wanted a couple of beers & social conversation, he could go to the EM Club or the officers to the O Club. Beer was a quarter.
NOW – The beer will cost two bucks and someone will be watching to see how much he drinks.

THEN – The Exchange had bargains for sailors who didn’t make much money.
NOW – You can get better merchandise at a better price at Wal Mart or K-Mart.

THEN – If an Admiral wanted to make a presentation, he wrote a few notes and a PN or YN spent an hour or so preparing the formal document.
NOW – The Admiral has his entire staff spend days preparing a complicated computer Power Point presentation.

THEN – We called the enemy things like “Commie Bastards” and “Dirty Reds” because we didn’t like them.
NOW – We call the enemy things like “Aggressors”; “Opposing Forces” so that we don’t offend them.

THEN – We declared victory when the enemy was dead & all his things were broken.
NOW – We declare victory when the enemy says he is sorry and won’t do it again.

THEN – A commander put his butt on the line to protect his men.
NOW – Commander puts his people on the line to protect his butt.

JIM – thanks for the look into yesteryear. Members must have had a good laugh because this stuff is really funny. But when you read and re-read it over a couple times, it really is tremendously sad because it is true. During the war years and for a decade or two thereafter the American military was as JIM describes it but now, as a local retired “Bird” Colonel here says – they’re doing all they can to take the “Warrior Spirit” out of the American military.

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