Membership Pride

Letters to the Editor

by the readers

Frau Doktor Professor RENEE von WÖRDE (887-1988) writes: “I have been so gratified to read the many compliments from Members in the KTB regarding your good and important work. Thank goodness for you!”

Thanks RENEE – we appreciate your kind comments.

When JOHN BLAKEWAY (4311-1995) sent in his dues renewal, he also sent this note. “I wish to mention that I have finally framed all of my prints that I have purchased over the years from Sharkhunters. I have always been a ‘pack rat’ in so many ways. I can kick myself for waiting so long to have these prints framed. The gentleman who framed the prints for me said that I ought to open my very own art gallery. He complimented me on all of these beautiful prints.”

JOHN, many thanks for the kind words – and thanks especially for the comments on how beautiful our prints are. We realize that the black and white catalog cannot really show these prints as they really are and even on our website, they do not appear near as fantastic as they really are AND they just get more and more valuable as the years go by.

Our Members should take a moment and go onto our website at then click on PRINTS to see how great they really are. They are indeed, a beautiful investment.

The U.S. Coast Guard keeps moving MARK PEARSON (1881-LIFE-1991) around, so when he sent his latest address, he wrote: “Don’t want to miss an issue of the KTB. Keep up the good work. Thanks.”

Don’t worry MARK – we’ll keep ‘em coming to your door.

MICHAEL LIPSCOMB (6323-2001) recently wrote in: “It is a pleasure and an honor to be a member of such a wonderful organization, and it just keeps getting better and better each year! Please keep up the great work – the KTBs are the most fulfilling reading that I have ever seen. They are truly works of art and priceless history told from great men of honor, bravery and courage. Keep up the great work!”

RON LADD (3844-LIFE-1994) sent this letter: “Once again I walk tall, knowing I’m part of a GREAT ORGANIZATION. I find myself like a little kid who could not wait for Saturday to get here – Saturday movies and the serial (cliff hangers) to see how this series would work out. I still have this same feeling on waiting for my delivery of the current KTB publication. Talk about a cliff hanger – ERICH sized up by the Hangman.”

YOYA KAWAMURA (1739-LIFE-1991) was spending a long time in the USA, visiting his daughter, and he asked that we send the KTB to him at her apartment. He wrote: “It was so nice to be able to read the KTB again after such a long interval. The story on USS TAMBOR was really fascinating.”

We sincerely appreciate ALL the comments our Members send in. What about YOU? We welcome all comments, questions and especially suggestions. How can we make the KTB more interesting and how can we make your Membership more fun? Let us know………….we’ll do what we can.

JOSEF HINZ (1358-+-1990) had served aboard U-111 and when he began his “Eternal Patrol”, his widow, WALTRAUD HINZ continued the Membership and when she recently renewed her Membership and got her free audiotape, she wrote: “Thank you very much for the tape ‘Songs of the War Years’. I played the tape twice yesterday and enjoyed it a lot – old songs that I used to sing along when I was a kid as the radio was playing.”

“Bubblehead” BOB MARBLE (6584-2002) wrote: “Just reading the article on page 39 in KTB #177. I met David (Irving) in Sarasota where he held a book signing session after a very interesting talk on his work..”

EDITOR NOTE – former Member DAVID IRVING (2294-1992) is world renowned as an excellent researcher who tells the accurate story, no matter the cost…..and it has cost him plenty. He has managed to go on the wrong side of several governments and it has cost him about all his money, and he is not too welcome in some countries.

And a Question:

Bubblehead BOB would like to know – did the Kriegsmarine use a bathythermograph on the U-Boats. If they did, how did it work and where in the boat was it located? Please send replies here and we’ll pass them on to BOB.

Sail On Gerd

We received this e-mail from “Deputy” DAVID MOBLEY (417-LIFE-1987), or was that “Garbageman” DAVID???

He writes: “I wanted to tell you how saddened I was to hear that GERD THÄTER had passed away. I’ll remember for the rest of my life, that he told me that he was never late for anything in his life. He said that he always planned ahead. I sure hope he was ON TIME in heaven, because he sure was a saint on earth.”

EDITOR NOTE – If you ever met GERD THÄTER, then you know what DAVE means. If you did not meet GERD, you missed a chance to meet a truly wonderful man. He was like everyone’s uncle – he was fun and always had a twinkle in his eye, which let you know that he had a mischievous streak in him. He always had a nice word for people and when you met GERD for the first time, he made you feel as if you knew him your entire life.

Many Members feel as if they have lost a member of their family when GERD began his “Eternal Patrol” because they really did lose a family member. Those who had the honor to know him can never forget him. Sail on in peace, old friend.

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© Copyright 2004 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
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