Videotapes of History


By Harry Cooper

Tape H-1 Walking Tour of U-505 The camera takes you through this famous submarine AND up on deck as well as rare footage of the boat in the Milwaukee River! Be aware – the quality of the tape is rough in spots, but it is pure history.

Tape H-2 Key Largo This is the videographic history of our first ever Sharkhunters Annual Conventions, and you will see many familiar veterans in this videotape.

Tape H-3 “Sub-Africa” The tape takes the viewer along with our “Patrol” in South Africa, out on a patrol aboard the submarine SMS EMILIE HOBHOUSE, on a low-level flight in a C-47 and on a sightseeing tour aboard a Super Frelon troop carrier helicopter. There is footage of our evening in a Zulu camp as well as four days in the bush. This tape is eight hours long.

Tape H-4 U-995 and Hess This is the story of U-995, the only Type VII-C left in the world and her Skipper Hans-Georg HESS (125-LIFE-1985). The tape is spoken in German, but the film is great.

Tape H-5 1988 – Europe Our Sharkhunters “Patrol” in Europe takes us to Brest and Lorient, on board French warships, to the U-Boat bunkers. Then we go by train across Europe to Germany, where we are met by dozens of U-Boat Skippers and other veterans. The last hour of this tape takes a pair of Sharkhunters into the ‘Lost Bunker’ and for the first time EVER, the three Type XXI boats inside are put on film! This is an eight hour tape.

Tape H-6 German Newsreels with Günther Prien Germany and her war machine at the beginning of the war; Prien’s triumphant parade into Berlin and his receiving the Knights Cross. Lots of history here

Tape H-7 1989 Charleston Our Sharkhunters “Patrol” here in this old city.

Tape H-8 Karl-Friederich Merten Half an hour of interviews with MERTEN (34-+-1984) and survivors of the CITY of CAIRO sunk by U-68, then film of Berlin pre-war as well as Lorient in the early days of the war.

Tape H-9 “Patrol” in France & Germany 1991 This time we are INSIDE the U-Boat bunkers!

Tape H-10 Austria 1990 This tape is a continuation of Tape H-9, as our bus takes us into Austria for the first time, and we are at the Ulrichsbergfest. At that time, it was not against the law for the veterans to wear their medals AND their uniforms, with ALL the insignia on them – and we see it all in this tape.

Tape H-11 Castles of the SS This excellent tape takes us into and around several castles used by the SS in the war, most notably Wewelsburg Castle.

Tape H-12 Tunnels of the Third Reich BUD and STELLA DANA (245-A/LIFE-1987) shot this excellent tape in the early 1990’s before the German Government began their systematic destruction of these tunnels and bunker systems. You’ll go through tunnels, see the machine gun emplacements, look at the airshafts as they peek out of the ground. This tape is an incredible look into the defensive systems built for the survival of Hitler and his top personnel during bombing and heavy attack.

Tape H-13 Chicago 1991 Our “Patrol” in the Windy City and we are joined by three Skippers (two with the Knights Cross) and many veterans. Our camera takes our group through U-505 and the American submarine, USS SILVERSIDES.

Tape H-14 Triumph of the Will This film history of the 1936 Party Congress made by the beautiful and talented LENI RIEFENSTAHL (3157-+-1993) is a classic! It is the most powerful propaganda film ever made and was once banned by the Allies after the war.

Tape H-15 U-Boats in Combat The first half of the tape is entirely from German newsreel footage, showing Großadmiral Dönitz and his staff, scenes aboard the boats in combat etc. We added ‘Now it Can be Told!’, the USN story of the capture of U-505 to this tape.

Tape H-16 Combat at Sea Aboard BISMARCK, then U-46 with Endraß sinking a steamer, with GUGGENBERGER (269-+-1987) as he brings U-81 back to port after sinking HMS ARK ROYAL, then a PK film about the good life aboard U-boats with clean sheets, new uniforms and no dangers.

Tape H-17 Discovery of “U-WHO” The actual diver’s camera takes us all around the wreck once known as “U-WHO”, now known to be U-869.

Tape H-18 Russia 1991 Trip report on the trip to the Soviet Union, meeting various admirals there and seeing the sites of this now gone country.

Tape H-19 China 1992 (tape 1 of 2)

Tape H-20 China 1992 (tape 2 of 2) Each of these long videotapes takes us into the ‘Land of the Forbidden Dragon’ and we visited places not open to others including in military bases and aboard Chinese warships, plus meeting with the Commander of the East Sea Fleet.

Tape H-21 Germany 1992 Our “Patrol” in this beautiful country – to the Schiffahrts Museum and a two-man submarine, to the Type XXI boat and U-995. we visit with many veterans including HARDEGEN (102-LIFE-1985), HESS (125-LIFE-1985) and THÄTER (194-+-1986). We tour on board German warships and go places not open to others.

Tape H-22 Russia 1992 For the first time ever, an outside group was welcomed into the HQ of the Russian Navy. We went through the Naval Academy, the Submarine College, various navy bases and on board various warships. We were housed in lush villas, operated by the Russian Navy.

Tape H-23 Chicago 1993 Back to the Windy City, but this time we were joined by OTTO KRETSCHMER (122-+-1985) and his wife. OTTO speaks before our group, and we celebrate Mrs. Kretschmer’s birthday. We visit aboard U-505 and USS SILVERSIDES.

Tape H-24 Russian Fleet to the Rescue A corny fictional account of an American nuclear submarine in need of help, the American fleet too far away so the Russian Navy comes to the rescue. It is a hokey plot, but the real value of this tape is the great look at the Russian ships and planes, and the look at the everyday life of the Russian military men and their wives. It is quite accurate.

Tape H-26 GOCHIN! An outstanding film, this documentary was made in 1942 aboard the Japanese I-10 during her 4th combat patrol and it shows the attack and sinking of an Allied steamer.

Tape H-27 Red Devil Boot During one patrol off the American east coast, a cameraman accompanied ERICH TOPP (118-LIFE-1985) on U-552. there is combat footage, shots of TOPP in the boat and on the bridge with New York in the background. This little touch was added by the PK. U-552 was never within sight of N.Y.

Tape H-28 Today’s Submarine Navy Ride aboard an American nuclear fast attack submarine as well as aboard a “boomer”. See how the best submarine navy today keeps the men and families together and motivated.

Tape H-31 St. Petersburg This tape takes us, as tourists, through one of the most magnificent cities on the earth. Visit the St. Peter and Paul Fortress, the Summer Palace, the Neva River and the Hermitage Museum (former Winter Palace) with one of the world’s largest collection of fine art.

Tape H-34 Raigekitai Shutsudo It means ‘Torpedo Bombers – Launch!’ and it is a Japanese propaganda film made in 1944. the master of this tape, as all our Japanese combat tapes, came to us from the vault of an old Japanese filmmaker and can be found nowhere else.

Tape H-35 Key Largo 1997 Once again, we come to this Paradise on Florida’s southern point. HESS (125-LIFE-1985), Captain AL CHESTER (3791-1994), RADM SHELDON KINNEY (5152-1997) and NED BEACH (1163-+-1989) were just some of the veterans who were with us.

Tape H-36 KRETSCHMER and U-99 Begins with German newsreels of him coming back into port with U-99, being greeted by Dönitz. There is much combat footage then quite a few personal interviews. An excellent historical tape.

Tape H-37 Mustang Crash Site JOHN RYAN (401-+-1987) and his team search for – and find, the remains of a P-51 Mustang fighter plane that crashed during training in Florida.

Tape H-38 Elbe Melodie A travelogue along the Elbe River, showing the beauty of Germany. Relax with German music as you glide along the Elbe through cities and little towns as well as the lush farmlands. There is plenty of German food, beer, folk dancing – and friendship all along this route.

Cost of the tapes is $30 (plus $5 shipping) each – BUT:
Order at least 3 tapes, the price is only $25 (plus $5 shipping) each;
Order at least 5 tapes, the price is only $20 (plus $5 shipping) each;
Order at least 8 tapes, the price is $20 each – shipping is FREE!
If you order at least 10 tapes, the price is $20, the shipping is FREE and we will send a 5½ hour version of ‘DAS BOOT’ – FREE!

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© Copyright 2003 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
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