Sharkhunters News


by Harry Cooper

Show of Shows

We were at this very large militaria show in February this year, and many Sharkhunters Members came by to visit. Here we see BILL NAPIER (2290-C/LIFE-1992), SEAN COOPER (1/2-LIFE-1987), HARRY COOPER (1-life-1983), MEAGHAN COOPER (1/4-LIFE-1991) & JOHN GESTRICH (3684-2000).

There were many more Sharkhunters Members who visited us in Louisville:
573-1988 BILL GASSER
2346-1996 BOB SEVIER
2391-1992 Dr. JAMES J. CARROLL
3021-1993 MIKE STICKLE
3213-1993 JIM KIPPOLA
6187-C-2000 MATT HALL
6782-2004 BILL BUREAU
6787-2004 TOM SCHEITER

(sorry if we missed anyone)

Patrol in Germany

Sharkhunters will lead the tour of Northern Germany from September 26-October 10, 2004. Contact Sharkhunters for more information: and click on "Tours"

New Advisory Board Members

Unfortunately, we have found it necessary to replace two Advisory Board Members and this is a first. In the twenty-one years of Sharkhunters, this has never happened before. One Board Member was forced to drop out entirely because of a personal reason while the other had done some things against the best interests of Sharkhunters and so, was put out of Sharkhunters. The specifics are not important – what is important is that we cannot have a Board Member working against the good work we do for the history of the U-Bootwaffe and so he can never be a Member again.

To replace them, we are pleased and proud to announce that: RICHARD SMITH (1213-LIFE-1989) & BILL NAPIER (2290-C/LIFE-1992) have been appointed to replace them.

Major DICK SMITH is a former US Army pilot and has flown just about everything, including passenger planes, for some years. He had been a highly successful sports car racer, setting many national and international records.

BILL NAPIER is a US Marine combat veteran of two Vietnam tours. Both Members have been extremely supportive over the years and we are quite certain that they will continue to be.

Membership Contest and a BAHAMAS CRUISE!

You bet – a Bahamas Cruise is the First Prize for the Member who recruits the most new Members in 2004 (minimum of 15)! If the Member would rather a LIFE Membership instead, that’s what they will receive. Okay, I’m in a generous mood. The Member who recruits the most new Members (minimum of 15) will get their choice of these great prizes AND the Member who recruits the next highest number of new Members (minimum of 15) will receive the OTHER of these two great prizes. EVERYONE CAN WIN SOMETHING!

You will receive a credit of $5 for each new Member you recruit towards anything in the catalog, your next renewal – whatever you like, you get $5 for each new Member up to four.

If you recruit 5 new Members – you get another year of your own Membership…..FREE!

For every 5 new Members you recruit – you receive one more year of Membership – FREE! I really like that word FREE, don’t you?

Here are Members already on their way to that GRAND PRIZE:

WILLIS CARTO (1059-1989) ………………………………… 3

CARL FROMHAGEN (1242-1989 …………………………. 1
STEVE WOLFE (3855-LIFE-1994)
VALOR TOURS (5576-1998)

It isn’t difficult. Do you loan your KTB to a friend who enjoys it? That friend would probably love a Membership, so sign them up and besides, you won’t have to wonder where are your missing issues of the KTB when your friend loses them.

Are you part of a re-enactment group? There are people in that group who would love to hear about Sharkhunters. Be creative and YOU can be the GRAND PRIZE winner.

There is plenty of time for YOU to win that GRAND PRIZE. If you need Membership applications, brochures etc. just let us know, and we’ll send them out to you. GOOD HUNTING!


The automatic dues renewal program has been well received by our Members. It saves time and the headaches of having to fill out a form each year, sticking it in an envelope, hunting up a stamp etc

For our Members with their credit cards in our files – when your dues are due, we simply charge them to your account and you are renewed for another year – it’s that simple! When you see the charge appear on your statement, send us an e-mail, FAX or phone us to let us know which FREE audiotape you want AND if you have been a Member for five or more years, let us know which videotape you want in addition to the audiotape. It is your FREE gift. Members love this program for the obvious reasons.

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© Copyright 2004 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,