Polish Submarines


by David Chwala (1422-2002)

The detailed specifications for the Polish submarine SEP were in KTB #170, but here are a few more specifics on SEP herself.

SEP under construction. photo courtesy www.polishnavy.prv.pl

Type: ORZEL Class
Built by: R.D.M. in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Design: Nederlandsche Verenigde Scheepsbouw Bureaux in the Hague, with a team of Polish naval experts
Keel laid: November 1936
Launched: 17 October 1938
Commissioned: 16 April 1039 (uncompleted)
Arrived Poland: 18 April 1939
Decommissioned: The boat was decommissioned 15 September 1969 and broken up for scrap in 1971.

The 1st Skipper of SEP was Komandor Podporucznik W. Salamon.

After SEP was launched in October 1938, the Poles noticed the Dutch were slowing down the completion of the submarine. They believed the slowdown was due to the fact that no more contracts were awarded to Dutch ship builders or pro-German sympathizers.

When Germany occupied Prague on 15 March 1939, Admiral Jerzy Swirski, Commandant of the Polish Navy, decided that SEP should be sailed to Poland as soon as possible. On 2 April 1939, SEP left Rotterdam for diving trials in the North Sea. The Polish Kdr., Ppor Salamon was secretly ordered to ‘kidnap’ the submarine and meet the destroyer ORP BURZA (Storm) near Oslofjord, Norway.

On 16 April the ships met and extra personnel from BURZA were transferred to SEP. Two days later, SEP entered Gydnia harbor in Poland.

When hostilities began on 1 September 1939, SEP proceeded to its patrol area in the Baltic. On 2 September, while submerged, SEP spotted a German destroyer, the FRIEDERICH IHN, and fired one torpedo which missed. SEP was immediately depth charges, causing serious damage to the hull. SEP began taking on water, requiring the pumps to be used.

The noise from the pumps attracted another depth charge attack, although no more damage was received. SEP proceeded to the vicinity of Gotland to recharge batteries and make emergency repairs. Even after repairs, it took fifteen minutes to submerge.

On 3 September 1939, SEP was attacked by the German submarine U-14 (Horst Wellner) but the torpedo exploded before reaching SEP. SEP continued her patrol, making no sightings.

EDITOR NOTE – This attack took place at 2210 hours (German time) in Square AO2345. These were the first German torpedoes with magnetic proximity fuses, which had problems in the early days.

On 14 September, SEP was ordered to make for England or internment in Sweden. Because of the damage, the Skipper decided to make for Stavnas, Sweden and arrived 17 September.

SEP was returned to Poland in April 1945 and she continued in service with post-war Soviet-dominated Poland. The Skipper, Salamon, was the only officer who chose to return.

Another excellent piece of history, thanks to DAVID. Remember, we welcome your articles. Just be sure they are accurate and correct – and photos always make the article more enjoyable.

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