
Patrol Comments

by Harry Cooper

“Patrol” in South Germany & Austria

Our group gathered up at the new Franz Josef Straus Airport outside München, boarded our deluxe motor coach for the ride through the breathtakingly beautiful Tyrolean Alps, through Austria to our hotel in Kärnten.

Meaghan and Kay Cooper with Dr. Haider

After checking into our rooms, we met and chatted with four Kriegsmarine veterans including one man who rode U-172 under both CARL EMMERMANN (315-+-1987) and HERMANN HOFFMANN (1365-LIFE-1990).

After spending some great time with these gentlemen, our group departed for dinner – in the majestic fortress Landskron Castle, where we looked over the city far below. Words cannot describe this time, so check the website for photos.

South Germany & Austria

That evening, we were in our normal place in the Pschorkeller – up front at the stage to listen to the band and the girls dancing, singing and playing the bells. Our friend GEORG HÖGEL (240-LIFE-1987) (right), radioman on U-30 and U-110, spent the evening at dinner and the festivities with us, and signed autographs for everyone there.

We visited Dinkelsbühl, a little town that survived the Thirty Years War and had our lunch in the 16th Century wine cellar that had then been the property of the church bishop, but now a historic restaurant. We really enjoyed this lunch.

Immediately after lunch, we toured the town including down in the old moat, and to the old castle where a young trumpeter, dressed in the uniform of a soldier of the Thirty Years War, announced our arrival with the very same tune that greeted the soldiers of the conquering army some four centuries ago.

Then the wine maiden, dressed in the fashions of the time of the Thirty Years War, came out with the pitcher of wine as a young girl did back then, to welcome the conquering army and to ask the soldiers not to destroy the town. As the wine maiden did 400 years ago, ours took a drink from the pitcher and we all watched to be certain that she did not drop over from poison. Then we each drank from the pitcher. We have a great time here; you should join us.

On Saturday 20 September, our group visited a famous church, dating from 1687. Referring to this area, STEVE SHOCK (2213-A/LIFE-1992) said, “The whole place is a post card” and he is correct. It is impossible to take a bad photograph in Austria.

The Austrian Army Rescue Corps brought out their new multi-million dollar search and rescue helicopter, and the pilot gave us an overview of the chopper and their mission.

U.S. Marine Corps veteran BILL NAPIER (2290-C/LIFE-1992) said, “I had a fantastic time! I liked the Ulrichsberg tribute to WW II veterans and going to Dr. Jörg Haider’s speech. My best memory of the trip was the Ulrichsberg tribute and the visit to the farm. I can honestly say, except for my Vietnam buddies, I have never been around a finer group of people in my life – incredible experience!”

ULRICHSBERG! Sunday 21 September found our group on this magnificent mountain for the memorial service to the men who did not return, no matter what their uniform. The ruined cathedral at the very peak with the huge cross next to it, the blending colors of people in the traditional dress of the area, the uniforms of the many centuries of Austrian military from medieval to present day all blended into a massive patchwork quilt of history. The Austrian Army band played while ladies in traditional dress sold ‘korn’ for money to help maintain this beautiful place all wove together into the patchwork of color that exploded on the mountaintop in the early morning mists. As always, our group was seated in the ‘honors’ section right by the Kriegsmarine veterans.

Take a look at our website (the web address is at the top of all the odd-numbered pages). The descriptions, the photos are all just too much for this KTB. You’ll love your time on the website.

After the Ulrichsberg ceremony, we went to the estate of a Gebirgs veteran for a very special lunch. Hundreds of vet of all branches of the Wehrmacht were there and they are always happy to speak with us about their wartime experiences – it is all living history! One veteran of Monte Casino tells us each year of his experience that every time he fired one bullet, one hundred came back at him!

We later had a short stop for coffee and sweets with some Austrian Army friends before heading to the hotel in the Bavarian Alps.

After finishing our afternoon at the estate of the Gebirgsjäger, our deluxe bus takes us back to Bavaria and our beautiful Hotel zum Türken, owned by our friend INGRID SCHARFENBERG (3308-A/LIFE1993). It was in this 300 year old hotel that Hitler’s personal guard from the LAH stayed when he was on the mountain and in the cellar, tunnels and bunkers lead off in all directions. The view over the valley out our windows was breathtaking, and our group spent plenty of time looking for more tunnels and bunkers on this part of the mountain where Hitler, Bormann, Göring and Speer had homes.

Our first evening at the Hotel zum Türken on the Obersalzberg, our bus took us into Berchdesgaten and we all went where we wanted, on our own, to enjoy the town. We ate at outdoor restaurants, had some sweet cakes nearby, and there was plenty of beer. Finally we returned to the hotel and in our rooms with the magnificent view over the Bavarian Alps, we slept well with the fresh mountain air coming in our open windows. Sometimes cowbells are heard and once or twice, the bellow of an elk is heard. It gave new meaning to the word “Peaceful”.

We took a specially geared bus thousands of feet into the high Alps to the Eagle’s Nest, the teahouse that Martin Bormann had built for Hitler’s 50th birthday. Hitler didn’t like the place and never returned, but our Sharkhunters “Patrols” do again and again. We see the beautiful Italian marble fireplace (gift from Mussolini) as well as the rare wood interior, and they serve great food! That’s where we had our lunch…..a mile in the sky, and we could see the famed Salzburg castle from the terrace.

We had some spare time on the Obersalzberg while we were at the Hotel zum Türken, and we did a LOT of exploring. We saw airshafts coming out of the ground, entrances to tunnel and bunker systems, ruins of the underground SS rifle range which are currently being destroyed by the government, and we saw the home of Albert Speer. The camcorders and cameras were working hard.

This morning was spent on the Viktualenmarkt, the combination farmer’s and flea market where we all got souvenir and naturally, some beer and bratwurst. From here, we had a very special guided tour of historic places – we went by the Hoffbrauhaus and walked along the same street where Hitler, Göring, Ludendorff and the others walked on 9 November about 80 years ago. We are on the very spot where the shooting began, where a dozen of the Party faithful were killed and also where the Bavarian policemen died. We are at Feldherrenhalle, at the very place where the Honor Guard stood at the site. We also visited many other historic places in this city from the early 1930’s.

Would it surprise you that we are ALREADY getting deposits for the 2004 “Patrol in South Germany and Austria”? So many of our group just loved this tour, they are coming back in 2004. What about you? Soon we will have the reservations sheets printed and we’d love to have you along in this absolutely beautiful part of Europe.

In the afternoon, we are off to the Wies’n – the ‘meadow’ where Oktoberfest takes place, and what a massive party it is! All the München breweries have their beautifully decorated horse drawn beer wagons in front of their beer halls and inside, each band tries to drown out the one in the next huge tent with their own music, as the beer flows by the gallons, and happy revelers do their best to keep it flowing. It is a huge party, and a lot of fun!

We visited the beautiful museum in Nürnberg, operated by our friend MICHAEL KAISER (6166-2000). He and his partner Ines along with other friends, veterans from the war, met with us for a tour of the museum. It defies description, so all we can say is check the website. The address is above.

More Comments from 'Patrollers':

ELLYN PONTON (6627-A-2002)
had this to say about her experience during our ‘Patrol in North Germany with Berlin’:
“I had a fantastic time! When I signed on this ‘Patrol’ I had hopeful aspirations – the ‘Patrol’ was more than I expected in every way.”

Pittsburgh STEELERS Super Bowl 1975 Champion linebacker ED HARGROVE (2074-1991)
wrote this about his experience on our “Patrol in South Germany and Austria”.
“I had a fantastic time and I liked everything about this trip! I liked the museums and the Army Museum but my best memory of this trip was – all the memories were great, I can’t pick just one. This is the best trip I have been on.”

What about YOU? We did indeed have a superb time in Europe and we are sorry that some of you missed out BUT – we were so warmly welcomed by all our friends that we are already planning our return for 2004. Put some money away and save the vacation days, and make sure your passport is up to date. Let’s go!

This was the first time on a foreign Sharkhunters “Patrol” for STEVE SHOCK (2213-A/LIFE-1992)
and he was so moved on our South Germany/Austria “Patrol” that he wrote:
“The history and culture I experienced left me speechless. There really are no words…..from standing on the speaker’s platform at the Zeppelinfeld to having our group not only recognized but invited as personal guests at the dinner with Dr. Haider (Member #1616-1990) was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that could only be arranged by Sharkhunters. I wish more of the group understood the magnitude of that major historical event. Dr. Haider is the highest-placed right-minded politician on earth and being there to see him expand his influence will hopefully end up as the most important event we will ever have been a part of. Hopefully on par with being in Philadelphia in 1776 on in Munich in 1933. I can say thank you, but that doesn’t even scratch the surface of how I feel. After a lifetime of studying Germany and its history, this almost felt like I was coming home after a lifetime away. The only words I have are – see you next year!”

WOW! Some Commentary. STEVE SHOCK (22130A/LIFE-1992) really summed up what a lot of Members were feeling during our “Patrols” in Germany, Austria and Poland. Each year we think that it can’t get any better than the last time we were here but doggone, it DOES get better each and every year. What about YOU? Will you be with us for more fantastic history when we again visit Europe in 2004? Keep reading, but first check our website for the great photos.

RICH del FAVRO (1495-LIFE-1990)
brought his daughter on this tour, and this is how he remembers this tour:
“Just wanted to let you know how much fun Colette and I had on the trip to Germany and Austria with our fellow Sharkhunters. We had a good group and all contributed in their own way to the adventure. I will be going again soon. Every day on the tour was special, but my favorite was the Ulrichsbergfest and the special luncheon at the farm afterwards. I felt a sense of awe and great humility speaking with these veterans. They’ve seen a lot more than I can imagine. To actually meet them as opposed to merely reading about them in books was really unforgettable.”

GREG THATCHER (6720-2003)
remembers this tour:
“I had a really great time. I liked visiting the Eagle’s Nest the best, and I loved the day and evening we spent with Dr. Jörg Haider (Member #1616-1990). My best memory of this trip was meeting the premier right-wing leader of all Europe! For my first trip to Europe, it was wonderful.”

Major DICK SMITH (1213-LIFE-1989) had this to say about his time on the “Patrol”: “I had a fantastic time! What I liked best about this tour was the Nürnberg Court Room, and my best memory of the trip was the Hotel zum Türken.”

After our “Patrol” in here, CHRIS BANDA (6733-2003) wrote: “I had a fantastic time and what I liked best on this trip was the events with the veterans and Ulrichsbergfest. My best memory of this trip was the Ulrichsbergfest and lunch with the veterans on the farm. I enjoyed this trip immensely and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in WWII European history.”

Dr. WARREN BROWN (265-1987) wrote this: “I had a fantastic time! I best liked the companionship – the museums were great and I loved the trip to the Eagle’s Nest. We cannot eliminate ANYTHING from this tour for next year. it was a great trip.”

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