Sharkhunters News

Variety of Information

by Harry Cooper

Visitors from the SubVets

Cdr. LOU HOUSE (2243-A/LIFE-1992) visited here recently and he brought another SubVet from his old boat. We had a great visit, and when he left, LOU gave us some beautiful presentation plaques from various ships and submarines including: HMS ASTUTE USS ALCOR USS SEALION (ASSP 315) USS ATULE (SS 403) USS MEDREGAL (SS 480) USS CORPORAL (SS 346) and SUBRON 12

Thanks LOU – these will be up in our new building…..soon!

Continuous Membership

Members who pay their dues with a credit card will appreciate a new policy here at SHARKHUNTERS. When your dues come up again each year, we will automatically charge them to your credit card. Here are the benefits:

Naturally, the benefit to SHARKHUNTERS is a reduction in postal costs and those savings will insure that dues will not have to be raised again for many years to come. Our dues have not been increased in at least five years.

Benefits to the Members who use their charge accounts are many;

    They will not have another piece of mail that they must open and read;
    They will not have to hunt up their credit card for the numbers;
    They will not have to fill out the renewal form;
    They will not have to hunt for a stamp – and it saves the Member’s money on postage;

Their Membership will just continue without interruption. Five year Members will still receive any videotape they want, FREE, from our extensive and growing list of titles each and every year when they are renewed.


Was there something you missed? Did you want to read the history of U-123 for instance, since we are publishing the interview with her Skipper, Captain REINHARD HARDEGEN (102-LIFE-1985)? Perhaps there was a technical article you wanted to read again. Don’t give up hope!

Back issues are available – let us know which one(s) you want, enclose a check or charge account number (with expiration date) in the amount of $5 for each back issue you need, and we’ll send them right out. That even INCLUDES the shipping and postage.

Prayers Needed

Two SHARKHUNTERS Members are in need of your thoughts and prayers at this time.

We are told that our friend Captain GÜNTHER HEINRICH (1945-LIFE-1991) is in hospital, one kidney removed and the other is not functioning as it should.

Our dear friend DETLEV ZIMMERMANN (247-LIFE-1987) has become ‘Opa’ to the children of HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983). Today, he is in hospital for the replacement of both hips and both knees. He’ll probably spend most of the summer in hospital and for a hard worker like DETLEV, that will be sheer torture.

We know that all our Members will keep these two fine men in their hearts and prayers until they are back in good health.

Your e-mail Address

We are trying to cut down on the amount of postage we use each year by using the Internet. Please make sure we have your e-mail address so we can not only save money, but e-mails are answered within the first day whereas ‘snail mail’ can take a very long time.

Please send us your e-mail address.

Phone Number

Sometimes a Member won’t write his/her telephone number on the Membership renewal form. They either leave the space blank or write ‘unlisted’ in that space. We never give out Members address or phone number to anyone for any reason, but once in a while the KTB will be returned by the post office or the items they ordered come back for one reason or another. We try to call the person to get their address straightened out – oops, no phone number so we have a tough time getting your things to you. Please jot down your phone number on your renewal form – it’s only for us at HQ.

Members Helping Members

We’ve always said that our SHARKHUNTERS is really a family made up of people in 70 countries, and that was shown once again in March of this year.

Our friend and Member Captain HANNS-FERDINAND ‘HAI’ MAßMANN (4522-LIFE-1995) contacted us to ask for regular road maps of a specific area in the United States. A friend of his had been a Skipper who had patrolled off this coast during WW II, was coming to America for a vacation and wanted to visit the places he had previously only seen from his U-Boat.

We sent a latter to our Members in that area with the request and while many Members were not in the immediate vicinity and could not help, two did come through very quickly.

Thanks to RON KOWALSKI (1281-1989) and MIKE NICKERSON (6614-2002) for all the road maps they sent of their area for this friend of Captain MAßMANN.

What is really interesting to note here is that these two Members represent both the “old” and the “new” of Membership. As we see by their Membership Numbers, RON came aboard way back in 1989 while MIKE is a recent addition, coming aboard in 2002.

MIKE wrote: “Let me know if I can be of further help. I really enjoy SHARKHUNTERS!”

Members helping Members – that’s just one of the great benefits of our SHARKHUNTERS. To the other Members who tried but could not send maps, many thanks anyhow for your efforts.

Maps Received!

WOW! This has to be somewhat of a record for the post office. The maps we sent to Captain ‘HAI’ MAßMANN (4522-LIFE-1995) have already reached him! Here is what he wrote:

    “Bingo! 3 maps passed in yesterday. Great. I am happy now. Many, many thanks, dear friend and cordial greetings.”

One of the great things about our SHARKHUNTERS is Members helping Members in our International Family.

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© Copyright 2003 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at
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