Patrol in North Germany


by Harry Cooper

Some of us arrived in Hamburg a couple days early to kill off the jet lag and to get used to or surroundings in this city.

Since we had always been headquartered at the Hotel Stadt Altona, operated by our friend Captain OTTO WESTPHALEN (329-LIFE-1987); Knights Cross Skipper of U-968, HARRY walked to this now-abandoned building. It was almost like going to a funeral. This hotel where we had enjoyed all our “Patrols” since 1988, was now deserted because the city of Hamburg decided not to renew the lease they had with Captain WESTPHALEN. This hotel, which had become part of our tradition, had broken windows and some were boarded up. The doors were locked, but there was a workman inside. What he was doing was a mystery, because he was just walking around with tools in his hand. When we knocked on the glass to ask if we could come inside and take photos, he just scampered up the spiral staircase and vanished.

HARRY also reported that his favorite Chinese restaurant there in Hamburg had been converted into a Chinese dance club.

A lot has changed in this city, but we still have a great time with Hamburg as our headquarters for the first days of our “Patrols”.

This year, our Patrol began slowly to allow our participants to get accustomed to the ‘jet lag’ that always hits one when flying to the east. It always takes a couple days to re-set our ‘body clock’, so the day was largely at leisure, then in the evening we enjoyed our Welcome Dinner. The food was great, and we were joined by two Skippers, an officer and another dear friend.

They were:
GÜNTHER HEINRICH (1945-LIFE-1991) (left)
VOLKMAR KÖNIG (5428-1997) (right)

MARIANNE is the widow of a dear friend, WILHELM, who served aboard U-506, and so retains his Membership Number.

Prof. BRÜNIG was Skipper of U-108 & later was training officer, teaching potential Commanders to command U-Boats.

GÜNTHER HEINRICH was Skipper of U-960 for many patrols and this was the very last German U-Boat to make it through the “Gates of Hell” (Gibraltar) in World War II.

VOLKMAR KÖNIG was a Midshipman aboard U-99 on its 7th and final patrol. They were sunk, and “KING” spent the rest of the war as “Guest of the King of England”.

There were many new friendships made, signed photographs passed around during the dinner and afterwards. We slowly walked the few blocks back to our hotel in the clear, cool Hamburg night – stopping at an Italian restaurant that was to become a favorite for our days in Hamburg, for a nightcap.

For many months, we thought that we would not return to North Germany in 2003, but we have had many requests to do this tour again and that, coupled with the fact that the clock is ticking ever faster for our honored veterans, we are looking into a “Patrol in North Germany” for 2003. Start saving your vacation days.

On Saturday, most of us were getting acclimated to the change in time zones, and were out with Professor BRÜNIG for a tour of this beautiful city that most tourists never see.

Our first stop was, of all places, the nightclub where the Beatles got their start – right there on the street called Große Freiheit within walking distance of our hotel. For those who were teen-agers in the 1960’s, this was a walk down memory lane indeed.

Then Professor BRÜNIG took us on a walk by the apartments for the not-so-well-to-do, and inside the courtyards of these apartments were more apartments….great use of space.

Then we got on the local train and went to Lake Alster, where the local residents take time to relax. There were rowboats & sailboats to rent, but we just relaxed at a nice little café at the shore.

After a short rest at the café, we walked through the section where the wealthy lived. Wow! Great mansions with opulent décor in all directions. After we all ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhhed’ here, we boarded the train for the ride back to our hotel. We took a lot of photos and added a lot of memories, thanks to Professor BRÜNIG.

Remember – it appears that we will return to North Germany in 2003. Look at our website under ‘TOURS’ for information, or wait for KTB #165. I think the dates will be there. Join us – you’ll be glad you did. You will have memories to last a lifetime.

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