Editorial from Germany

Bulletin Board

by Harry Cooper

This could have been put under the heading of Membership PRIDE! but in this case, it is necessary that we not mention the name of the writer. You’ll understand why.

    “Regarding the old veterans going on their Eternal Patrol, I can inform you that we have the same problem here in Germany. Here in Germany the expression we use is that they are called to the Grossen Armee (Er wurde zur grossen Armee abberufen).

    We feel that our problem is much bigger because any kind of Nationalism and Patriotism has been killed and eliminated by re-education. This procedure had no change with us, the old veterans, because our political view has remained always the same – being always true, loyal and faithful to the past. (telling history honestly)

    Also we should say goodbye to our tradition. Commanders of the present German forces (Bundswehr) speak openly and in public that they have already their own tradition.

    The generation today do not believe the truth from their parents and also their children have been educated in the same way. Egoism has given rise to queer practices. In the old German Army the word was ‘Eiener für Alle, Alle für Einen’. (One for all and all for one). Since then all comradeships of soldiers founded before 50 years have been infiltrated by left wing fellows. Today we can not do very much anymore than publish the truth each one from his place and the Sharkhunters, they help strongly with the Magazine KTB. Thanks!”

EDITOR NOTE – In Germany today, the Gestapo has been replaced with the Verfasschungschutz. Gestapo was short for Geheim Staats Polezei; Secret State Police.The Verfasschungschutz today has far more sweeping powers than the Gestapo of old and a person’s house can be confiscated if he has the “wrong” literature inside, and he can be held for 6 months without any charges being filed against him. I think you can understand why this Member’s name has been withheld.

Whenever we see this kind of repression, we are reminded of the scene in the tremendously funny western spoof film ‘Blazing Saddles’ where the villain, Hedley Lamar, states that it is his goal to ‘stamp out runaway decency in the old west’ and it appears that the new German Government firmly intends to stamp out history unless it is their own sanitized and ‘corrected’ version of history.

History is history; what has happened has happened. No amount of ‘modification’ by a sitting government can change that. The guys who rode the U-Boats were brave and honorable men as were most in the Wehrmacht. It is sad that the only place in the world where they are despised is in their own country, by their own government.

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