Sharkhunter News

Welcome Jeff

by Harry Cooper

Welcome Jeff!

We are pleased to report that JEFFERY GREEN (5505-1998) has become one of our SHARKHUNTERS Legal Consultants. His specialty is criminal defense and we really hope we never need THAT kind of help, but his expertise will be tremendously valuable. JEFF joins others on our legal consulting staff, including, Dr. (Jur) HANS-GEORG HESS (125-LIFE-1985), GREG SCOTT (2012-1991), PAUL LAWTON (4628-1996) and TILMAN HESS (5817-LIFE-1999). The new “Dream Team”!


We have seen this videotape produced, edited and offered by BUD DANA (245-A/LIFE-1987) and we can tell you that it is excellent!

In our considered and respected opinion, BUD is the world’s leading expert on the tunnels and bunkers built by the Third Reich all over Europe and beyond. This is an excellent look into the U-boat bunkers in Germany - some do not even exist any longer and the only way to see them is on videotapes.

This tape takes you into bunkers that no longer exist; into bunkers that are unknown to most and off limits to all but a select few. You will be in the bunkers, around them and in some cases, even on top of them. Their history is told as the camera takes you through and around them.

Remember - order your copy of this video direct from the address above and not through SHARKHUNTERS. Otherwise, it will only slow down shipment of your videotape.

New Benefits to Members!

That’s right, we are getting more & diversified additional benefits for our Members - outside the realm of our SHARKHUNTERS.

We are working on discounts if you want to rent a car from a major auto rental company - we can all use that at one time or another.

How about a sharp discount on a cruise? No, we don’t all need that - but if it is available and you can save some money, why not?

Many other things are in the works - more information soon.

We really need your e-mail address

As we all know, the U.S. Post Office is going to get another rate increase, which will push the cost of a First Class stamp from 34 cents up to 37 cents, another TEN PER CENT raise! The only time our Membership dues go up is after we have suffered several increases in the postal rate. We hold off as long as we can, and in this case, we are asking you to help by sending us your e-mail address. Just send us an e-mail at our e-mail address at the top of this page and let us know what is yours. We won’t spend as much on postage in this way, and that will prevent any increase in dues.

e-mails are answered immediately; we try to answer them the day they arrive here. Letters take a lot longer for our answer, so if you have e-mail, please give us your address. Thanks in advance.

Are you Moving?

If you move, you must give us your new address - or your KTB is returned here. Many people think that all their mail will be sent forward when they fill out one of those cards at the post office when they move, but that is not the case! All the 1st Class mail is forwarded but your KTB Magazine comes by 3rd Class bulk mail and that is not forwarded - unless you check the box that says you will pay additional postage for your magazines to be forwarded.

There is no need for you to pay this additional forwarding fee, and there is no need for your KTB Magazine to be returned here either. Just let us know when you are moving, and we will change the information on the master computer and your KTB will arrive in your mailbox each month without fail - and without extra cost.

Thanks in advance.

Membership Contest

For this year’s Membership Contest, the new rules are still in effect, making it easier for everyone to become a winner. For every five Members you bring on board, you win one more year of Membership - FREE! But now, for each new Member, you will receive a $5 discount off your dues for 2003. If you bring 4 new Members on board, you receive $20 off your 20032 dues. If you bring 6 new Members on board, you win one more year of Membership FREE plus a $5 discount off the following year’s dues, etc. YOU CAN’T LOSE!

Grand Prize

Whoever brings the most new Members aboard (minimum of 15) wins the GRAND PRIZE. The prize is - your choice of:
1. Life Membership (Seaman level) or 2. a $600 shopping spree from our catalog or 3. $250 CASH!

The 2002 Membership Contest is off to a nice start. We see several ‘veterans’ of the recruiting contests bringing new Members aboard and many new Members have also made their mark in the Membership Contest. Now it’s time to get cranking 2002 Contest:

AUGIE GOELLER (1693-2000) 2

BILL CHIVIL (314-1987) 1
CHUCK MYLES (1068-1989) 1
HANS SCHMIDT (1721-1996) 1
MARSHALL CLARK (1942-2002) 1
KEN BARNES (2437-2001) 1

Thanks to these dedicated Members, there are now seven new Members aboard. Many times you give your copy of the KTB Magazine to a friend because he or she is interested. Why not sign that friend up, and they will then receive their own issue each month and yours will be in your house where you can grab it as you need. And you can claim your share of the prizes listed above.

The 2002 Contest is rolling - the green flag is up! YOU can win.

Your Phone Number

There is a place on your new Membership form and also on your annual dues renewal form. Please make sure we have your current telephone number and please print it plainly.

To put your mind at ease - your phone number is NEVER given out ever to anyone for any reason - ever. But once in a while, a KTB Magazine is returned here for a problem with the address. We must be able to call you to find out what is the new address or what is needed to make the current address correct etc. Without your current telephone number (or e-mail address), our hands are ties and a Member might not receive his/her KTB Magazine.

What is Your e-mail?

We see that the US Post Office is about to raise their rates - again! We spend a terrible amount of money of postage here, so please send us your e-mail address so we can keep our costs within limits.

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© Copyright 2002 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,