Sharkhunter News

2001 Member Contest Ends

by Harry Cooper

2001 Member Contest Ends

The 2001 Membership Contest is finished. We saw several ‘veterans’ of the recruiting contests bring new Members aboard and many new Members have also made their mark in the Membership Contest. Many thanks to these Members:


JOE BURGES (605-A/LIFE-1988)


PAUL LAWTON (4628-1996)
TODD RISTAU (5497-1998)


MARC COHEN (166-A/LIFE-1986)
KEN FESLER (1457-A-1990)
DAVID BUEHN (1742-LIFE-1991)
DALE SIMPSON (4036-1994)
PAUL ADAMS (5520-LIFE-1998)
VALOR TOURS (5576-1998)
JOHN RABA (6149-2000)
DONALD FEINDT (6229-2001)
BEN DUGGER (6241-2001)
STEVE HARMON (6270-2001)
BRYAN WURTH (6278-2001)

Thanks to these dedicated Members, two dozen new Members have come aboard. Many times you give your copy of the KTB Magazine to a friend because he or she is interested. Why not sign that friend up, and they will then receive their own issue each month and yours will be in your house where you can grab it as you need. And you can claim your share of the prizes listed above.

The 2001 Membership Contest is over - but the 2002 Contest is at full speed ahead. The slate is cleared. YOU can win.

Welcome JOHN

It is our pleasure to welcome JOHN BUCK (3884-LIFE-1994) as the newest Member of our SHARHUNTERS Advisory Board.

As we see by his Membership Number, JOHN has been aboard about 7 years already, is a LIFE Member and has shown great dedication to our SHARKHUNTERS. He is an outstanding Member, and we are confident that he will be a great addition to our Advisory Board. He will serve until the end of 2011.

WELCOME to the Advisory Board JOHN!

Welcome TILMAN!

We are proud to announce the appointment of TILMAN HESS (5827-LIFE-1999) to our Advisory Board. Yes, we’re now putting 3 Members onto the Advisory Board each year. We’re growing.

TILMAN is the son and law partner of HANS-GEORG HESS (125-LIFE-1985), a Doctor of Law in Germany and the youngest combat submarine Skipper of WW II. HANS-GEORG was also on our Advisory Board some years ago. TILMAN is a very bright young man and has shown his excellent dedication to our SHARKHUNTERS. TILMAN will serve until 2011.

I know our three new Advisory Board Members will serve well.

Welcome ‘HAI’

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Captain “Hai” HANNS-FERDINAND MASSMANN (4522-LIFE-1995) as a new Member of our Advisory Board. He was Skipper of U-409.

Captain MASSMANN has been aboard with SHARKHUNTERS for about 7 years already, and has been very helpful in organizing portions of our ‘Patrols’ in Northern Germany. He has been an excellent Member, and we know that he will be a great addition to our Advisory Board. He will serve until the end of 2011.

Salary Cut Out

HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) founded SHARKHUNTERS at a time when he was an executive with a Chicago-based company and when our HQ was moved to Florida in 1987, HARRY gave up his job as Vice President of a Chicago-area company where he was earning between $3,000 and $4,000 per week.

He quit that job to devote about 90 to 100 hours per week to our SHARKHUNTERS, and his salary here was only $250 per week. That is quite a drop from what it was, but he strongly believed that this priceless history must be saved, no matter the cost.

Now HARRY’s officially an old man - he turned 62 a few months ago and is collecting his Social Security so he does not even get his $250 per week from SHARKHUNTERS any more. He is still on the same job, putting in the 90 to 100 hours per week, but this is all now on a volunteer basis. Same guy, same job - no expense.

No, that’s not an old high school photo on page 2 of our KTB. It was about 2 years ago. We update that photo every couple years.


Remember - after you have been on board as a Member for ten years, you receive a FREE videotape each & every year thereafter when you renew your Membership. FREE - that’s a nice word.

Which videotape will you receive? Any one you want out of our catalog. Just write FREE TAPE and the stock number on your renewal form when you renew each and every year after ten years, and we will ship the tape right out - we even pay the shipping!

It is our way of thanking our dedicated Members.

LIFE Members

Yes, you LIFE Members also will receive a FREE videotape. After you have been aboard at least ten years, then just send us an e-mail or a note telling us what FREE tape you want for that year, and we’ll ship it right out.

Please remember - at this time, we are only able to supply tapes in the NTSC format used in the western hemisphere. We are not able to supply other formats (PAL or C-CAM) at this time.

‘Patrols’ in 2002

Are YOU signed on for one of our fantastic Patrols yet? Or maybe both of them? Some Members are already signing up already.

As you see on our brochures, we can only take a specific number of people and when we reach that number, then we must start a waiting list. Don’t risk missing one of our great Patrols - send in your deposit now. If you have to cancel by the 1st of August, your money is refunded - all of it. But if you wait too long, you may be disappointed and we certainly don’t want that.

New This, New That

KEN BARNES (2437-2001) has gotten the New Year off to a great start. He received his print ‘CONVOY in SIGHT’ from SHARKHUNTERS and was having it professionally framed. While at the framing shop, Bob Lane saw the print and asked him about it. By the time they were done talking, Bob called here and ordered his own print. He also became the first Member in 2002; the first new Member in the Membership Contest (credited to KEN) and will have his print framed before you read this.

Welcome aboard BOB LANE (new Member)

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© Copyright 2002 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,