Sharkhunters Magalog

Excerpt for

by Harry Cooper

Magalog, as explained by Harry in his editorial, combines the magazine with a catalog. Hence, the bulk of the 68-page KTB Issue 156 consists of advertisements for a variety of products sold by Sharkhunters.

As it is the policy of not to include advertisements within the archive, we will not include these ads in our archive. However, we do wish to mention that many of the adverts contain WWII images (not to mention the actual products) of some interest. We present an excerpt so to speak of the various products--somewhat like a news item.

For a complete listing of all the Sharkhunter products: videos, mousepads, postcards, art prints, mugs, books, audio tapes, hats, tours, and so on, please visit their website:


World War II Images on Post Cards

10 WW II Photos per set - only $9.95 per set (plus $3.50 shipping)

Note: Some images slightly cropped on --RL

Set S-A

These photos comprise SET “S-A” of the U-Boat Skippers of World War II. You will receive one of each of these veterans in your set - a total of ten post cards in all.

Top left: OTTO KRETSCHMER U-23 and U-99
Top right: ERICH TOPP U-57, U-552 and U-2513
Bottom left: HANS-GEORG HESS U-995
Bottom right: HELMUT WITTE U-159

Top center: OTTO von BÜLOW U-404
Top right: ADALBERT SCHNEE U-60; U-201 U-2511
Bottom left: HELMUT ROSENBAUM U-73
Bottom center: WERNER HARTENSTEIN U-156

Mouse Pads

Full Color Only $10 each (plus $2.50 shipping)


Mugs are available by the U-boat skipper, with a black and white photo of the skipper on one side and a color image of the conning tower emblem on the other. Each mug is $14.95 plus $5 shipping.


The historical videotapes cost $30 plus $5 shipping each. The majority are interviews with various skippers, although I notice there are taped Sharkhunter conferences, documentaries, travelogues, and other types.

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© Copyright 2001 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,