Sharkhunters News

Variety of Information

By Harry Cooper


To all veterans of the War At Sea (any Navy), if you have any artifacts, photos etc. from this time that are getting old and dusty, and if your children won't want them, would you please donate them to our SHARKHUNTERS Research Center for others to view and study? This was a critical time in the 20th Century and we wish to save as much for future generations as possible. These artifacts will be well cared for.

That is, of course, our website address. Check it out! We've been making major improvements to this site and it will show you everything we offer from here at HQ All the mugs and mousepads are there - IN COLOR! The prints are there and the color prints ARE in color. Our tours are shown in great detail as well.

We are updating this site daily, so what you see today will be even better tomorrow. Look at it-, enjoy it - it's YOUR website.

If - I guess I should say 'when' - you find efforts on our site such as spelling problems or buttons that don't work, please send us an e-mail and let us know where the problem lies. We'll fix it pronto.


Congratulations go to MICHAEL KAISER (6166- 2000), head of the Garrison Museum in Nurnberg on reaching the 10th Anniversary of that really outstanding museum! We visit this place on our tours to South Germany and Austria and we can attest that MICHAEL puts his heart and soul in this museum.

Best wishes MICHAEL, and here's to the next 10 years - and many more after that.

New e-mail Address

This is important! SHARKHUNTERS has a new e-mail address. We are now

Please make a note of that. And what happened to our former server, hitter? They either sold out to earthlink, or were absorbed by earthlink or something like that, but hitter no longer exists so please make a note of our new SHARKRUNTERS e-mail address. It is important.

While we are on the subject of e-mail addresses, what is yours? It makes communication faster - and less expensive - if we can use the Internet e-mail system. Thanks in advance.

Coffee Meeting and Christmas Gathering

It is time to kick off our wonderful old tradition of the Coffee Gathering, and we will begin with our Christmas season. At our SHARKHUNTERS Coffee Meetings, there is no charge, no advance reservation - you just show up and have a good time. Each Member orders what he/she wants off the menu and pays their own bill.

Come one, come all on Saturday, 1 December beginning at 4pm until...well, until you want to leave. We meet at Armante's Italian Restaurant located at 5813 N. Carl G. Rose (actually highway 200) in Hernando. That's about 4 miles out of town on Highway 200. If you need directions, e-mail, FAX or call us here at HQ. We look forward to seeing YOU there at Armante's.

Coffee Meetings

We read on the previous page about the first of the new Coffee Meetings that will resurrect this great practice, and it is here in Hernando, Florida. We also have information we are following for similar meetings in New York and Chicago but come on - those cities are pretty cold in the winter and we'd like to plan meetings in January, February and March in warmer places like Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Orleans, Houston, Dallas etc.

You Members living in or near these cities, please let us know of a restaurant, lounge or other nice place we can contact for one of our Coffee Meetings in your area. Just send us the name and phone number of the place - location and Manager's name would also be nice, and we'll take it from there. Let's get together!

Boot Camp Memories

As I was putting the piece together on the basic training (boot camp) that was part of PETER's PERISCOPE, it brought back some nice memories - and I had a thought. Well, I get a thought once in a while weekly, usually - if I am lucky.

Why not a section devoted to YOUR memories of boot camp! American, German, French, British, Canadian - any country. If you served in any forces ~ any country, please send us your own memories of your time in boot camp, whether in wartime or peacetime. This will be great history, and others will learn from each story. Send photos if you have them and we'll return them to you unharmed.

We are waiting to read your boot camp memories.

Membership Contest

For this year's Membership Contest, the new rules are still in effect, making it easier for everyone to become a winner. For every five Members you bring on board, you win one more year of Membership - FREEI But now, for each new Member, you will receive a $5 discount off your dues for 2002. If you bring 4 new Members on board, you receive $20 off your 2002 dues. If you bring 6 new Members on board, you win one more year of Membership plus a $5 discount off the following year's dues. YOU CAN'T LOSE!

Grand Prize: Whoever brings the most new Members aboard (minimum of 15) wins the GRAND PRIZE. The prize is - your choice of. 1. Life Membership (Seaman level) or 2. a $600 shopping spree from our catalog or 3. $250 CASH!

We are moving well with the 2001 Membership Contest. We see that several 'veterans' of the recruiting contests are already in the fray but so are many new Members. While these Members have one each new Member to their credit, the year proceeding nicely.

JOE BURGES (605-A/LIFE-1988) 4

TODD RISTAU (5497-1998) 2

MARC COHEN (166-A/LIFE 1986) 1

KEN FESLER (1457-A-1990)
DAVID BUEHN (1742-LIFE-1991)
PAUL ADAMS (5520-LIFE-1998)
VALOR TOURS (5576-1998)
JOHN RABA (6149-2000)
DONALD FEINDT (6229-2001)
BEN DUGGER (6241-2001)
STEVE HARMON (6270-2001)

There are even more Members joining this race, but as I warned you in KTB #154 last month, beware of that crafty old recruiting Ace of Aces, JOE BURGES, usually puts on quite a push in the later months of each year, so watch out for this guy. He is tough to beat! Come on Members, don't let JOE win in a walk.

Coming to Germany

We have just received confirmation that, among all the other veterans who will be with us for our South Germany and Austria "Patrol", the Third Most Successful fighter I pilot ever in history will join us. GeneralLeutnant GUNTHER RALL (2810- LIFE-1993) will be with us. Will you?

Sustaining Members

Sustaining Members are those Members who, through their monthly or annual pledges, help with the routine bills, such as the SHARKHUNTERS telephone bill, which usually runs in the area of $300 each month. They help SHARKHUNTERS grow and continue to tell the honest story of the U-Bootwaffe and all the submarine navies of World War 11. We hope YOU will help.

We need YOU to join this special group. Your name in each issue will remain in the archives of many countries forever, because our KTB Magazine is kept in permanent archival files in those special places and countries; including the National Archives of the United States, the German U-Boot Memorial, Brazilian Navy Archives, the Library of Congress, the Italian Submarine Archives, the Russian Navy Archives and many more.

What is the benefit to you? As our way of saying thanks for your support, your monthly KTB Magazine will come to you by First Class Mail, which means that you will receive it one or two weeks quicker.

It is easy to join this special group - just pledge any amount you will send each month or each year (minimum $5 per month or $60 per year), and you are immediately added to this list of outstanding Members who help us grow. Will YOU help? Thanks!

Just for comparison, when this Sustaining Fund was created by C. D. HESLER (832-+-1988) in 1988, there were only 800 Members in SHARKHUNTERS and we thought that was a lot. Today, just a few years later, there are more than 6,400 Members! So you can see how the expenses have expanded EIGHT FOLD. I hope we can count on you for this critical assistance. In advance, many thanks.

When You Die - Please Tell Us

Okay, I know this sounds kind of stupid but we need to know when a Member has begun his/her Eternal Patrol so we can properly remember them in our KTB Magazine.

We recently learned that ALAN WEBB (997-1988) had begun his Eternal Patrol - three years ago! He had been a LIFE Member, so someone in the family must have enjoyed his KTB Magazine for the past three years, but we were not able to remember ALAN properly in our KTB Magazine. Please let us know when you die so your name will be remembered properly in our KTB Magazine.

Are You Moving?

If you move, you must tell us your new address. Many people fill out that little card at the Post Office and they think that all their mail will be forwarded on to them, This is NOT the case.

Only the First Class mail will be sent on to you while the P class (that means your KTB Magazine and other publications) will be returned to the publisher unless you have checked that little box on the Post Office form that states that you will pay the extra postage for your magazines to be forwarded on to your new address,

We don't want you to miss you KTB Magazine, and we don't want you to pay the extra, ' postage to the Post Office. They make plenty of money anyhow. So just let us know your new address & we'll make sure your KTB Magazine arrives at your new home. It's easy - just call us, drop us a note, send an e-mail or FAX with your new address and we'll make all the necessary changes.

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© Copyright 2001 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,