Sharkhunters News

Variety of Information

By Harry Cooper

Dud Torpedo!

As our long-term Members know, that means we made an error, and this time it was a doozy! The recent interview under `The Way It Was' some of the history attributed to GUNTHER HEINRICH (1945-LIFE-1991) was in reality, that of JURGEN OESTEN (1981-1990). Somehow, the transcribing company got the tapes mixed up and that's how it happened. We are sorry for the error.

This is not an excuse! This is merely the reason the error happened. We should have caught it here and again, we apologize. The corrected text will appear in a future issue of our KTB.

    This has been placed in the MagWeb archive--RL


We raised the question in KTB #152 last month, about having coffee meetings in various major American cities and by the time ; this goes to press, we should have some good ideas. How about Ft. Lauderdale? Or the Florida Keys? Please send us information on restaurants you would suggest : and we'll take it from there.

Attention - Any City Chicago! New York! Atlanta! Los Angeles! San Francisco! New Orleans! Any other!

In KTB #152 last month, we asked that Members check out their local restaurants and give us the contact info so that we can set up more of our SHARKHUNTERS Coffee Meetings in the future. Please e-mail this to us at or you may send it via FAX (352) 637-6289 or by snail mail as well.

Answering Mail

A HUGE part of our time is spent answering mail from Members, and that's fine. However, with these new postal rate increases (including the next one that is coming soon) we ask you again to include a stamped, self-addressed envelope (legal size please) for your reply. If you live outside the USA and cannot get US stamps, just stick a dollar or its equal in your currency in the envelope. Here is the priority in which we answer general mail:

    e-mails are always answered the same day unless they require a lot of research, then they are answered within a week;

    letters with enclosed stamped self-addressed envelopes are usually answered within a week;

    letters without stamped, self-addressed return envelopes are then answered when we can.

Veterans Note: this does not include you.

Membership Contest

For this year's Membership Contest, the new rules are still in effect, making it easier for everyone to become a winner. For every five Members you bring on board, you win one more year of Membership - FREE! But now, for each new Member, you will receive a $5 discount off your dues for 2002. If you bring 4 new Members on board, you receive $20 off your 2002 dues. If you bring 6 new Members on board, you win one more year of Membership FREE plus a $5 discount off the following year's dues. YOU CAN'T LOSE!

Whoever brings the most new Members aboard (minimum of 15) wins the GRAND PRIZE. The prize is - your choice of 1. Life Membership (Seaman level) or 2. a $600 shopping spree from our catalog or 3. $250 CASH! We are moving well with the 2001 Membership Contest. We see that several `veterans' of the recruiting contests are already in the fray but so too are two new Members. While these Members have one each new Member to their credit, the year proceeding nicely.


JOE BURGES (605-A/LIFE-1988)
KEN FESLER (1457-A-1990)
VALOR TOURS (5576-1998)
STEVE FIARMON (6270-2001)
DONALD FEINDT (6229-2001)
BEN DUGGER (6241-2001)

We suddenly have a new leader who was not even on the track last month, TODD jumping into the lead with two new Members in just one month. We are also joined by two more Members with one each. We are not quite halfway through the 2001 Membership Contest. There is room for everyone to win. GOOD LUCK!

All Members are urged to jump into this contest and win. Everyone has a great opportunity for 2001.

We Need Your e-mail Address

We have asked for each Member's e-mail address in the past, but in light of the new postal rate hikes, especially overseas, we really need your e-mail address. It is not only the overseas postal rates that went up, the US Post Office is now grumbling that they need even yet another postal rate increase.

Please send us your e-mail address right away. All you have to do is send an e-mail - it does not even have to have any words - to us, and your e-address is communicated to us. Remember, e-mail messages are answered immediately.

Sustaining Members

Please check out the bottom portion of page 40 of this issue, under the heading `Sustaining Members'. These are Members who help us along with the various expenses as outlined in that section. Benefits to you include having your KTB Magazine come to you by First Class Mail, thereby saving at least one week in the mail and possibly as much as three weeks for some sections of the USA and other parts of the world.

In addition, your name appears every month so our Membership will know you're dedicated and are helping SHARKHUNTERS continue to grow and tell this history. Thanks in advance - and remember also, all our KTB Magazines are kept forever in many archives around the world. You will be part of history yourself.

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© Copyright 2001 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,