Sharkhunters News

Variety of Information

By Harry Cooper

No Addresses Given Out

As most Members know, the only rule we really have here with SHARKHUNTERS is that Member's addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses etc. are never given out for any reason. Some feel this is a terrible thing; some have even resigned their Membership in anger over this. Why do we keep this rule?

The submarine veterans have asked that we do not give out this information to anyone - isn't that a good enough reason? OTTO KRETSCHMER (122-+-1985) was concerned about terrorists as well, but when I first visited him and Mrs. Kretschmer in their home outside Emden, he showed me two washtubs of mail he received that week - from people he didn't know! America's most highly decorated submariner ever in history, RADM GENE FLUCKEY (2169-LIFE-1992) said that his home resembles a giant mailroom and that it's almost impossible to walk up his stairs because they are covered with mail. He begins his day at 0300 just to answer mail. REINHARD HARDEGEN (102-LIFE-1985) has repeatedly said that this information must not be given out. We do not even give this information to so-called `serious researchers' because whether a serious researcher or anyone else, all these letters requires a great deal of time for the veteran to read and answer, not to mention the cost of postage which, in Germany, is a lot.

Remember, these veterans are in their late 70's at least and many well into their mid-80's and they don't want to spend days at a time answering mail We hope you understand and respect their wishes

After a Member has been aboard for one year, we offer the option that we will forward letters to any Members. Those are almost always answered because we are all a SHARKHUNTERS family.

There is one more reason we don't give out addresses and we feel so strongly about it that we felt it should have its own separate place. Some people SELL the addresses of the wartime veterans. That's right, they buy and sell these addresses just like you would buy and sell an old used car. We believe this is absolutely wrong, and so by not giving out addresses to anyone, SHARKHUNTERS does not help any of these phony historians who only want to make money by selling the addresses of honored veterans who really don't want their addresses given out anyway. Just thought you should know.

Thanks for the Help

A short time ago, there was a problem that required some help from special Members and friends. They came through and although the majority of our Members don't know what this is about, I want to publicly say "Thanks!" to these friends and Members:

  • Representative Nancy Argenziano
  • Rear Admiral EUGENE FLUCKEY (2169-LIFE-1992)
  • Fleet Admiral VLADIMHZ CHERNAVIN (2440-1992)
  • Konter Admiral ERICH TOPP (118-LIFE-1985)
  • Rear Admiral CORWIN MENDENHALL (2771-1995)
  • Admiral PETE GALANTIN (4289-1995)
  • Captain EDWARD L. BEACH (1163-LIFE-1989)
  • Major General PYOTR BARABOLYA (1936-1991)
  • Captain GEORGE WATERMAN (3102-1993)
  • Captain KENNETH BEYER (1156-1989)
  • Royce Carter - Veterans Service Officer.
  • Raymond Royal - Commander USCG (Aux) Flotilla 15-4
  • Colonel Curt Ebitz - US Army.
  • Captain ARTHUR RAWSON (774-1988)
  • Captain ROBERT CUSICK (4335-1995)
  • BMC WAYNE PICKELS (768-1988)
  • Rear Admiral JOSEPH PECK (4278-1995)
  • Captain JOSEPH BEARD (2285-1992)
  • Captain RUSS WITTENBERG (2118-1992)
  • Dr. (Jur.) HANS-GEORG HESS (125-LIFE-1985)
  • Commander DAVID HINKLE (2593-LIFE-1992)
  • Captain ROBERT PHILLIPS (2790-1993)

When the chips were down, these friends came through!

Membership Contest

For this year's Membership Contest, the new rules are still in effect, making it easier for everyone to become a winner. For every five Members you bring on board, you win one more year of Membership - FREE! But now, for each new Member, you will receive a $5 discount off your dues for 2002. If you bring 4 new Members on board, you receive $20 off your 2002 dues. If you bring 6 new Members on board, you win one more year of Membership FREE plus a $5 discount off the following year's dues. YOU CAN'T LOSE!

Whoever brings the most new Members aboard (minimum of 15) wins the GRAND PRIZE. The prize is - your choice of: 1. Life Membership (Seaman level) or 2. a $600 shopping spree from our catalog or 3. $250 CASH!

We are off to a great start for the 2001 Membership Contest. We see that two `veterans' of the recruiting contests are already in the fray but so too are two new Members. While these Members have one each new Member to their credit, the year is just beginning.

1 New Member:
JOE BURGES (605-A/LIFE-1988)
KEN FESLER (1457-A-1990)
BEN DUGGER (6241-2001)

This appears to be the `lull before the storm' because I know there will be many more Members bringing new people aboard, and these will then bring more and more and we will see some more winners in the 2001 Membership Contest. GOOD LUCK!

All Members are urged to jump into this contest and win. Everyone has a great opportunity for 2001.

US Post Office Thieves

Everyone knows the cost of a First Class letter inside the USA has gone up from 33 cents to 34 cents. It was reported in all the news. Nobody cares about that little one penny; they will pay it without complaint. One penny is not much money, but this isn't all of it.

What was NOT reported in the news was the fact that postage from the USA to foreign countries was increased a HUGE amount! Until January of this year, 2001, the cost to mail a KTB Magazine out of the USA was $1.80 and that was part of your annual foreign Membership dues. Now that very same KTB Magazine that once cost $1.80 to mail now costs $3.80 to mail - the very same KTB Magazine! That is an increase of almost 220 percent! And that is only to the countries of South America and Europe.

For the KTB Magazine going to Asia and the South Pacific that same $1.80 now costs $4.15, an increase of 230 percent! That means we must pay $2 more to mail your KTB Magazine to you (out of the USA) each month. 1 wrote to the Postmaster General of the United States and demanded an explanation - but he has not bothered to reply. Perhaps we did not put on enough postage.

This editorial is not meant to reflect on the regular postal workers who work hard and are honest. It is directed at those at the top who decide how much to charge - how much to steal.

Lost Members

Over the years, some of our Members have moved and have not let us know their new address. The first we know anything is amiss is when the KTB Magazine comes back with the note that the person has moved and there is no forwarding address. If you know these Members, or if you can locate them through the phone book or on the Internet, please do so and let us know the new address. Here are some missing Members and their last known city.

    Member Name Last Known City
    David Johnson Washington, DC
    John J. Murphy Collingswood, NJ
    Joe Koznecki Rutherford, NJ
    Matti Williams Boston, MA
    Joseph Conlon W. Swanzey, NH
    Erich M. Loych Hummelstown, PA
    Timothy O'Brien Medford, MA
    Mark Woods Alberton, NJ
    Raft Shariff Baltimore, MD
    Frank Chapman Winter Park, FL
    Mark Scalia Stevensville, MN
    Richard T. Bedell Simsbury, CT
    Jay K. Jeffries Pompano Beach, FL
    Ira Martin Alexandria, VA
    George Kush McLean, VA
    John Burdiss Falls Church, VA
    Donald Casement Baldwin, NY
    Gary Perruso Succasunna, NJ
    Andrew Huddle Mebane, NC
    Rom Chinn Eglin, FL
    Robert Putnam Greenbelt, MD
    Ronnie A. Sommers Miami Shores, FL
    Siegfried Feuersanger Bradenton, FL
    John Galloup Naples, FL
    Robert J. Beatty E. Bridgewater, MA
    Kirk Steinhoff Enterprise, AL
    Jefferson Tatol Miami, FL
    J. Werner Reed New Carlisle, OH


Yes, there is a reward if you find any of these Members and they come back on board. This will be treated just the same as if you brought on a new Member, and you will get that credit (and prizes) in the New Membership Contest.

Attention - CHICAGO!

We want to bring back our old SHARKHUNTERS tradition of informal "Coffee Meetings" in our big cities & since Chicago is my old hometown, let's check into that first. We'd like our Members in and around the 'Windy C'ity' to locate a nice restaurant that we could designate as our meeting place then let us know about it - the name, where located, type of menu, phone number - everything we need to know about it so we may contact the manager.

These `Coffee Meetings' are informal - there is no charge to be there and no reservations needed. We'll just announce the name and address of the restaurant, the time and date - then it is up to you if you want to join us or not. If you do, then order off the menu yourself - as little or as much as you want, and you pay your own check.

Have a big meal or nurse a glass of soda all night, it's your choice because it's your own check. You Chicago Members - please do some legwork and let us know Our e-mail address is sharkhunters( or you can send a fax to 352 637-6289, or just mail a note. Thanks in advance, and let's get together in Chicago later this year.

Attention - NEW YORK!

We would like to have a Coffee Meeting in the Big Apple. You New York Members - please do some legwork and let us know what restaurants we can consider for our Coffee Meeting there. Look at page 38 of this issue for full details.

Let's meet in the Big Apple later this year.

Attention - WEST Coast

As with Chicago and New York, we would like to have a Coffee Meeting in Los Angeles and San Francisco. We would like our Members in and around those cities to recommend a restaurant in that area where we could possibly have a Coffee Meeting.

Thanks in advance, and we look forward to heading west.

Computer Fund

Thanks to these Members, our Computer Fund continues to grow.

    RADM JOSEPH PECK (4278-1995) $10
    WILLIAM SOLINGER (4636-1996) $10

Thanks to these Members and others who have helped, our Computer Fund is able to maintain our computers and upgrade them as necessary.

Patrols in 2001

Patrol in Paradise. By the time this is in your hands, this Patrol will be in the history books. We will hear the vivid first-hand account of the US Army Air Force attack by P-38 LIGHTNING fighters on the aircraft of Japanese Isorokyu Admiral Yamamoto, told by Major GEORGE CHANDLER (EH 579-1996). He is an American fighter ACE and he was on that mission.

Patrol in St. Petersburg. no more openings. Sorry.

Patrol in Southern Germany & Austria . our Austrian and German veteran friends are rolling out the red carpet to make this another memorable event. There will be more to do and see this year than last year. However, we have recently been informed that we may take only 30 people on this Patrol. We need room on the bus for probably another ten German and Austrian veterans who will travel with us.

There are already some signed on - don't wait, send your deposit now and reserve your place on this great Patrol. Patrol in North Germany. This is our most loved Patrol, and this year will be better than ever. We've changed hotels and are now using the very same hotel where the U-boat Skippers stayed when they were here in port, and we've added another day with more things to see & do and already our German veteran friends are working very hard to make sure this is the most memorable Patrol ever in Germany.

We can take only 40 people on this Patrol and already, there are 9 signed on This Patrol will fill fast, so don't be left out. Send in your reservation right away to secure your spot on this Patrol.

If you even think you might be going on one of our Patrols, it is best to send in your deposit and reservation. That will get your spot reserved on the Patrol. If you have to cancel out for any reason at least 60 days before our departure, you will receive a full refund. But if you wait and wait and if the Patrol is filled up before you send in your reservation - we must put you on a waiting list.

If you are hesitant and want to know if there are openings, just call here 352 637-2917 or send a FAX to 352 637-6289 or send us an e-mail. One way or another, don't be kicking yourself after our Patrols are finished and you stayed at home, wishing you could have shared the fun, history, adventure and new friends with us.

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© Copyright 2001 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,