Membership Recruiting Aces


by Harry Cooper

Here are the Members who, over the years, have recruited many of our new Members. Here are the overall total number of new Members recruited by each. Anyone and everyone can make it on to this list, and we encourage all to try. Each year you name will be here on this Honor Role for all to see. It really is a major honor to be on this list. This year we honor all our Recruiting ACES:

JOE BURGES (605-A/LIFE-1988) ……………………… 141
That is correct - JOE has brought 141 new Members on board. It is difficult to imagine that anyone is going to catch this American submarine veteran of World War II - but I imagine some Members would take that as a challenge. Good luck topping JOE’s score but remember, he is not going to be sitting still either.

LOU HOUSE (2243-A/LIFE-1992) ………………….…….. 74
Another American submarine veteran scores big.

LOU vander STREET (2246-A/LIFE-1992) ………….….. 37
These American submarine veterans are doing great!

MARC COHEN (166-A/LIFE-1986) ……………………... 31
US Navy SEABEE veteran

GUDMUNDUR HELGASSON (3566-1994) …………..…. 30

RADM EUGENE FLUCKEY (2169-1992) ……………… 26
With the CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL, four NAVY CROSSes and who knows how many other awards and medals, he is the most highly decorated American submariner EVER in history; and the most highly decorated American veteran of any service still living today.

GERHARD RICHTER (214-LIFE-1986) ………………... 22
GERRY served in the U-Bootwaffe and was Oberfunkgefreiter on U-81 when they sank the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS ARK ROYAL and damaged the battleship HMS MALAYA. He later was in command of his own one-man U-boat & reached the rank of Oberfunkmaat.

Oblt zS HANS-GEORG HESS (125-LIFE-1985) …………. 20
The youngest combat submarine commander of any navy during WW II; possibly of all time, HESS was part of the crew of U-466 and eventually was I.W.O. of that boat. In August of 1944, a time when German U-boats just did not come back from even their first patrol, he was given command of U-995. He commanded this boat on five war patrols, earned the KNIGHTS CROSS and after the war, became an attorney, is now a Doctor of Law in Germany.

JOHN RUCKS (338-1987) ………………………………… 17
PHILIP ATTENBOROUGH (440-1988) …………………. 16
EMILIE CALDWELL STEWART (2480-1992) ………….. 16
One of the world’s foremost experts on autographs of many Third Reich personalities.
JEFF KINGSTON (4340-1995) …………………………… 16
PETER STANFORD (1761-1991) ………………………… 14
JOHN CHATTERTON (1818-1991) ……………………... 13
LeROY KOETZ (2954-+-1993) …………………………… 13 He rode USS BATFISH in the war.
HANS GΦBELER (3-+-1983) …………………………….. 11
BUD DANA (245-A/LIFE-1987) ………………………….. 10
Probably THE world’s expert on the tunnels, bunkers and underground factories etc. built by the Germans.
V. E. BAUER-TAPIA (408-1987) …………………………. 8
C. H. HESLER (832-+-1988) ……………………………… 8
SKIP ASAY (898-1989) …………………………………….. 8
GEORGE LOGUE (1879-LIFE-1991) …………………….. 8
His brother Bobby still sleeps on patrol with USS WAHOO
RICK SAVEL (3423-1994) …………………………………. 8
Rare book dealer
BOB KOSKO (708-1988) …………………………………... 7
JOE PICKETT (1463-1990) ………………………………... 7
HANS SCHMIDT (1721-1990) …………………………….. 7
A Panzergrenadier in the war, now publisher of GANPAC.
GASPAR BONGIOVANI (1886-1991) ……………………. 7
MIKE EPSTEIN (5-LIFE-1983) …………………………… 6
Veteran of the 82nd Airborne and the 2nd Regiment Paratroopers of the French Foreign Legion.
JOHN TAYLOR (19-LIFE-1983) …………………………. 6
Our invaluable right-hand at the Archives
STEVE RULLMANN (2438-1992) ………………………... 6
EDDIE PHILLIPS (220-A/LIFE-1986) ……………………. 5
C. A. THOMPSON (519-1988) ……………………………. 5
JOHN FLEMING (641-+-1988) ……………………………. 5
Cdr. JAMES CHEATHAM (1231-1989) …………………. 5

These are our SHARKHUNTERS Recruiting ACES and we extend our deepest thanks to them all. What about YOU? Would you like to see your name on this list at the end of 2001? We’ll send you all the brochures you need and will help you in any way we can. Remember, you also win prizes for recruiting so you just can’t lose. Good luck, and good hunting.

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