Sharkhunter News

Variety of Information

By Harry Cooper and the Readers

Schepke Welcome With Sharkhunters

No, not the Skipper of U-100 but rather it is KYLE SCHEPKE (5900-1999) that we meant in this headline. And why the fuss over a new Member? Look at his Membership Number. We have now surpassed 5900 Members and are growing at a steady rate.

Thanks to DALE RITTER (2336-1992) for bringing KYLE on board, and let's reach Member Number 6000 by the end of this year. We can do it - and we will do it! Thanks to all who have helped with our Membership Contest.

Police Patches

By now, all Members know of Ryan, the little boy who is stricken with a rare and terrible disease that has disintegrated his hips and made it necessary for him to spend his entire youth in a body cast. He wants to be a police officer like so many in his family, including his grandfather, a retired Sheriff and member of my Coast Guard (Aux) Flotilla. Ryan collects police and fire department sleeve patches and everything else having to do with these groups, and so we asked our Members if they could send something to Ryan.

Thanks so much to:
RON LADD (3844-1994)
PETE TUCCI (2759-1993)
AL BUEHLER (5571-1998) and
VICTOR TURON (28-1984)

For sending some really great patches for Ryan thanks!

The Max Show: Sharkhunters Convention Report

It had been quite some time since we had our SHARKHUNTERS booth at this show, but we were there the first week-end in October in Pittsburgh. I must also confess that this was the first time we've been at the MAX since it has been in the Steel City, so it was a learning experience. The show itself was good; we had a great location; and we met a lot of nice people there. About 100 or more SHARKHUNTERS Members came by our booth during the show and it was great to see everyone.

We saw Members that we had already met; We met Members that we had never met before; We signed up some new Members - and We renewed some Members who'd let their Memberships expire.

Thanks to everyone who came by; and thanks to the Members (and their wives) who helped in our booth.

I can't list all the Members who were there because I know I'd miss one or two names -- that would be unfortunate and just too embarrassing for those who were missed and for me. Thanks to all!

New Computer

With our catalog that you recently received and even more with this issue of our KTB Magazine, our Members can see what a great improvement this new computer is to our graphics. The photos are so much better - and wait till I get really good with this computer! Many thanks to all those who've sent donations to our Computer Fund over the years. Here are the Members who helped recently:

KELLY LYDON (4566-1995) $25
EDWARD HSIAO (5779-1999) $58.50
DAVID BICKFORD (5495-1998) $ 3
EDWARD HSIAO (5779-1999) $49.47
RICHARD ALVINO (5217-1997) $25
KURT REBS (235-1997) $5
JOHN NORRIS (3212-1993) $ 10
ART AYDELOTTE (787-CLIFE-1988) $25
TILLMAN HESS (5817-1999) DM 100
PAUL GATZKE (1222-1989) $20
TILLMANN HESS (5817-1999) DM 50
SUSAN BURLEIGH (5885-1999) $100
GUY GOODBOE (5549-1998) $30

Thanks to these great Members and those before them who donated money to our Computer Fund, we now owe only $813 on this really great computer. Thanks again - and to all our Members, if you have a few spare bucks lying around, you might want to consider sending them here for our Computer Fund. When we get into our new building (news release coming in some months) there will be a listing of all those who have so kindly send donations.

1999 Membership Contest

We are moving ahead with the 1999 Membership'Contest as you see that some of the contenders below have moved higher.

MARC COHEN (166-A/LIFE-1986)
JOE BURGES (605-A/LIFE-1988)
JOHN ZARO (5480-1998)

All three of these Members need only one more new Member to win another year of Membership - FREE! And JOE BURGES brings his all-time total up to 86 new Members.

JEFF KINGSTON (4340-1995.) ......3

BUD DANA (245-A/ILIFE-1987) .....2
TIM KUTTA (4839-1996)

JACK GOODIER (127-1990) .........1
BOB PANAZZE (457-1988)
RENEE vonWORDE (887-198-9)
WILLIS CARTO (1059-1989)
Captain NED BEACH (I 163-LIFE-1 988)
THAD DANNER (2067-LIFE-1991)
DALE RITTER (2336-1992)
RICHARD WRIGHT (2697-1993)
BOB DUNN (3469-1!f94)
DALE SIMPSON (4036-1994)
ED HENDERSON f4920-4996)
JIM KRAMER (5319-1997)
TODD RISTAU (5497-1998)
HERBERT MATSEN (5683-1998)
MARK SPARBO (5758-1999)
JAMES WILLARD (5789-1999)
TOM SCHUNDER (5794-1999)
DEAN TANGERMAN (5832-1999)
DEAN BARDONI (5862-1999)

This is one of the best Membership Contests ever! We have three Members on the verge of recruiting just one more Member and thereby winning another year of Membership - FREE! Only a couple months left in 1999, so we know that these three, as well as all the others, will put on a push for the finish line and more years of FREE Membership. Best of luck to all.

For every 5 new Members you bring on board, you win one more year of Membership - FREE. There is no limit to the number of new Members you can recruit - and no limit to the number of years of' FREE Membership you can win. Good luck!

DON'T FORGET THE GRAND PRIZE! The Member who recruits the most new Members (minimum of 30) will win a $600 shopping spree in our catalog or a LIFE Membership at the Seaman level - whichever they choose.

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© Copyright 1999 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,