
FdU, Feindfahrt, Flak,
Fliebo, Fido, Flotilla,
Fly, Frontboot, FuMB

by Harry Cooper

We hope to help Members better understand some of the terms and words (English and German) used in WWII and in our KTB.

FdU Fuhrer der Unterseeboote or ComSub.

Feindfahrt War patrol. Feind is enemy, fahrt is a journey

Flak AA Gun- from Flieger-Abwehr-Kanone which translates to aircraft defense gun.

Fliebo Fliegerbombe or aerial bomb.

Fido US Navy anti-submarine passive homing torpedo, known as the Mark 24 Mine. Of 346 dropped from the time of their introduction in 1943, sixty- eight submarines were claimed sunk and another thirty-three damaged. It was normally used against submarines that had just dived or were snorkeling. It got its name Fido when someone in the Navy said it was just like an old dog -- it would snuggle right up to the U-Boat.

Flotilla A small fleet of small vessels.

Fly German radar warning device of vastly improved design, capable of detecting radar waves in the lowest centimetric range, and in addition it could indicate the direction of the transmitting source.

Frontboot A U-Boat that has arrived in its operational area.

FuMB FunkMessBeobachtung - radar detector

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