Spook Stuff

Puerto Monte and Puerto Coig

You probably wondered what was the significance of the map of Argentina and Chile on the front cover. Read on and you’ll understand.

ITEM “A” on the map shows the area where the so-called spy ship KFK-203 ‘MARY’ put in after the war with her crew of ‘specialists’ or whatever they were - all dressed in civilian clothing. We read about ‘PUERTO MONTE’ in KTB #122 last month, with a sketch of ‘MARY’ done by our S.E.I.G. Agent Be 538. We are still trying to learn the fate of KFK-204 ‘BARBARA’ which was a similar ship with, we think, similar passengers.

There was (is ?) a large concentration of Germans in and around the area of Puerto Monte, and much spook activity before and during the war.

ITEM “B” on the map shows the spot that DON ANGEL ALCAZAR de VELASCO (158-+-1985) tells us the U-Boat put him and Martin Bormann ashore. The town is Puerto Coig and it is on the Bahia Grande.

What has all this to do with the rest of the chart? Keep reading; there is some spectacular news later in this issue.....

For this newest report to make sense to the reader, you must remember a few issues back. In that issue, DON ANGEL ALCAZAR de VELASCO (158-+-1985) stated that the U-Boat that brought him and Martin Bormann to Argentina was taken by the crew, after ANGEL and Bormann were put ashore, to a place up the coast about halfway between Buenos Aires and Puerto Coig.

Look at the chart on the front cover of this issue of our KTB Magazine. You can see Buenos Aires at the top right, and ITEM “B” has already been shown as Puerto Coig, the spot where DON ANGEL and Martin Bormann were put ashore from the U-Boat that brought them out of Spain. About halfway between these two places, we have marked with ITEM “C”.

On 21 November (Thanksgiving Day in the United States) we received an excited phone call from S.E.I.G. Agent Vm 7068. He reported that an old fisherman had just found a scuttled German U-Boat in a remote place called Parrot Bay in the Golfo San Matias and if you look at the chart, you will note that this is just about halfway between Puerto Coig and Buenos Aires.

Three witnesses confirmed this sighting!

S.E.I.G. Agent Vm 6068 tells of a file entitled ‘Blockade running between Europe and the Far East by Submarines 1942-1944’ written by the SIGNAL INTELLIGENCE SERVICE using the German communications that the United States and Great Britain deciphered from ULTRA at that time. The document is dated 1 December 1944, contains 6 pages of explanations and 23 more with tables and lists of specified departures of submarines from Europe, and the load they carried as well as their fate -- sunk, surrender or arrived. We will publish this list in its entirety in a later issue.

Excerpts from the report sent by S.E.I.G. Agent Vm 6068 which came from an Argentinean newspaper:

    Three witnesses confirmed today the authenticity of a photograph of part of a German submarine supposedly sunken by the Nazis in front of the coasts of Patagonia Argentina, in the south of the country.

    The photography of the submarine have revived old guesses on the arrival of Nazi leaders to Argentina.

    The newspaper informs that the helmet (top of the conning tower) of the submarine could be seen when very low tide in the Golfo San Matias are produced.

    ‘I give faith (I swear) that I saw it.’ affirmed Vidal Pereyra, a 63 year old former worker of a German company residing in Patagonia. Pereyra said ‘It is aground some 200 meters off the beach. I saw it by the middle of 1980 when blew a strong wind of the north and there was a great low tide. The helmet (top of the tower) was very rusty and had snails (barnacles) on it.’

    The pilot Mario Chironi assured also to see the submarine from the air.

    Antonio Rivera, a merchant of 67 years, remembered that in 1945 was a murmur between the people who lived there about the landing of military Germans in the area. ‘The maneuver consisted of disembarking in the caleta and later sink the submarine in open sea, but seem that they grabbed the low tide and the submarine stayed hit in the sand for always.’ he commented.

    On June 13, 1945 - one month later of concluding the Second World War, the United States informed that there was between four to six German submarines in the South Atlantic whose destination was ‘strange’.

    Some 150 leaders Nazi, among them Martin Bormann, Josef Schwammberger, Josef Mengele and Adolfo Eichmann found refuge in Argentine after 2nd World War according to a study of the Argentine expert Jorge Camarassa.

We learned toward the end of November that the Argentine Navy had arrived in the area of the scuttled U-Boat in the Golfo San Matias. We also learned that the Navy had put a ‘secrecy curtain’ around the area and the operation.

I called the Argentine Naval Attaché in Washington DC to ask for any new developments - and was told that there was a search of the area but no submarine was found. I told him that a certain Argentine Research Foundation was diving on the submarine at that very moment, but he knew nothing. He was a very nice man, most helpful and polite - but he ‘knew nothing’ of this submarine.

But Carlos Menem, the President of Argentina, was quoted as saying that “the Argentine Government will support the search of the German submarine. All official files are declared open.”

Reports coming in here tell that the U-Boat is a green, blue, black boat, sunk in very shallow waters, 200 meters off the beach in a swampy, marshy area in Parrot Bay in the Golfo San Matias.

Like I said - fasten your seat belts, this ride will shake history! Don’t forget - we told you this would happen when we first started the story by DON ANGEL over a year ago. It is happening!

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