Spook Stuff

Nazi Spies in Chile 1945
Bormann in Argentina

by A.J. Tarantino (1496-1990)

By now, most Members have figured that almost anything with the heading ‘SPOOK STUFF’ has a bearing on the story we are running by DON ANGEL ALCAZAR de VELASCO (158-+-1985).

Here we learn from our S.E.I.G. Agent Be 536 that KFK 203 (MARY) arrived in Puerto Montt, Chile on the 7th or 8th of May, 1945. This was a German military sailing ship with spies and/or agents on board. All aboard wore civilian clothing, no uniforms. Puerto Montt was then & still is today, a town with a predominant German population, and it is situated in the thousands of islands that border the southwestern coast of Chile near the Tierra del Fuego area - known to the Germans as ‘FEUERLAND’.

The crew, almost to a man, moved to Paraguay Chico, a little farming town with a German population, about 40 miles northeast of Puerto Montt.

According to reports recently received, it was in Paraguay Chico where Martin Bormann lived on a farm until 1972. We cannot divulge where this information comes from specifically, but we can tell you that it is from the son of a General who served in the armed forces of Chile under Pinochet.

Jumbo Map (very slow: 360K)

Here is the text of a newspaper article under the headline of ‘BORMANN DIED IN ARGENTINA’

The article reads:

“In southern Argentina, city of Bariloche, a passport was given to a local reporter. The passport was from Uruguay in the name of Ricardo Bauer, allegedly the passport belonged to Martin Bormann, Hitler’s deputy. A person of German ancestry, who does not want their identity revealed, handed the passport over on Monday with the request ‘that the death of Martin Bormann be reported, as it actually happened,’ according to the local daily newspaper MANANA del SUR out of Bariloche. The Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires will receive a laser copy of the Embassy in Uruguay issued passport with the number 9892 which was issued in Genoa, Italy. This will be forwarded to Israel for further examination.

The majority of history experts believe that Martin Bormann was killed on the night of 1 May 1945 while Soviet troops were shelling Hitler’s bunker which was located under the Berlin Reich Chancellery. In 1966, the Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal warned that Bormann was living under the name Ricardo Bauer on the border between Argentina and Chile. Bormann, it is claimed, was living on a farm in Chile in the farming community of Paraguay Chico. This information was provided the reporter from Bariloche by the informant. When ex-President Juan Domingo Peron returned back to Argentina from exile in 1973, Bormann sold his farm in Chile & moved to southern Argentina in the area of Bariloche to live. Two years later he died there due to a liver infection. In Bariloche, the daily newspaper CLARIN doubts that Bormann actually lived there. This winter sports area is so small that the whereabouts of Bormann would not have gone unnoticed. However, Erich Priebke was able to live in the Bariloche area since 1958 under his real name without being noticed. At this time there are war crimes charges pending against him from a court in Italy.”

This story just gets more interesting as it goes along, doesn’t it? the facts; as well as the deliberately planted mis-information; are unraveling like a huge ball of string.

Matter of fact, one of our S.E.I.G. agents recently told us that he knows where SS Ernst Kaltenbrünner is living today. He does not sleep too well with this knowledge as you may well guess. This particular S.E.I.G. agent was a crewman on a ‘BLACK’ boat that operated to the end of the war - and some time afterwards, making trips to the southern hemisphere.

Keep reading - this story gets better and better as it goes along.

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