Membership Pride

Letters to the Editor

by the readers

In KTB #118, we read a message by OBLT. zS HANS GEORG HESS (125-LIFE-1985). This message was in German, per the request of our good friend, DR. (Jur) HESS. Here, in English, is what he wrote:

“The KTB of our President and my friend Harry Cooper has a high standard - from the very beginning - now with more than 100 issues - the quality surfaces in historic views, fairness and chivalry. Who remembers now in Germany the dead, former U-Bootfahrer or other brave soldiers? Harry does it for example in the recent death of Jürgen Wattenberg and before, Ali Cremer. Harry’s remembrances in ‘The President’s Corner’ are always grand and go straight to the heart - recently on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the end of WW II. Today with the stupid destruction, defamation of history solely by the Germans (or we say better, via the German politician and history writers).

Harry, we call to you, what the Prussian King Frederick the Great said in Latin: SEMPER TALIS - Always Forward! And many thanks.”

New Member PETER DENNISTON (4585-1996) writes: “Thank you again for offering such a specialist magazine for those of us interested in the U-Boat war.”

PAUL-HENRIK ROSCHIER (3443-1994) was moving house, and in his notice, he wrote:
“I am writing to you because my address has changed, so from now on you may send the magnificent SHARKHUNTERS KTB to that address.”

GREGG SCOTT (2012-A-1991) was a Member first, before being our SHARKHUNTERS Attorney. He writes:
“I have always been proud to be associated with SHARKHUNTERS. Our organization has done a hell of a lot for setting the historical record straight and paying tribute to the outstanding achievements made by the veterans of all countries.”

New Member CAPTAIN HANS-FERDINAND MASSMANN was Skipper of U-137 and U-409, and he writes:
“Many thanks for the Membership of the SHARKHUNTERS community. No doubt that I appreciate very much to be part of this fine companionship which pays such a unique tribute to the gallant & brave encounters of submariners of both sides so unpretentiously.

Special thanks for the KTB Magazine which - to tell from KTB #116 I just received, makes it a principle to be fair, impartial and objective. And even more - does not refrain to touch taboos. Bravo!”

JAMES KENNEDY (1906-1991) rode the boats in World War II (USS BLOWER) and he was with us for our SHARKHUNTERS History Trip to Red China in 1992. JIM was a lot of fun, and here he writes:
“Let me say how proud I am to belong to an organization that has in Membership two ex-Presidents, RADM Eugene Fluckey, RADM Otto Kretschmer, Fleet Admiral Vladimir Chernavin, ADM Frank Kelso, CAPT Edward Beach and all the others too numerous to list.

    I can still smell the diesel exhaust!
    I can still hear the diving klaxon.
    I can still see the green board
    and hear the call:
    ‘Green board, pressure in the boat!’

‘If you rode a U-Boat, an I-Boat, a Fleet Boat - whatever; we are bonded forever. God bless ‘em all, the living and those on Eternal Patrol - and thanks to SHARKHUNTERS for bringing it all together.”

ED McDONNEL (1763-1991) writes: “I read with great interest the article by DON ANGEL ALCAZAR.

KARL-FRIEDRICH NIEKE (556-1988) was with us in 1988 during our Convention in Germany, and he was always a strong, supportive Member and a few months ago, he wrote:
“I am just making ready for a visit of the U.S. to participate in both the reunions of USS ELLYSON and USS RODMAN. These two, out of eight destroyers chasing us during the ‘Operation MONSTROUS’ were the ships which took us out of the waters of the Mediterranean on May 17th, 1944.

I enjoy our KTB Magazine always as it is trying to preserve the truth of the submarine warfare and the honest history of the submarine forces of all countries.”

It is with bitter-sweet emotions that I re-read this letter; KARL-FRIEDRICH NIEKE recently began his ‘ETERNAL PATROL’. We wish him fair winds always, and smooth seas.

RICHARD TOMZAK (3522-1994) was a torpedoman on the destroyer escort USS EDSALL (DE 129) on patrol duty in the Mediterranean during World War II and here he gives us a poem that was written on that ships during those patrols.

    The Torpedo Speaks

    Under the water, I speed along
    A messenger of death.
    Though not alive, I swim - I dive
    As long as I have breath.

    Silently, onward I go,
    My master’s slave am I.
    Without lungs or heart, I do my part.
    I kill; I destroy - then I die.

I guess that tells the story, RICHARD. Thanks for sending this.--HC

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© Copyright 1996 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
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