
Variety of Sharkhunter Information

by Harry Cooper

4th of July

In keeping with past SHARKHUNTERS (and now our EAGLEHUNTERS) traditions - we will have a gathering here at HQ for any and all Members and their guests.

Since the 4th actually falls on a Thursday, we will have our gathering on Saturday the 6th of July. As always, beer and soft drinks will be provided as will snacks.

Come on down, meet other SHARKHUNTERS and EAGLEHUNTERS. We begin at noon on Saturday; close up at 1800 hours. Bring your spouse; bring a friend.

Please let us know in advance that you are coming so we can lay in enough supplies. If you do not know the way here, please call or drop us a note and we will send you a map right to the door.


That means HARRY goofed. When doing the profile on U-124, the EDELWEISBOOT, two ships sunk by that boat were omitted from the story. These ships should have been listed:

12.05.42 MOUNT PARNES Grk stmr 4,371 GRT
12.05.42 CRISTALES Brit stmr 5,389 GRT

Both ships were part of Convoy ONS.92.

My apologies for this oversight, and thanks to CAPTAIN PETER CHELEMEDOS (3619-1994) for pointing it out.

The article has been corrected in

Were U-Boats off the Florida Coast?

In World War II they certainly were, and they took a heavy toll of shipping along the coasts of the Sunshine State and elsewhere in the Gulf of Mexico. But what about World War I?

DOC BROWN (265-A-1987) is the editor of the newsletter of the Florida Aviation Historical Society and he was asked this question and he naturally asked us to pose the question here on the pages of our KTB Magazine.

Who can tell us - did any German U-Boats operate off any of the coasts of Florida or in the Gulf of Mexico?

Membership Contest

So far, not too many Members are trying to win one or more free years of Membership by recruiting new Members. So far;

But GUDMUNDUR HELGASSON (3566-1994) has already recruited 7 new Members
He has already won two more years of FREE Membership with his 1995 Membership Contest and he will receive at least another year of FREE Membership from the 1996 contest.

JACK GOODIER (127-1990) 3 new Members
Only two more and JACK wins another year of Membership.

JOE BURGES (605-A/LIFE-1988) signed up 2 new Members.

Still in the race with one new Member each are:
WALTER KRAUS (3426-1994)

Remember - EVERYONE CAN WIN! For every five new Members you recruit, you will receive one more year of SHARKHUNTERS Membership - FREE! there is no limit to the number of years of FREE Membership you may win.

The GRAND PRIZE - Keep reading this issue of our KTB for an exciting announcement of a super GRAND PRIZE to the Member who recruits the most new Members this year.


We have been telling you over the past few months that we would announce a SUPER GRAND PRIZE for the winner of the 1996 Membership CONTEST and here it is.

The Member who signs up the most new Members in 1996 (minimum of 30) will receive a BAHAMAS CRUISE as their GRAND PRIZE!

Picture yourself on a golden beach in the Paradise of these beautiful islands, or lounging on the deck - just because YOU recruited the most new Members in 1996. Go for it - there are still many months left in the contest. Good luck!

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© Copyright 1996 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,