Spook Stuff

Borrego, and U-854

by Carl Hottelet

Here is the balance or the letter about spies and agents from CARL HOTTELET (1877-199 t) continued from KTB 116

"Thanks to sonic remarkable books by Sr. Salvador Borrego. the greatest historian writing in Spanish (and one of the greatest in any language). Sr. Borrego has written quite a few books, Including the best history I know about US - Mexican (including Central American) relations. The ones germane to our present question are 'DERROTA MUNDIAL' (World Defeat) and 'INFILTRACION MUNDIAL' (Worldwide Infiltration) in the 1980s. and 'PSICOLOGIA, GUERRA Y LA NUEVE ERA 2000' (Psycho1ogical War and the New Era 2000) from 1993.

The latter two books especially, in a profundity and detail I have not seen elsewhere, the historical background and motivations of the treachery around Hitler, and identifies the traitors.

These were not limited to Communists and Socialists. There were Freemasons and Monarchists. They did not penetrate the top command echelons from the outside. Many of them had been inside for a long time, and were activated, so to speak, when the National Socialists were elected to govern.

There is no longer the least doubt of the guilt of Admiral Canaris. Heydrich for one, had been on to Canaris for sonic time, but was rebuffed when he tried to present his case. Keitel said: 'It is unthinkable that a German Admiral should betray his country.'

Canaris was aware of the danger from Heydrich, and had the British send parachutists to murder him in Prague.

The GESTAPO appears to have been loyal throughout. It was they who, in the end, arrested Canaris. By then it was far too late.

All of this and much, much more is dramatically and convincingly narrated by Sr Salvador Borrego. SHARKHUNTERS Members who read Spanish will find these books uniquely fascinating."

Many thanks CARL. We encourage our Members to write With their research and historical observat ions. We ESPECIALLY want veterans of the War from any service, from any country, to write in with their memories. Better yet - put them, on audiotape.

More Spook Staff

What happened to U-854? We know it struck a mine in the area of Swinembride on 4 February 1944. But another source thinks the date of loss for U-854 was either 19 July or even 25 September of 1944. We think 4 February is the correct date, but no matter when U-854 struck the mine and sank - she did.

The question is - where is U-854? Was she left in only 25 meters of water? Was she raised and scrapped by the Allies sometime between 1947 and 1953 as almost all other U-Boats in shallow water? Was she allowed to remain and possibly still lies on the bottom of the Baltic? Or was she raised by the Kriegsmarine and used in the 'BLACK" (secret) activities we are now learning about.

Who can give us more details on what became U-854 after she struck a mine and sank in 1944? Please let us know. Thanks much.

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