Sharkhunter News


by Harry Cooper


When J. S. BUDHIALI (4586-1996) came aboard, the country of INDONESIA became the 55th country in which there are Members of SHARKHUNTERS. Welcome aboard to new Member BUDHIALI and to INDONESIA!


Do YOU have a SHARKHUNTERS BUMPER STICKER on your car? Here is a deal you just can’t pass up. We will give you a BUMPER STICKER - FREE! That’s a good price, isn’t it?

Any time you place an order for any SHARKHUNTERS products; whenever you renew your Membership - just write on the order blank or the Membership renewal that you want a BUMPER STICKER; and we will enclose one absolutely FREE.

What is the deadline for this offer? There is no deadline. Ask for your BUMPER STICKER any time and we’ll include it.


We need to hear from any Member who lives near New Berlin, New York. Please contact this HQ. Thanks in advance.

300th Anniversary of the RUSSIAN NAVY in 1995 and 1996

In summer of ‘95, 40 SHARKHUNTERS & EAGLEHUNTERS Members went to Russia and Ukraine for the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Navy. We had a fantastic time and we visited places never before visited by Americans or others; and we met people that we would never have been able to meet otherwise.

Now in summer of 1996, we’ll go again for the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Navy. How can that be?

In 1695, Peter the Great decided that he wanted a Navy, and he ordered the building of ships and the founding of his Navy. So the 1995 celebration was to remember the 300th anniversary of the FOUNDING of the Russian Navy.

The first ships were launched in 1696, so 1996 is the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the LAUNCHING of the Russian Navy.

The 1995 celebration was superb! It was awesome! It was fantastic! Just ask any of the 40 Members and wives who were there.

But the 1996 celebration will be MORE superb! It will be MORE awesome! It will be MORE fantastic! This will be the BIGGEST celebration of any kind in Russia in 300 years!

ALL Members of SHARKHUNTERS and EAGLEHUNTERS are most welcome. Bring your wife; bring your husband; bring friends but don’t miss this MOMENT IN HISTORY. You may rest assured this will be one of the defining moments in history during the 20th Century - don’t miss it.

KEY LARGO in 1987

The First Annual Convention of SHARKHUNTERS took place in February of 1987 in Key Largo, Florida. About 50 Members were with us, including three U-Boat commanders (one winner of the KNIGHTS CROSS) and eight U-Boat crewmen. We had a super time, & thanks to the suggestion of OBLT HANS-GEORG HESS (125-LIFE-1985) during our “Farewell Breakfast” we began to cross the ocean to Germany for many more history trips.

Soon we’ll be at the 10th Anniversary of this historic First Convention - so we are planning a great gathering. We’ll return to KEY LARGO in 1997!

We anticipate many more to attend, there will be more to do, more to see - and it will be another moment in history for our Members of SHARKHUNTERS and EAGLEHUNTERS. Besides, it will be a great reason to escape the ice and snow of most of the USA; all of Canada; all of Germany, Austria and Russia etc.

Circle the dates on your calendar - well, you really can’t circle any dates yet as they are not firm, but plan for February of 1997 and it is a good bet that we will plan for the first week in February.

Keep watching your KTB Magazine for the precise dates.

Dud Torpedo

In KTB #113 under ‘Little Known Submarine Facts’ we stated that USS PENNSYLVANIA was the only American battleship with no damage at Pearl Harbor.

That apparently is not correct, as JIM TAYLOR (4158-1995) tells us: “USS PENNSYLVANIA (BB 38) was the flagship the morning in Pearl Harbor, though she never would be again. She escaped the first wave of the attack unscathed, but was not so lucky in the second wave. There were 80 VAL Aichi dive bombers and 54 KATE Nakajima B5N2 torpedo bombers along with an escort of 36 ZERO fighters. According to Walter Lord’s ‘DAY OF INFAMY’ at 0906, a 500 pound bomb hit the starboard casements and exploded. Machinist Mate 2/C Lawrence McNabb remembers that a torpedo tube weighing about 1,000 pounds was thrown onto the ship’s forecastle from USS DOWNES when the drydock they shared was attacked.

Sorry about the error and JIM, thanks for pointing it out.


Since we are on the subject of EAGLEHUNTERS, let me give you a little update - and a super offer. EAGLEHUNTERS has come a long way in only two years. There are about 500 Members in 17 countries, and there appears to be no end in sight to this growth.

Now for the offer - You will notice there is an informational leaflet in this envelope, telling about EAGLEHUNTERS, and it is an application to join. I know many of our SHARKHUNTERS Members may also like to be a part of EAGLEHUNTERS, so:

If you are not an EAGLEHUNTERS Member, fill out the slip enclosed and send it in with your check or charge for $40, but write ‘TWO YEARS’ on the slip. You will get two years of Membership for the price of one.

If you are already an EAGLEHUNTERS Member, fill out the slip enclosed and send it in with your check or charge for $40, but write ’TWO YEAR EXTENSION’ on the slip and we will extend your present Membership an additional two years.

1995 Membership Contest

Is history now. Please look at KTB #116 (page 23) for the numbers - they are the final numbers for the 1995 Membership Contest with these few exceptions.
GUDMUNDUR HELGASSON (3566-1994) had 11 new Members in 1995. He wins two additional years of Membership.
WAYNE JENEVEIN (2416-A-1992) added one.
RADM EUGENE FLUCKEY (2169-C-1992) and CDR JIM CHEATHAM (1231-1989) each won an additional year of Membership for their recruiting in 1995. To those who won free years of Membership, we say congratulations & ‘BRAVO ZULU’ and to all who participated; many thanks!

1996 Membership Contest

Yep, it’s that time again and remember - EVERYONE CAN WIN. Just recruit FIVE new Members, and you win one additional year of Membership - FREE. You’ll win one additional FREE year of Membership for every 5 new Members you recruit. There’s no limit to the number of years of FREE Membership you can win.


The Member who recruits the MOST new Members in 1996 (minimum of 30) wins ANYTHING they want from our newest SHARKHUNTERS/EAGLEHUNTERS catalog- ANYTHING!

Who has already raced out of the chute for this year?
JACK GOODIER (127-1990)....................................................3
GUDMUNDUR HELGASSON (3566-1994)..............................2
JOE BURGES (605-A/LIFE-1988)..........................................1


We hope you are enjoying the SILENT SERVICE section now that we are getting into the war boats; the boats that live on in history through their contribution to the war effort. These are the boats that MADE the history of World War II in the Pacific - these are YOUR boats. Please don’t forget them. Keep the memory of your boat alive forever.

Please send us your memories of your time in the boats. We would prefer you put these memories onto audiotape - we will transcribe them here for inclusion in our KTB Magazine. If you do not want to talk to an audio tape recorder, please type your memories or hand scribble them on toilet paper - just get them down in some fashion so they are not lost forever when you depart on your ETERNAL PATROL. If your boat was worth serving aboard, if you had pride in your boat and your shipmates - then the history of your boat is worth preserving for all time.

The same request is made of all U-BootFahrer; all Royal Navy sub veterans; all Italian Navy; all Japanese Navy submariners - please get your memories in record! In advance, many thanks.

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© Copyright 1996 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles articles are available at
Join Sharkhunters International, Inc.: PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289,