Bulletin Board

Pro-Nazi Mitterand,
First Female Sub Skipper,
W.D. Anderson, HMS Resurgam

by Harry Cooper

Statesman? or Something Else?

In early January this year, French President Francois Mitterand died & there was the usual State Funeral, attended by high-ranking dignitaries from around the world - Algore; Kohl; Majors and Arafat to name just a few. All came to pay their final tribute, their last respect to this man the media calls a great statesman. Some have even compared him to Charles deGaulle, one of France’s most historic and revered figures.

I must have missed something along the way, since the media forgot to mention what they blared in the headlines only a year ago; that Mitterand was a staunch pro-Nazi during the war years, and his strong anti-Semitic writings earned him medals and awards, some presented at the hand of Marshall Petain. Of course, it was our KTB Magazine that first reported Mitterand’s wartime leanings and that was some years ago.

No, I am neither condemning or praising Mitterand for anything; but I must wonder how yesterday’s pro-Nazi anti-Semite is today’s hero and great statesman. I guess the world media kind of blows in the wind - or could they really have such bad memories?

First Female Submarine Skipper

We got this update from PETER HANSEN (251-LIFE-1987):

“The Royal Norwegian Navy has recently appointed LCDR Solveig Krey, 32 years old, as commander of the submarine KOBBEN, one of the 12 submarines Norway operates. The first female submarine commander, Krey served already as First Officer (Executive) on another submarine and is of fishing family stock from the Lofoten Island area, thus one would assume she will not get seasick. An old acquaintance of mine told me that she is a very matter of fact lady with a very good and dry sense of humor, smart and well-liked by the men who reportedly had so far, no discipline or such problems while serving in the Royal Norwegian Navy.”

Wreck Found?

A clipping sent by BUD DANA (245-A/LIFE-1987) says that a diver from Stuart Florida, thinks he has located the wreck of the 10,227 ton American tanker W. D. ANDERSON, sunk by U-504 at 27.09N x 79.56W on 23 February, 1942.

The diver says he plans to dive this wreck, but it is not quite certain. how he plans to go about that, since the ship is 500 feet deep. He plans 7-1/2 to 8 hours in the water, counting all his stops for decompression. That’s mighty deep - we’ll keep you posted.

Early Submarine Found

A clipping sent by WILHELM HöHN (789-C-1988) states that the wreck of the world’s first mechanically powered submarine has been located off the north Wales coast, 115 years after it sank. At the time it sank, it was on its way to be triumphantly unveiled as a new weapon in the then-lagging Royal Navy. HMS RESURGAM which was steam-powered and the interior lit by candles, was called one of the great follies of its day.

The submarine, built in the reign of Queen Victoria, had no torpedoes since they had not yet been invented. Instead, this boat was to stick mines and other explosive devices onto ship’s hulls.

The boat was found when 41 year old Keith Hurley dived to free his nets that were fouled on the wreck in only 60 feet of water. There are plans to raise and preserve the sub.

I.J.N. Gold and I-52

An article in a Japanese magazine sent by YOYA KAWAMURA (1739-LIFE-1991), says that the Paul Tidwell, the man who found found the I-52 and plans to raise it, is visiting Japan to solicit investment in his venture. He has still to collect between a million to one and a half million dollars more. He says he has received favorable responses from Japanese enterprises and he is optimistic. He has already spent about one million dollars for research. He served in Viet Nam as an armyman. To him it is more important to learn the story of the last moments of the brave crewmen of the I-52 than to get the gold believed to be on board.”

(HARRY’S NOTE - anyone REALLY believe that???)

From WW II to Bosnia

In a recent fax, CHARLES EVERETT (2187-1992) says: “Saw some CNN footage on the Bosnian crisis last week. Well, I was surprised to see a WW II German Vierlings FLAK (quad 20mm) being used by the warring party in a ground combat role. Wouldn’t it be nice to acquire that for SHARKHUNTERS and EAGLEHUNTERS?”

(HARRY’S NOTE - great idea, but I bet my neighbors would be nervous with it standing in front of the building)

Russian Sub off US Trident Base

It’s not much of a secret that one of the US Navy’s ‘BOOMER’ (nuclear missile) boat bases is on the west coast in the state of Washington. We recently learned (officially) that a Russian submarine is patrolling offshore in that area, presumably to listen in on US Navy submarine radio traffic. This observation comes shortly after a Russian AKULA II boat was detected off the Georgia coast where the US Navy’s ‘BOOMER’ base is located on the east coast.

Notice that we used the word ‘officially’ in the paragraph above. That is because, unofficially, most know that both superpowers still look over each other’s shoulder at every opportunity. As RONALD REAGAN (1858-LIFE-1991) once said: “Trust - but verify!”

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