The President's Corner


by Harry Cooper

As we are well into the celebrations over the end of World War II, there seems to be an increase in frauds in connection with artifacts, photographs etc that are connected with the war; and now against veterans themselves.

In this issue, we read more of one man in trouble with the law in connection with forged signatures on photographs etc; another of a German veteran accused of selling fake German artifacts at gun shows; and another story of a man accused of taking war medals from American veterans under the promise of mounting them for the veteran - but then stealing the genuine medals and replacing them with fakes.

It is the opinion of this writer that anyone who defrauds any veteran or a collector with false artifacts, forged signatures or switched medals - should go to jail! Forget the fine - send the bum to jail upon conviction.

That's my opinion - what's yours?

Long Again!

I know - we ran long again. Some of our regular features that are not in this issue include: Other Actions; Meeting New Members; Italian Submarine History; Meeting More Members

They will be back in KTB #115. Thanks for your patience and watch your mail soon for the 1996 SHARKHUNTERS/ EAGLEHUNTERS CATALOG. Should be the BEST ever!

Be An Angel

SHARKHUNTERS ANGELS are a very special group of Members. They have something they want to go to our SHARKHUNTERS Research Center to help preserve the history of the U-BoofWaffe, of the US Navy Silent Service, or any of the other submarine services - the War at Sea itself.....but not until they begin their ETERNAL PATROL.

A very special plaque with the names of our Sharkhunters Angels will be placed in our Research Center and their names will also appear here in each issue of our KTB Magazine.

If you have something you wish to give to our Sharkhunters Research Center after your death, please place a statement to that effect in your will. It will come here in your name for all researchers of this period of history to use in honest study.

Members may leave anything they think will help, whether it would be an artifact of the War at Sea; perhaps some books to help our library grow; or anything at all that will help - even cash is welcome.

Sustaining Members

SUSTAINING MEMBERS are those who, through their monthly or annual pledges, help with the routine bills, such as the SHARKHUNTERS telephone bill, which usually runs in the area of $300 each month. They help SHARKHUNTERS grow and continue to tell the honest story of the U-BootWaffe and all the submarine navies of World War II. We hope YOU help.

We need YOU to join this special group. Your name in each issue will remain in the archives of many countries, because our KTB Magazine is kept in PERMANENT archival files in them; including the NATIONAL ARCHIVES of the UNITED STATES, the GERMAN U-BOOT MEMORIAL, BRAZILIAN NAVY ARCHIVES, the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, the ITALIAN SUBMARINE ARCHIVES, the RUSSIAN NAVY ARCHIVES and many more.


It is easy to join this special group - just pledge any amount you will send each month or each year, and you are immediately added to this list of outstanding Members who help us grow. Will YOU help? Thanks!

Just for comparison, when this SUSTAINING FUND was created by C. D. HESLER (832-A/LIFE-1988) in 1988, there were only 800 Members in SHARKHUNTERS.....and we thought that was a lot.

Today, just six years later, there are MORE THAN 4,200 Members! So you can see how the expenses have expanded more than FIVE FOLD. I hope we can count on YOU for this critical assistance. In advance, many thanks.

    CHUCK HESLER (832-A/LIFE-1988)
    A.J. TARANTINO (1496-1990)
    ANTHONY GALAZ (959-1989)
    BILL LUND (610-1988)
    R. M. CLARE (1571-1990)
    OLAF 'BUD' VEATH (1711-1990)
    ART AYDELOTTE (787-1988)
    NORMAN E. HARMS (2215-A-1992)
    COREY COLT (1047-1989)
    ART JACOBSON (2154-1992)
    MILTON SANDERS (3792-1994)
    PHIL KAPLAN (3470-1994)
    BILL CUSTER (1764-A/LIFE-1991)

Sharkhunters in 51 Countries!

When DAN MOLLOY joined, Northern Ireland became the 51st country in which there are SHARKHUNTERS Members. He lives only a few miles from the little town where my own Grandfather was born and raised. WELCOME ABOARD NORTHERN IRELAND!

Membership Contest

There are a few newcomers, but not too much movement in the ranks. This is a race that is developing slowly. Let's hope one (or more) of our contestants will put on a big push and sign up enough new Members to qualify for the GRAND PRIZE.

CDR JIM CHEATHAM (1231-1989)....................................... 5

RADM EUGENE FLUCKEY (2169-C-1992)........................... 4

DAVID HINKLE (2593-1992)................................................... 3
ALAN HEIDE (3995-1994)

JAY FIONDELLA (1072-1989)................................................ 2
CDR LOU HOUSE (2243-A/LIFE-1992)

OBLT HERBERT WERNER (18-1983)................................... 1
Prof. ZEL EATON (55-LIFE-1984)
MARC COHEN (166-A/LIFE-1986)
JOHN RUCKS (338-1987)
V.E. BAUER-TAPIA (408-1987)
TOM MARKER (472-1991)
NEIL SELMER (858-1988)
LtCol ROBERT GEORGE (877-1988)
KEN HENRY (1468-1990)
HANS SCHMIDT (1721-1990)
MIKE MAFFIA (1803-1991)
STEVE AMES (2331-1992)
MYLES YANCEY (2774-1993)
RICK SAVEL (3423-1994)
HAROLD FLAGG (3665-1994)
JON SOBEL (3993-1994)
DALE SIMPSON (4036-1994)
RICHARD MAGAR (4068-1994)
TODD WEBER (4113-1995)

Computer Fund

Our COMPUTER FUND began when DR. WARREN BROWN (265-A-1987) convinced us that SHARKHUNTERS needed to use computers to bring our group out of the paper & pen age into the computer age - and DOC made the first donation to this fund.

We got our first computer. It was an old (by today's standards) IBM PCXT and it helped make things go a little faster and smoother here at HQ. In fact, our Secretary, Martha, still uses that PC as her word processor. But we grew bigger and needed more.

We got a new IBM 486 computer, state of the art - and then we needed another, so we got a second IBM 486. When those two units were paid for, we retired this fund with sincere thanks to all our Members who helped pay for them through their donations.

Recently, we had to purchase another, a third, IBM 486 and fortunately, since BILL CUSTER (1764-A/LIFE-1991) owns a large computer store we got a super price on the computer, all the programs, the printer etc. But we did indeed go into debt again for this new unit and we have resurrected our COMPUTER FUND in the hopes our Members will be able to help us defray this debt through generous donations. Thanks in advance.

Here are some of the great Members who have helped with our COMPUTER FUND through their gifts:

From our SHARKHUNTERS Members:

ART JACOBSON (2154-1992) ..................................... $ 5.00
WERNER KRüGER (325-1987) .................................. 5.00 WERNER is a veteran and a survivor of U-960
PHIL KAPLAN (3470-1994) .......................................... 10.00 PHIL is a writer with several excellent research books
MAJOR DICK SMITH (1213-LIFE-1989) ................... 50.00 DICK is an airline Captain and reserve US Army pilot
ART JACOBSON (2154-1992) ....................................... 5.00
JIM VIZIGIAN (29-1984) .............................................. 25.00 JIM was the US Navy Signalman who first spotted the U-Boats coming into US harbors at the end of the War. It was also JIM who confirmed that U-234 was carrying Uranium Oxide on board.
ART JACOBSON (2154-1992) ....................................... 5.00
KADM ERICH TOPP (118-LIFE-1985)... 100 D-MARKS ERICH TOPP was Skipper of U-57, U-552 and U-2513. He was one of only 5 U-Bootfahrer to win the KNIGHTS CROSS with OAK LEAF CLUSTER & CROSSED SWORDS.
DR. ERWIN SCHATZ (1629-1990) .......... 100 D-MARKS DR. SCHATZ was a U-Boat officer

From our EAGLEHUNTERS Members:

GARY IHLEFELD (293-1995) .................................... 25.00
RICHARD GLENN (276-1995) ................................... 25.00

Thanks to these Members and others before them, our debt has dropped from the original amount of $2,793.53 to just $2,203.00. Thanks to ALL our Members who have helped with this critical fund over the years - and we hope that you will help too.

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© Copyright 1999 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at
Sharkhunters International, Inc., PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289, e-m: