

by Harry Cooper

We received a letter from FKPT. GÜNTHER HARTMANN (2230-1992) and regarding KTB #109, he writes:

"It was as every time, very interesting especially page 10 and 22 (PETER'S PAGE) because the reports about U-33. The Commanding Officer of this sub., Kapitänleutnant Hans-Wilhelm von Dresky, has been my uncle, the brother of my mother. And I know the date in February 1940 when GrossAdmiral Dönitz told to my father (Werner Hartmann), that U-33 is lost and his brother-in-law died. My father was in that time, the ComOff of the Flotilla of U-33 and must inform his parents-in-law over the loss of their eldest son.

At the 23.04.43 we lost the youngest brother of my mother, also on a submarine. He was II W. O. at U-189, Gustav-Adolf v. Dresky. The boat was sunk by RAF Sqdr. 120 at position 59-50N, 34-43W; east of Cape Farewell."

Many thanks GÜNTHER. We look forward to seeing you and Lottie at our Treffen in September.

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