The President's Corner


by Harry Cooper

Did you notice anything different or unusual about the front page this month? Of course, we hope that you think it is a good photo of our featured boat this month, U-124 but aside from that - what else did you notice that was new?

First, our front cover photo shows U-124, the 'EDELWEISS-BOOT' on her return into Lorient in 1941 with Jochen Mohr as Skipper. As we see from the wind whipping the flags; the men bundled up and the trees ashore in the background are barren - this was in the Fall. Our story of U-124 continued in this issue. But what of the front page? What is so different that we should notice?

Look at our SHARKHUNTERS emblem in the upper right-hand corner of the front page. I guess we should call it our SHARKHUNTERS TRADEMARK emblem!! Yes, our emblem is now registered with the United States Government and other countries internationally. Many, many thanks to our SHARKHUNTERS attorney, GREG SCOTT (2012-A-1991) for the long hours and his own money spent to make this major goal a reality for our SHARKHUNTERS.

GREG got this done because he is a strong, supportive Member of our SHARKHUNTERS - and because he says he still has fond memories as a young man, watching Grand National racing and he remembers an elderly gentleman named HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) who drove CAR #17 for many of those years on the tracks where GREG watched. Wait a minute - I wasn't elderly back then. GREG - from all our SHARKHUNTERS Members in 49 countries - MANY THANKS!


When HERMAN van der HEIDE joined SHARKHUNTERS, the VIRGIN ISLANDS became the 49th country in which there are SHARKHUNTERS Members.

Welcome aboard HERMAN - and welcome aboard the V.I.

Also, right around the time HERMAN came aboard, our SHARKHUNTERS Membership roster rose ABOVE 4,300!


If you take a good look at our SHARKHUNTERS Emblem on the front cover of this KTB Magazine, you will see that it is now registered with the US Government as our SHARKHUNTERS Trade Mark! This is due totally to the hard work - not to mention spending more than a few of his own bucks - of GREG SCOTT (2012-A-1991), our SHARKHUNTERS attorney.

GREG had many tough hills to climb with this one, but hard work and great lawyering skills won out - MANY THANKS!


Members sometimes ask how they may receive their KTB Magazine by first class mail rather than by third class bulk mail.

After a Member has been on board at least one year, they may elect to upgrade their Membership to 'ADMIRAL' and by doing so, will receive their KTB Magazine by First Class Mail or in the case of Members in any country other than the USA; by AIR MAIL PRINTED MATTER which is very quick.

The only other option is to become a SUSTAINING MEMBER. Details on how you may participate in this program and help our SHARKHUNTERS as well are on the HONORS PAGE at the back of each issue of our KTB Magazine.

'Tabloid Headlines?'

A Member recently complained of what he calls Tabloid Headlines in our KTB in connection with something we wrote on a U-Boat that was fueled, provisioned and ready to escape to Tahiti from one of the Norwegian bases when the War ended much the same way that U-530 and U-977 departed some time after the end of the War, and went to Argentina. He had all sorts of reasons why, IN HIS OPINION, this could not have been factual.

I do realize that, for the sake of impact, some of our headlines are sometimes glaring but they are meant to make the reader look at the article and read it - but there are NO wild claims or stories like a B-24 LIBERATOR bomber being found on the moon. If we report something, but use words like "It has been reported" then that means we have not substantiated the report but we think there is merit and we are checking further. This type of story is rarely seen in our KTB Magazine anyway. Normally, we will report something and state that it is fact - and believe me, if we say something is fact, you can be absolutely sure that we have checked it thoroughly before making that kind of statement.

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© Copyright 1995 by Harry Cooper, Sharkhunters International, Inc.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at
Sharkhunters International, Inc., PO Box 1539, Hernando, FL 34442, ph: 352-637-2917, fax: 352-637-6289, e-m: